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Ethical Analysis Of Meal Assignment Help

(1) For this paper, ethically analyze the food you eat.

a. In the next week, write down all the food you eat in a single dinner (not breakfast or lunch). In the first paragraph of the paper, describe the meal and why you chose to eat these particular foods.

b. In the next two to three paragraphs, provide an ethical analysis of this meal. What ethical questions does your meal pose? Make a strong of case as you can that your meal is unethical. At the very least, pose at two or three potential ethical problems with the food you eat. Note, you do not have to agree with the arguments you make here. The point is to articulate the ethical issues.

c. In the last two to three paragraphs, respond to the critiques of your food choices. The strongest papers will respond directly to the arguments developed in section b and not merely provide counterarguments.

d. After analyzing b and c, what do you ultimately think about your food choices? Are your food choices ethical?

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Answer a

Foods Eaten in Single Dinner

The foods eaten in a single dinner are brown rice with a vegetable bowl, grilled salmon with quinoa and roasted vegetables and milk. 

Description of the Meal

The meal is the ideal plate with a quarter starches, a quarter protein, carbohydrates and vegetables. Brown rice balances the starches and carbohydrates, milk and grilled salmon fulfills the need of protein and vegetable bowl balances the need for vegetables.

Reason for Choosing these Particular Foods

These foods have been chosen because it balances the diet with vegetables, starchy food, protein food and carbohydrate food by eating brown rice with a vegetable bowl, grilled salmon with quinoa and roasted vegetables and milk. Vegetables are vital sources of several nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C and vitamin A. Starchy food is a good source of several nutrients and energy in the diet. Besides starch, they comprise of fiber, vitamin B, calcium and iron (Engelen, 2019). Protein food is a source of amino acid which is significant for the body. Carbohydrate food is the source of energy and helps in digestion and maintains the level of blood cholesterol. 

Answer b

Ethical Analysis of the Meal

Vegetables and rice are ethical options for eating habits, and fish and milk has moral consequences. So, it can be summarized that the meal balances both ethical and unethical choices of eating. 

Ethical Questions

What is the ethicality of eating vegetables and rice?

What ethical concerns are connected with the consumption of fish and milk?

Unethicality of the Meal

Fish and milk are not ethical options of eating since both have full effects with ethical consequences. Both the foods involved animals and the ethics of the food implies both the animals are either killed or beaten to get the final product of the human consumption. It is not an ethical means of eating. A human cannot eat any food on the basis of the suffering of the animals and causing unnecessary harm to them. It is unethical to slaughter the animals and consume them for leading a healthy life. 

Potential Ethical Issues 

The potential ethical issues are the damages to the environment, the unintentional impacts of food policies, cruel treatment of animals, exploitive labor practices, and food shortages for other people (Fanzo, 2015). One of the most significant problems of the present time is the ways for securing and providing ample, nutritious and healthy foods to all, in a safe and ecologically sustainable manner, while addressing numerous burdens of micronutrient deficiencies, obesity, overweight and undernutrition.  The food security instruction emphases mostly on making sure that the world is generating and consuming adequate calories for reducing safeguard survival and hunger in contrast to an objective which consists of nutrition for development as well as well-being. 

To progress the discussion, it is essential to reflect on the ethical questions which revolve around incorporating nutrition into the ethics of the foods. The social, environmental, health and economic expenses are considerable if the people do not change their course of actions when the question comes to feed the world. Crucial ethical problems to be considered are the ways of making social decisions and defining different values about food choices which influence food consequences, and the ethical compromises between ecological sustainability and confirming that individual nutritious and dietary requirements are met. These problems highlight the need for the articulation of the comprehensive ethical landscape of the nutrition consideration in food choices. Addressing these issues are connected with moral as well as ethical implications. 

Answer c

Response to the Critiques of the Food Choices

First of all, I have to remember that responding to the criticisms with negativity is never a good idea. Then I will stop to consider if they have a valid point. Every healthy lifestyle has to be balanced. But assuming my food choices are sound, I would stick to my choices with grace. I would keep my attitude light and assume the best from the discussion. If I can assume that everybody is reacting negatively, I may act sensitively. I will briefly acknowledge the negative remarks made my others, and change the subject as fast as possible.

Answer d

Ultimate Thought of the Food Choices 

Although my meal balances both ethical and unethical options of eating, the final thought of my food choices is that eating vegetables and rice are only ethical options of eating habits. Fish and milk are not ethical options of eating since both have broad effects with moral consequences (Ghvanidze, Velikova, Dodd&Oldewage-Theron, 2016). 

Ethicality of the Food Choices 

As I could see, being a strict vegetarian is the only option for eating habit. Eating fish and milk in this day causes desensitization sufferings of animals and human beings and most significantly damages the environment. If it is continued, the humans would put the world at stake. Ethical food choices have to be maintained for supporting a more human friendly, animal friendly and most importantly, environment friendly earth (Korthals, 2015). 

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