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Disruptive Innovation

This unit introduces students to a more considered investigation and analyses of the idea of disruption as it is used in theories and approaches to business innovation.  Disruptive innovation, a term of defined by Clayton Christensen (1995), describes a product or service that creates a brand new market and value network that replaces an existing paradigm. Many leading industries and companies have become displaced over time by the disruption of new technologies and their value propositions, and theories of disruption now dominate discussions of innovation in business. This unit engages students in case studies of past, contemporary and future disruptors to introduce them to the key components of disruptive theory and disruptive business innovation.

On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:

a. Critically review and discuss key theories and models of disruptive innovation in business contexts.

b. Describe and analyse the factors and conditions that lead to disruptive business innovations.

c. Identify industries/firms/organisations facing disruptive innovation dilemmas and exercise critical thinking and judgement in providing adaptive solutions.

d. Critically analyse exposure and response strategies for managing disruptive innovation within existing organisations.

Topics included in the unit

  • Defining Business Disruption and Innovation.
  • The Theory and consequences of Disruptive Innovation.
  • Business Model, Branding and disruptive innovation
  • Why Great Companies Fail.
  • Social Networks and online technologies: Value and the Innovation Impetus
  • The Adoption of Digital Concept:
  • Performance, Demand and Digital Disruption.
  • Gurus of Disruption.
  • Disruptive Product Innovation Strategy and Forces of Disruption.
  • Technology Transfer Means and Processes: Winners and Losers.
  • Disruptive Product Strategy for Industry First Mover.
  • Rethinking Mass Communication: Managing Technological Disruption.
  • Entropy& Revision

Course learning outcomes (CLO) On completion of the course the student should be able to:

  • CLO1 Apply knowledge of the concepts and theories of entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • CLO4 Apply knowledge of industrial, commercial and financial principles to inform and drive successful entrepreneurial activities.
  • CLO2 Source, distil and interpret information in order to analyse business ventures.
  • CLO3 Identify and develop business innovations using critical analytical skills and problem solving strategies.
  • CLO5 Communicate and negotiate clearly to achieve interpersonal and commercial outcomes.
  • CLO2 Source, distil and interpret information in order to analyse business ventures.
  • CLO3 Identify and develop business innovations using critical analytical skills and problem solving strategies.
  • CLO5 Communicate and negotiate clearly to achieve interpersonal and commercial outcomes.

Unit learning outcomes (ULO) On Completion of the unit the student should be able to:

  • Critically review and discuss key theories and models of disruptive innovation in business contexts.
  • Describe and analyse the factors and conditions that lead to disruptive business innovations.
  • Identify industries/firms/organisations facing disruptive innovation dilemmas and exercise critical thinking and judgement in providing adaptive solutions.
  • Critically analyse exposure and response strategies for managing disruptive innovation within existing organisations.

Disruptive Innovation Example


a. Describe in your own words the key concept of disruptive innovation.

Answer: This is about how the innovation is able to create the market and a better network value which can eventually lead to the disruption of the market. There are displacements which could be seen toe stablish in the marketing leading firms, products and alliances. The company needs to understand that there are revolutionary disruptive innovation as well. It was seen that the market of the expensive luxury teams does not disrupt the market for the horse drawn vehicles. They are generally the innovations which are by the outsiders and the entrepreneurs in the startups. The disruptive innovation does not come from the existing market. The business of the environment of market leaders does not completely allow them for the pursuing of the disruptive functions as they are not profitable at first. The disruptive process can be a longer process for the development than by any of the conventional approach. Here, the risks is associated to it and then there are incremental forms of innovation where there is a need to achieve a faster penetration with higher impact on the markets. The consideration is about handling the disruption of complex systems with the economic and the business-related aspects. The disruptive innovation is different from what might be needed to carry out the results where the technology needs to handle the firms with working over the models with allowing the pursuit by the firms (Tren, 2018). The startup needs to be handled the inhibition of the different network, where there is a work done through serving the new set of the customers. The disruptive innovations are consistent with the off-the-shelf components that are put into the product architecture.

With the lower-end disruption, there are disruptions which are focusing on the least profitable customers where the customer need to work on the performance and customer segments. The planning needs to be done for entering into the market and providing a product which has a lower performance than the incumbent (Guttentag, 2015). The low-end disruptions are generally focusing on profitable customer standards with not only willing to pay the premium for the enhancement of the productivity. The higher profitable margins are for the disruptor with needs to enter the segments and work on handling the new market disruption process in an effective manner.

b. Identify a current example of disruptive innovation and apply the concepts as you.

Answer: Considering the example of Netflix, it continues to the emotionalization of the way where thepeople are able to watch the television and the movies. There are on-demand viewing with the scrambling of the traditional model of broadcast. The Netflix is able to the similar competencies which allow the different viewers to work on avoiding any of the commercials and looking for the shows that are for the time schedule patterns. There are habits that are changing, and this is only the game in town for the Online TV (Wan et al., 2015). The discussion is about the traditional television which includes the online spacing and handling the marathon of Mad Men on Netflix. This is one of the example where the model turned the radio over the video rental business which is set by the helping of pushing on an industry titan. The startup and the outsider of Netflix is that the company is able to see the blockbuster which was underserved by the different users. The response includes the creation of business which offered the affordability, accessibility and the availability which was set under-served. The customers need to focus on the disruption of the business model, where there are transition of the business to business. The jobs are done for the loss of the Starz contract where the over pricing increase has been demonstrated to plan about the disruption of business. The planning is done for the divisions of DVD and the streaming which is for the separate business. The company is describing the decisions the challenges to understand the dynamics. The customers need to work on handling the different passages of innovation where the importance was to run the digital global advertisement of the company (Hammond, 2015). There are citations where the cheaper alternatives with less functionality that includes it difficulty for the bigger incumbents for responding without any cannibalizing of the business. The features are added for building the customer loyalty and focusing over the fact about how the new comer is able to adapt to the new and the better business models.


Considering the disruptive innovation, it is seen that the theory is able to work on establishing the company which might be overtaken and threatened mainly by the revolutionary standards. The theory of disruption also highlights on the preferences of the customers which different from one market to the other. There are some customers who are not satisfied with the performance levels and then there are some who are demanding and feel satisfied through the higher performance coming from technology. They enter the market with the lower performance and there are advancement for the upmarket forms. With working on the disruption cycle, there are new innovation, which is considered not enough for the market players, but they seem to be the ones where the customers are of the lower needs. The lower pricing, with the easy handling or the functions are not served by any of the industry players. This makes the product unknown or the services are attracted from the new segment of customers. The perspectives are for the industry leaders with technology working on the mature prototypes and business ideas. They are from significant competitors and the needs are for the target group where the new offers are generally ignored when there is a daily business. The disruptors are certainly when the market is started from the bottom and then move up with the management of the needs with focusing on the demanding customers (Vecchiato, 2017). The disruption is a necessity process with keeping a market alive for a longer term that is continuously working on the development. The Netflix is disruptive which includes the business gains with the low-end market. The focus is on the profitable with the disruptors working on the establishing of the completely new market. Netflix is including the business with the subscription service with the Blockbuster mainstream customers who rented the incremental innovation, where the upgradation of the existing products for attracting the higher paying customers.

c. If you were the CEO of a company facing a disruptor in your industry what steps would you take?

Answer: CEO of the company face the disruption with the industry working on taking steps from the undisputable CEO with the understanding about uncovering the qualities and skill leaders which need to meet the demands of the positions. The industrial spanning requires the banking, pharma, technology and the natural resources. CEO leading un-disrupted organizations where the company exists with firms focusing on meeting the criteria and planning on future-focused organization for exploration. The cultivation of emotional fortitude where CEO needs to display and cultivating the company with ability to focus on the use of rapid changing landscapes for fueling the more productive outcomes (Christensen et al., 2015). The consideration is about how the employees look for the reasoned risks with pursuit of the greater customer service. CEO needs to understand about the success which depends on the planning with understanding that one cannot rely on the static pattern recognition. There are predictions about the master disruption which includes how the companies are working on leveraging the streaming technology and planning about the mail-based business. The focus is on striving and becoming the aspiring to handle the disruption with recognition on threatening the disruption. The planning is done for the precise recognition with exogenous forces with prevailing themes among the respondents. The focus is on the harnessing of the disruptive threats where the planning is done with focusing on the participations that holds the efforts to engage the others in the tasks with the priority and interpreting. The rapidly changing digital technology with focusing on the empowering customers in the different ways. The customer is working on handling the search and sharing, trying or buying where there is a need for the constant striving for giving the customers with quick and effortless forms with end-to-end customer experience. The customers looking for the work-around with the packaging with consistency that includes the understanding with room for improvement. It is important for CEOs with interviewing the focus on the entire experience with the business. The conversations are determined through CEO characterization with rigidity, impenetrability with stereotypical CEO with conductor of symphony. The industry concentrate on the incremental innovation with upgradation on the existing products that helps in attracting the higher paying customers. This begins with the overcomplication of the product and adding the features where no one wants to pay. The disruptive innovation is hard where the Netflix that helps in running the models, with the profitability of the disruption. The focus is on the successful planning to create new market and then disruption without being displayed. Netflix has done the streaming business, with comparison to DVD delivery with streaming underperformed performance criteria for business.


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