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Emerging Occupational Health Issues in Healthcare


The literature review must include the following:

1) Introduction: outline the aims and objectives of your review and explain why the selected emerging issue is significant in occupational health terms in the chosen workplace/ industry.


In the developing countries, there have been changes in the nature of work and the workforce that requires to focus on the occupational safety and health research. The focus is on the occupational health issues in the healthcare industry where there is a need to address the health hazards, increased surveillance basis for the research and intervention, and the other economic issues (Mialon et al., 2015). The modern and the innovative healthcare sector is driver for the economic growth that helps the people to get some healthy benefits productivity and competitiveness. The healthcare sector is important for the research and development where the production is of the innovative products and services. The healthcare sector requires to focus on the arrangement of established policies to promote, store and then maintain the health. The UN International Standard Industrial Classification requires to focus on the social work activities.

2) Review of the relevant literaturefor the chosen emerging occupational health issue. The review must compare, examine and critically discuss the chosen workplace/ industry, concepts and/or results that are presented in the literature. You need to consider such issues as: How the health hazard/risk manifests itself at the selected industry/workplace.

Literature review

Health Hazards    

As per the analysis, the healthcare workers are seen to be exposed towards the different risks like the biological risks, chemical, physical and the ergonomic risks. They need to take care of the infections which are caused due to the injuries and other communicable diseases. The chemical risks are about the cancer treatment and from disinfectants. There are certain risks like the long-standing issues which are mainly due to the changes in the public and the social perceptions. There are issues in the seriousness of the health effects and the people affected. There are psychological risks like the insecurity in job, higher demands at work, harassment and bullying at work, which brings a major misbalance at work (Ormond, 2016). The quality of care is determined through the healthcare professionals, where the consideration is to entail the hazardous work environment. The safety is important priority where the principle of patient safety where there is a need to focus on the different norms that are defined effective for the handling of the healthcare standards.

The hazards are also relating to the OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) challenges like the demographic, social and the technological trends. There have been problems in the growing use of the technologies that affect the needing care of the long term and the non-communicable conditions. The emphasis is on the acute hospital-based care to care in homes where there is a decline in the traditional large family with increased urbanization. The chemicals in the healthcare industry can cause a major harm to the health where there is a need to understand about the corrosiveness, toxicity and the harmful or irritant version (Marks, 2017). The categories are depending upon the permanent eye damage with avoiding the contact with skin and eyes.

Legislative Requirements related to the health hazards

Some of the healthcare issues are related to Safety, Health, and the Welfare at Work Ac 2005 which requires the employers to manage and conduct the different working activities in a manner to ensure that there is a proper safety, health and welfare of the employees. The risks assessment needs to be carried out to ensure the control of the place of work and then work on the transportation hazards which exists in the workplace. There is a need to focus on assessing the risks assessment and take steps to reduce the problems. A proper planning is important with cost effective approaches to presence and then develop the human and physical resources that will help in reducing any type of financial losses or liabilities (Hoff et al., 2016). The expectations of the shareholders, and the employees is to plan and work on delivery the policy. The implementation is done for the organizations to develop the capabilities and support the safety programs to focus on the arrangements that introduce the effective involvement of staff. The sustainability of the effective communication comes with the employees and representatives who are responsible for the safety and health effort.


The responsibility for the safety and the health management requires to focus on the authority and planning where there is a need to focus on defining and then documenting the standards (Lee et al., 2017). The organizational structure works on ensuring that the actions and the decisions are for reinforcing the messages for the organization Safety Statement. It helps in preventing any mismatch of the attitude, behavior and the decisions. The people need to ensure about making safety decisions which covers the proper focus on the accountability standards that help in evaluating the health management system in an effective manner.

Standard Industry Practices

Considering the changing world, there are different industrial practices which needs to be taken care ofsafety standards. The Globalization and growing service sector works on resulting competition and increased economic pressures, where there is restructuring and downsizing. The number of workers need to work on the temporary employment. The emerging physical risks are the physical inactivity and the exposures which could be seen through the environmental stressors that leads to the increase in the risks of the musculoskeletal disorders. The self-monitoring tools look for focusing on the (Wellard et al., 2019). The focus is on the planning and handling the monitoring standards that are based on the active and the reactive functions. There are practices related to the health system which requires to monitor and then work on the improvement of planning. The performance is assessed through focusing on the Safety Statements, where the Liability of Directors and Officers of Undertakings highlight about the data which comes with the provision of setting out the organization safety statement.

The safety and the health policies have to be incorporated in the performance where the frameworks are defined for handling the defined targets which are set under the policies that helps in focusing over the different objectives. The policy needs to focus on the commitment to protect the employees and the others like the contractors from the risks. It helps in providing the framework as well to measure performance and ensure the improvement by setting, auditing and reviewing the safety or other health objectives. The safety and the health policies have been also to focus on management of safety which is a major responsibility for the executive level. The organizations need to work on achieving and developing the organizational structures that there are different structures which include the working with the proper participation planning. The standard safety and health aspects for the contractor workers are to focus on the health and safety with direct control on maintaining the procedures. This also includes the pre-planning of the medium- and long-term contracts which involves the carrying out of the pre-qualification procedures for the short-term contracts, safety and the health aspects. There is a need to ensure that the contractors have worked on the Risk assessment and defined the responsibilities to provide the training on health.

In order to monitor the systems related to the monitoring, there is a need to focus on the active monitoring to collect the information and investigate about the substandard performances (Tan et al., 2017). The documentation of procedures involves the carrying out of the activities with key operations that needs to be established and maintained in an effective manner. The calibration and the maintenance of the factors come with the documentation of the records for the different procedures which are involves. The analysis and the records are helpful in monitoring the data that has been collected and then evaluating it based on reviewing it as a part for the safety or the health management review. There are techniques for the active measurement with monitoring the specific activities that helps in analyzing the risk assessment with further focusing on the reactive monitoring that is for the non-compliance with safety and health management. The origination needs to focus on the procedures for investigating and identifying the causes which will be important for restoring the compliance, preventing the recurrence and evaluating any of the adverse safety and health effects.

3) A conclusion that summarises the main content of the discussion informed by the beginning of the process in the introduction where you outlined the content and discussion.


The monitoring is important for the organization to review the activities in the healthcare industry. This requires focusing on the critical appraisal with auditing the process of collecting the information which is independent on the efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of the total safety. For the working environment, there are change of new technologies, substances and the work processes with change in the labor market. The changes need to be determined which brings in new opportunities and new risks for the workers and the employers. With time, the effective safety and health management requires to focus on the development and the emergency plans. Here, it includes the details of installation, availability and testing. The procedures include the responsibilities for the key personnel and then handling the details of emergence services as well.


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