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Debate: Birth Control Pills Assignment Help

 "Should oral contraceptives (birth control pills) be available over the counter?"

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Before I start I want to wish a very good _______ to all the guests and all my fellow participants. Considering the over population and its consequences that humans are about to experience for the shortage of resources. Controlling childbirth has become very important in a global scale. With various methods and techniques, oral contraceptive for women has been developed to be a significant success in controlling child birth. In context to the availability there are various ranges and shades of opinions that people have. Today in this event, I shall speak for the motion.

Based on the recent issue where Manilla has banned abortion, it is quite significant to note that women in many ways still in the 21st century are deprived from enjoying their rights. Unwanted pregnancy comes with the highest impacts on women as they carry the baby. However, it does not matter to the state whether the intercourse was consensual or rape. As suggested by Larsson et al. (2004), the rights of any individual have to be protected by the state only. Thus, considering the plight of women to protect and lead a normal life, it is important for them to have access to the protection. Oral contraceptive is one of the significant discovery of science and that requires high production to ensure that there is no women who are not able to have access to such a product.

I would like to contradict the view of my fellow classmates on the context of the safety and the medical effectiveness of the pills. Well, firstly, the availability of the pills over the counter will basically help women to have easier access as there are often issues where they are unable to reach doctors. Claimed by Marston, Meltzer & Majeed (2005), in such situations, the availability of oral contraceptive becomes really essential. Secondly, considering the safety and medical effectiveness of the pills, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the American Medical Association are endorsing the Over the counter availability of Oral contraceptive pills which proves that this specific approach does have merit and credibility.

On the specific view where my fellow classmate points out the use of condoms and not contraceptive pills as it affects the health of teenagers who are not aware of the methods of using contraceptive and can lead to overuse it. I would include my views on this context by expanding the idea of making people aware about the importance of sex education in the high school more significantly. In fact, the manufacturers can actually be aware of the consequences of over using contraceptive that would actually control the women from using it.

Finally, I would like to finish my discussion, by stating that, the Over-the-Counter facility has been endorsed by renowned medical institutions for its benefits. Instead of being compelled to take an unethical decision of aborting a life, it is better to take precautions. If the state provides rights to its citizens, then it is also the responsibility of the state to provide access to the citizens where they are able to protect their rights. In many cases it is observed that, due to the lack of counters and accessibility many women have taken their lives so that they are able to escape from their horrific reality. Being a responsible country, it is important to understand the significance of birth control and decrease unethical activities within the country. Based on the understanding derived from the works of Angelo et al. (2004), an unwanted pregnancy always affects the mother the most and this can have deepening impacts in the future and thus, using contraceptive must be made a casual action so that women are even aware of their rights and wishes.  

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