Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article

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Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project. Discuss why each of your choices isthe best option for you to disseminate your new knowledge.


EBP and research is a part of modern healthcare. As the integration of the EBP continues to evolve, the importance of patient values, safe and the healthcare remains in priority, it remains as a core part of professional practice. As one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference, the case of recent EBP integration has allowed using safe nursing practices to provide optimum patient care. The organization has demonstrated a level of commitment to the professional practice and standards of the nursing which can provide an improvement in nurse satisfaction which would allow enhancing business growth (Häggman-Laitila, 2016). Each of the choices is the best option to exercise disseminating options in EBP and research as it would allow achieving the crucial industry designation. Standards of the evidence-based practices allow the nursing to provide the essential core to the organization. As the hospitals are increasingly asking to integrate the innovations, it can improve the healthcare operations.


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