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Topic 1 - Distribution Channel

Answer - In the views presented by my classmate, are of the three related ideas of the types of distribution channels: such as the direct, indirect along with the multichannel (Hufford, 2016). I agree to the viewpoints presented by my classmate related to the direct distribution which is one of the crucial aspects of the company or firm which can efficiently synchronize and produce the good or service and also relate with the ones distributing it. The other is the indirect distribution, which helps to understand the producer and the relation to the third party company which is selling the product or service. Lastly is multichannel which also explains the firm which can also contextually result in the product to result in one way. Multichannel is also becoming more and more popular on account of the distributing aspects of the different channels which would help to understand the consequences of reaching the greater population. F example, retail stores or even the online related to the products which tend to recognize the retailers, for example, the Best Buy, Verizon and AT&T.

Topic 2 - Marketing Channel

Answer - In the opinion, posted by my classmate, I agree with the viewpoints presented related to the choosing a marketing channel which would also be related to the decision which can also synchronize with the management and it needs to also step in making important note of the product or service which would rightly be available per the right consumer (Kotler, 2016). through this, it would also be relative to the increasing demand. As such the Multichannel marketing would also incredibly be using the push and pull strategies which are related to the potential customers that can help to deal with the market area in. through this method, it would be important to relate and also create a mark with the customer purchase of the good or service which would help in dealing with the desire with respect to the least cost and also relate with the maximize return.

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Topic 3 - Multichannel Distribution

Answer 1 - In the post shared by my classmate Iman, I agree to his opinions shared and it tends to reflect how multichannel distribution actually also affect the related target market segments along with also creating an impact which is related to the customer who is also increasingly expecting and also producing the products which can channelize into the more than one channel (Hufford, 2016). This also helps to establish and also enables higher revenues. It is important to note some of the aspects of the disadvantages related to the multichannel distribution such as the potential for channel conflict and also related to the complexity to also manage and creating a mark of the inbuilt pricing strategy. Such as the company which can also use the particular need of the multichannel distribution for example the apples the products are widely sued products and it would also be related to the various products.

Answer 2 - In the opinions provided by my classmate, Rosa, I agree to the multichannel distribution definition and the factors. It is important to note that there can also be a significant challenge which is related to the integrating the channels and tens to cover the aspects of the market through the unique approaches and also related to the individual channels which would be competing in for the same customer (Hufford, 2016). It is important to understand how it would integrate the channels.. In terms of, the indirect approach it is important to also understand the third party's which can also make the retailers reach the customer. Due to this, there can be a channel conflict that would relate to the manufacturer cuts along with the middle man aspects and result in the deals directly. As such the direct channel needs to also abide by the consumer deals which would also be central to the consumer which would help in the e-commerce or catalogs.

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