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Economic Development Assignment Help

Write own definition of economic development. How should it be measured? How would this compare with the United Nations Development Program&#39;s definitions and measures in its Human Development Reports (

Additionally, choose a country of interest to you and discuss ) how your definition of development could be applied to this country (e.g. identifying the most important areas in which the country needs improvement whether it be in terms of poverty, safety, education, etc.)

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According to my opinion, economic development can only take place if there is mutual decision-making by the authorities/controllers of an economy’s government to ensure enhancement in the quality of lives of the economy’s subjects. The maintenance of peace in an economy is also an important factor to establish economic development. Economic developed is also associated with ensuring enhancement in rates of taxation, enhancement in the income of the government, enhancement in the income of the citizens of the economy, and job/employment creation and retainment. I think that economic development must be measured by monitoring the growth in the number of job positions for the citizens on an average. There can also be the monitoring of the emergence of the number of new companies or the growth of existing companies. The buying power of the citizens must also be monitored. When compared to United Nations Development Program's definitions and measures in its Human Development Reports, it can be found that economic development is also to ensure provision of healthcare facilities, food, shelter to underprivileged individuals living mostly in underdeveloped countries or might be homeless. Free health insurance or health insurance made available at cheap rates is an important aspect of economic development.

The country of South Africa requires advancements in education, poverty-line management and safety of the citizens mostly living in the forests. This is because the rate of sexual violence against adults and children ion South Africa is extremely high. The rate of arrested criminals committing crimes of sexual violence is less because most of the victims prefer not to report instances of sexual violence to the local police authorities. The lack of sex-education and the low literacy rates are factors for the rise of sexual violence in South Africa. Therefore, it is important to try to develop literacy rates.

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