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EC501 Becoming A Professional Early Childhood Teacher, New Zealand Tertiary College, New Zealand


Question: Prepare a paper on Becoming a professional Early Childhood Teacher.

Answer: Early professional childhood teacher to me means that every action I take an educator as a guide. Educator needs to build a good relationships with children. Teachers need to give opportunities to children to practice skills, and teachers should be teach in a safe and enjoyable environment. Also teacher needs to be one of coach and mentor and modeling the core values of respect and responsibility.
According to TeWhariki (2017), the ministry of education, relationships are essential and stand as primary principles during early childhood curriculum. This curriculum shall detail about the interactions between relationships through which the children can learn better. In this case, it is essential for teachers to motivate children to build personal and professional relationships with families, whanau and colleagues and not just stop with supporting the relationships.Teachers need to build caring, responsive, and caring for relationships with children that includes meaningful connections with families and home life. Building good relationships can help be strengthen between teachers and children. Relationships between children is that teachers play an active and important role in building relationships between children that will further develop a culture of care and respect. These practices would eventually encourage acceptance, empathy and respect among peers.Additionally, practices related to social interaction, friendships, peer supported learning and relationships and other aspects of children's social experiences. I believe that consistent with Te Whariki, teachers noted strong teacher and children relationships as the core of their practice. As a facilitator, teachers are responsible to build relationships between children that would build a culture of care and respectand create an important of the social environment. The relationships that we build with children, and families are at the foundation of everything teachers do. It is important to build these relationships early on rather than waiting until there is a problem. Children learn and develop in the context of relationships that are responsive, consistent, and nurturing. I believe that children with the most challenging behaviours especially need these relationships, and yet their behaviours often prevent them from benefiting from those relationships. As a result, early strong relationships help children gain self control. Child development scientists now use a term called "executive function." These are the skills that help children plan, organize their time, know when to pay attention. "Executive function" affects social skills and academic skills. Intentionally promote development for examples serve and return and language skills.

Teachers need to build partnerships with families to support them and their children. As a teacher, it is possible to know how we can shape the future of children by supporting youngsters in unleashing the potential and preparing them for real time scenarios according to our code our standards.We understand that families and whanau and the wider community trust us to guide the youngsters during their learning journeys and this initiative can guarantee safety. As we act with utmost professionalism and integrity in our works, we can foster trust and confidence(Our Code, Our Standards: Code of Professional Responsibility and Standards for the Teaching Profession). Teachers are show respect to families and welcome in the centre also they need to getting know families personally, and develop meaningful connections. Eventually, these tend to build mutually responsive relationships and ensure continuity of care and support between the centre and home. Further, a responsive learning environment is built as children gain deeper knowledge. Additionally, find information and knowledge about the children, family, daily life and culture using a variety of strategies. It is the responsibility of a teacher to understand the diversity of children as well as the families located in the locality. When this understanding develops, it is possible to know the cultural backgrounds and establish meaningful connections. When teachers focus on cultural competence and incorporation of children's culture in the learning environment, the effort can communicate the respect and values and encourage the activities of children in the learning environment.Even if one of us tend to breach the code, the impact can be huge as it can affect perceptions and values of our profession. Therefore, it is evident that all of us have responsibilities to respect and value each other and fulfil the expectations of our community people by taking right decisions. We can even call this as a professional responsibility where multiple stakeholders like families, communities, public and whanau would enforce trust and confidence on teachers and their professions(McKenna et al, 2019). Eventually, the standards of ethical behaviour are achieved by ensuring high trust and integrity. This also reminds us of responsibilities and obligations to demonstrate professional behaviour in all that we do. The entire process can be treated as a learning tool to encourage professional learning conversations. Further, it is this tool that shall guide the teachers to support students to know about conduct and integrity expected in the community. When teachers work to the fullest, learners gather support from whanua and families and there is an ecosystem of trust and respect towards culture, identity, language and heritage.


Early Childhood teachers need to have good communication skills and listening skills and the ability to relate to children from a wide range of cultures. Teachers are need to respecting their cultural identity, heritage and language of each child and their families(McKenna et al, 2019). They are work with children to create a centre climate that promotes a safe, supportive, and caring learning environment for all children. Also teachers encourage children to greet each other and make other children feel welcome. I believe that a teacher's primary role is that of a facilitator of learning, creating opportunities for learning which improve the chances of student success. As well as, I believe it is important to recognize and embrace the diversity that arises from the milieu as it provides a myriad of opportunities to enhance student learning and growth. My philosophy, though brief, is comprehensive in its outlook. Its focus on the needs of the individual is counterbalanced by the belief that the centre must welcome diversity and requires that this same environment be one in which all participants have an equal voice. The belief that the classroom must be welcoming, safe and tolerant of the diversity of the milieu validates all elements of each child's social heritage while balancing between meeting the needs of individual and preparing them to become accepting, contributing children of society(McKenna et al, 2019). This philosophy is very consistent in all aspects. By asking children to become responsible for their learning, they are can being taught to become responsible for themselves and their environment later in their lives. If my role as a teacher is to facilitate children success then it is consistent that the atmosphere created in the classroom be one that welcomes all participants and places their safety above all else. It also follows that a curriculum that is approached in a manner that embraces the diversity of the milieu encourages the success of every student within the classroom and beyond. I valued that truly welcoming then it will embrace the varied heritages brought to the classroom by the children and foster an appreciation for each of them.

In my value, I will teach the positive discipline in the classroom. Also Developing mutual respects, cooperation and responsibility and also create a comfortable environment in my centre. In addition, I will be equipped the best possible learning environment for the children in my care. My philosophy will cause me to continually strive to find better, learner centred approaches to teaching.

To sum up, I believe that teachers need to be able to adapt and change styles to suit the children's needs and teaching according to it. I believe that building positive relationships emerged as an essential for children and teacher. The interconnection among the different types of relationships is at the heart of the positive experiences and interactions that children, families and whanau have every day with the teachers and teams that support them in early childhood teaching. Teachers needs to have capacity and confidence, these will support relationships between children is essential in the early childhood education. Moreover, as a professional early childhood teacher, I believe it is important to teachers are active and intentional actions that teachers can take to build and strengthen their relationships. Teaching and learning are interwoven processes that support each other. They are not separate entities, nor should one supersede the other(Able et al, 2014). Both teacher and children engage in the teaching and in the learning. Teachers will have learned much through children and children will learn through teachers and their peers too. I will keeping an open mind to the education as evolved overtime is a key factor that will help teachers better understand families, children and their role as a teacher today. Also act as an educators, motivators, inspirers, and disciplinary for children.


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