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Question: Explain the diffusion model of new product acceptance and how it can affect an organization performance?  


Chapter - Literature review


The diffusion of innovation of innovation is the process in which the emerging products are being adopted by the target audience. It also enables all the marketers and designers to analyse why it that some of the inferior products are reliable and successful when some products are not said to be successful (Santoro et al. 2018). There are mostly five stages of diffusion drawn by the work of Gross and Ryan which includes:

Decision Innovation Process.png

Figure 1: Five stages in decision Innovation Process

This is considered to be the first step of innovation. This is the situation at which the desired adopted is initially exposed to the process of innovation. They don't have more information to make such an effective decision to focus on and have not been inspired to analyse out more. In the words of Dwivedi et al. (2016), the stage marketers focusing on developing the major awareness of the products and serve enough education that the adopter moves to the next stage.

Persuasion is considered as the point at which the adopter is open to the purchasing idea. They are seeking information which will further inform the eventual decision. There will be an effective effort to sell the emerging products to the some other individuals at this level of the innovation of diffusion.


Decision Innovation Process1.jpg

Figure 2: Decision making model

The desired adopter needs to take an effective decision. They will also weigh up the negative and positive effects of adoption and also accept the innovation. They make a proper decision that is based on the underlying process and feelings and follow the individual decision they attempt tio analyse the proper decision (Coccia, 2017). Social contagion has the practical effect on the direction of the strategy which the firm should apply. if the condition is strong, then the strategy of marketing will be highly effective.Technology adoption is an important and popular part in marketing and in the process of product development.

Once the process of decision to acquire the products has been made the product item will in most of the situations be applied by the purchaser. This is the actual stage when the adopter makes a proper decision when the products are not seemed to be useful for the organisation. It has been stated that strong ties within a network may enhance the overall development at the network and weak ties are more active in order to spread information to the longer distance between distance groups.

This is considered as the point at which the user analyses the decisions and also decides whether they will keep applying the products or abandon appliance of the emerging products. This phase will include the individual examination of the products and a social one (Wamba et al. 2015).


The main purpose of the study is to analyse the diffusion models that affects the performance of the organisation. The research review also aims to integrate some existing theoretical analysis for the diffusion areas of the innovation within the disciplines of innovation, sociology and marketing research. New emerging technology of adoption can be considered to take place within three domains because of threefold nature of economic phenomena. The market industry domain is defined as a domain of emerging technology phenomena.

2.1 conceptual frameworks

Decision Innovation Process2.jpg

2.2 Introduction and method

The approach of approval and diffusion of new innovations is an important systematic structure in order to describe adoption of new technology and non adoption of emerging technologies model of diffusion appears within one market which referred as users system only when about new technologies a facts, news and advices are shared among different users through different communication medium. In the words of Wamba et al. (2015), the first stage of Roger's five stage process of adoption is knowledge and persuasion, confirmation, implementation and decisions are the remaining four steps. Technology adoption is an important and popular part in marketing and in the process of product development. The non deduction of Technology is definite but treatment can start from the site of sociological perspective. It is also a multi dimensional process by which behaviour of the users are impacted by a large set of conditions which are useful in order to understand the behaviour and nature of the adaptor of Technology.

2.3 Social network mechanisms and adoption of innovations

The underlying theory plays an important role in the network in order to identify adoption behaviour which shows that the consumers are affected during the decisions of adoption by each other. In the words of Schnackenberg et al. (2016), contagion is allowed through different social network mechanism through which consumers earn news about the new innovations and look forward to adopt those innovations. This mechanism has explained in this review section and it has been used as the analytical background in this paper in order to explain the impact of social network framework on the development of innovations. The social network contagion mechanism has been divided into two mechanisms and is persuasive mechanism and informational mechanism. Network externalities and normative pressure are persuasive mechanism and learning and awareness are informational mechanism.

2.4. Pathways to adoption
Informational Pathways is a mechanism in which the network members create a channel in order to transport information about emerging products and this information has been provided in order to adopt awareness and learning.

Awareness refers as a communication and interaction between individuals about the products and services. This also includes providing information to those who have not yet heard about the products which plays an important role in expanding awareness. In the words of Erkan et al. (2016), mass Communication has been proved as the more effective method in increasing awareness.

Learning is a process through which a consumer gets prominent information about the performance of the products its price and risk in purchasing the product. The source accessibility and familiarity is a key of the process of learning. In the words of Azar et al. (2017), if the source of information is not easy to identify for the consumer then, the people will understand the performance of the product on the basis of those information.

Normative pressure
It is a framework of growth of new product is defined as the suffering felt by the adopter during the adoption of new product. This pressure appears only when common norms drive an entity in order to perform in a particular direction. In order to give pressure on the use of social networking sites, internet, computer equipments normative pressure has plays an important role (Lee, Hallak & Sardeshmukh, 2016).

Network externalities
It refer to a circumstances where the utility from different product enhances along with the huge amount of adopters and when the service of a product is totally depends on the adaptors of such products then the indirect network presence of externalities. In the words of Soto-Acosta et al. (2016), through the Marketing Communication, the information about the customers can easily provide to the adopters.

2.5. Alternative adoption mechanisms
The role of adoption of contagion in product is estimated and it is confusion with other social processes of network. A major confusion is homophile which the process of learning depends on the individual with same taste and preference in order to connect to each other. In the words of Mennemeyer et al. (2017), with the presence of homophile, it becomes very difficult to identify that adoption is needed or it appears because of the connected individual those who have similar taste. Social contagion has the practical effect on the direction of the strategy which the firm should apply. If the condition is strong, then the strategy of marketing will be highly effective.


3. The effects of social network structure on growth
This section discusses how different structural features of social network controls the process of growth. In the words of Yang et al. (2016), this includes discussion on the dependent variable and on various metrics of innovation along with its performance. This section also includes a clear discussion on the role of structural characteristics on the different levels such as, global, individual, dyadic.

3.1. Innovation performance metrics
During the analysis of effects of social network in relation with the innovation needs a clear definition and measurement of dependent variable. The following are the dimension used to explain the performance of innovation:




The members are connected with the network have adopted the new innovations



It is the time in order to reach different level of infiltration


Time to take off

It refers as point of time to reach a particular point


Market share

It refers as a market share in a competitive market.


Net present value

It referred as the profit which has been collected from the adopters over a particular time period (Pedersen, Gwozdz & Hvass, 2018).


3.2. Global characteristics

This section includes the role of four network, degree distribution, metrics- average degree, clustering and degree and degree assortativity.

Average degree
This degree referred as the average number of ties in a network. The affect of such ties on growth are more as per node results to faster and faster take off along with the faster penetration. In the words of Boxenbaum et al. (2017), it defines as the ratio total number of ties within the all possible ties. The growth of network increases when more number of users connected to the same network.

Degree distribution
It is an important distribution between different nodes, the adopters become more favourable in order to join last stages only when the degree distribution is correct. The nodes within the high connectivity can expand and develop the performance. In the words of Naimipour et al. (2016), it also impose impact on the structure of the adoption curve and social Herbs are related with the increase of this and low degree members are related with decline slope. This states that the social hub expand the growth.

Clustering has the ability to control the performance of the innovation in two ways: many members like to receive information about the innovation from different network members which increase awareness and learning rate. In the words of Awa et al. (2015), on the other hand, Clustering referred as a process through which the information passed from first party to third party through the second party so effort of third party wasted.

Degree assortativity
This degree referred as process of combining the clustering and degree distribution. This metric explain the clustering of nodes at different levels. In the words of Succar et al. (2015), in high level nodes which are connected will be connected to each other. It can easily affect process of growth information: spread to the people through neighbours and social hubs in order to increase growth and on the other hand it compromise due to increase in redundancy, it spread by the social hub which create a more proper and prominent process.

3.3. Dyadic characteristics
This section discusses two elements of dyadic connection: tie strength and embeddedness.
Tie strength
It refers a connection between two network members. Strong ties pose a great impact at the dyadic level. It has been stated that strong relates within a network can enhance the overall growth at the network and weak ties are more active in order to spread information to the longer distance between distance groups. In the words of Porter et al. (2019), it has been stated that removal of weak ties has been proved as a harmful process to the speed of the growth.

It is a platform through which network members share their followers in a particular network.
Tie Strength







Learning: For complicate information


Learning: For easy information





Network externalities: Only for innovation that depends on communication




 Normative pressure






Network externalities: For a supreme innovations


3.4 Individual characteristics
At social network all the members are equal; some add more towards the process of growth than the others. This is because of their personal characteristics which are highly persuasive, highly capable to control, or have high need to communicate. When a consumer gets into in social interaction about the firm or a brand then the firm earn value. In the words of Capaldo, Lavie & Petruzzelli (2017), this value does not create a direct payment to the firm's revenue but the consumer interaction can increase the payment if the organisation adopts the new innovation. Examining the social network has taken an undeveloped approach in relation to this measurement. The measure has identified the whole span of control, higher degree of difference are taken care of, because the network have been controlled by some other individual.


4. Domains of adoption
New emerging technology of adoption can be considered to take place within three domains because of threefold nature of economic phenomena. The market industry domain is defined as a domain of emerging technology phenomena. In the words of Shu et al. (2016), a second type of dimension relates to the set of relationships emerging the social systems in which the potential adopters are being based in. individual dimension is considered as the third level of analysis likely to help the major understanding of the process. For the instance, the diffusion of new technology across an economic system in order to fulfil the needs an individual functions is considered, accepted and evaluated.

4.1 Conditions of adoption
Technological conditions are supportive in explaining the market and technological features of the substituting technology as well as the substituted products. The major presence of the complementary technologies impacts the adoption of new substituting technology (Heavey & Simsek, 2017). This makes it more difficult for consumer of the certain technology to acquire newer and different products focusing on requiring as the utilisation of the innovation process needs technologies that are complementary and not yet developed in the emerging market.

4.2 Exposing patterns of non-adoption
With developing the conditions of the adoption related to technology with an effective effectiveness of the analytical domains in which technology is acquired, the literature review serves proper practicalities on which to analyse different forms of different technology apply with a new emerging products of non-adoption. As mentioned by Shu et al. (2016), the crucial problem electronic cars struggles are that the users construe the performance depended on the availability of effectiveness of the present products.

4.3 An integrative model of non-adoption

The research indicates that some systems of diffusion in the innovation, there are mostly three crucial players, community of users, the individual users, the innovation market or industry. In a systematic instance of the introduction of products the multiple conditions and players interactions result in the negative feedback (Heavey & Simsek, 2017).

4.4 Limitations

Both the field are mainly dominated by assumptions that the users adopt different technology to develop the utility. The conflict for the assumptions assumes that the models is dependent and is generally analytical. The non deduction of Technology is definite but treatment can start from the site of sociological perspective. A major confusion is homophile which the process of learning depends on the individual with same taste and preference in order to connect to each other. As mentioned by Gunasekaran et al. (2017), this degree referred as the average number of ties in a network. the impact of such ties on growth are more as per node results to faster and faster take off along with the faster penetration.

A different type of dimension links to the different formation of relationships emerging the social systems in which the capable adopters are being based in. Technology adoption is an important and popular part in marketing and in the process of product development.


5. Conclusions and recommendations
It has been concluded from the above discussion that diffusion models enables all the marketers and designers to analyse why it that some of the inferior products are reliable and successful when some products are not said to be successful. This is the situation at which the desired adopted is initially exposed to the process of innovation. In the words of Coccia (2016), once the process of decision to acquire the products has been made the product item will in most of the situations be applied by the purchaser. The first stage of Roger's five stage process of adoption is knowledge and persuasion, confirmation, implementation and decisions are the remaining four steps. Technology adoption is an important and popular part in marketing and in the process of product development.

• The major extent to which the technology meets the crucial social, technology meets the significant, learning and social motivating the adoption is the easy to adopt.
• The extent to which the emerging technology is measured useful in the community of domain market domain it is useful.
• It can be recommended that the social network contagion mechanism needs to be divided into two mechanisms and are persuasive mechanism and informational mechanism. The source accessibility and familiarity is a key of the process of learning.
• It has been also assumed that the framework of growth of new product is defined as the distress felt by the adopter during the adoption of new product. A major confusion is homophile is the process of learning of an individual with same taste and preference in order to connect to each other.
• During the analysis of effects of social network related to innovation needs a clear measurement and definition of dependent variable. This degree referred as the average number of ties in a network. The affect of such ties on growth are more as per node results to faster and faster take off along with the faster penetration.
• Clustering referred as a process through which the information passed from first party to third party through the second party so effort of third party wasted. It refers a connection between two network members. Strong ties pose a great impact at the dyadic level.


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