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Customer Service In Supply Chain Management Assignment Help

Prepare a full sentence outline for research paper about customer service.

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The supply chain manages activities related to suppliers and customers. Customers play an important role in supply chain management. In economics, there is a law of demand and supply and it determines the demand for the product in consumer and supply of the product to the ultimate consumers.

Thesis:Customers' needs, tastes, preferences, requirements, and expectations affect the decisions of supply chain management. The study will focus on the importance of customer service in supply chain management.

Body Paragraph 1: Customer Service and S&OP

The customer service leaders need to access the requirements, feedbacks, and demands of the customers. It is important to provide better customer service to survive in this competitive market. In sales & operating planning, every strategy is focused to satisfy customer needs (Bower, 2019).

Explanation:It can be said that without satisfying customer needs, a company cannot function effectively. S&OP includes improved customer service, improve profit ratio, and improve management control. Proper research is conducted to understand the emerging trends in customers' tastes and preferences.

Importance:It is important to satisfy the customer in today's world otherwise a company may suffer. Modern customers are smart and want a good quality product at a reasonable price.

Body Paragraph 2: Achievement of Customer Satisfaction in Supply Chain

The supply chain focuses on effective planning to satisfy customer need & preferences. To achieve customer satisfaction, proper planning with focused strategies are implemented. Cost-effective planning helps to reduce cost in supply chain management planning and focus on improving customer service.The amount can be saved from the logistic department and it can be used to improve customer service (Switala, Cichosz& Trzesiok, 2019).

Achieving Customer service goals is important because it leads to an increase in the profit of the business. Customer demand keeps on changing when new products or services keep on coming. Co-ordinating all the supply chain activities helps to satisfy the demand of the customer which keeps on evolving (Hadiyat, Wahyudi & Sari, 2017).

Body Paragraph 3: Supply chain service performance impact customers' perception and satisfaction

Supply chain performance has a huge impact on customers' perception. It can be negative or positive based on the strategy and planning of supply chain management. To target customers with the launch of new products, proper management and strategies need to be made to provide quality to the customers.

It is important to build positive customers' perception and satisfaction to compete in this competitive business world (Chavez et.al. 2016). Meeting demand of the customers is important in supply chain management. The negative impact can lead to a loss in the business firm.

Suppliers' performance determines the impact of supply chain management on the customer's mind. Uncertainty in business activities can lead to a negative impact on business performance and customer satisfaction (Chavez et.al., 2016). With new technological growth, it has become difficult for a business firm to achieve their goal due to high competition. However, technology can help to build better customer relationships by advertising the positive impacts of the business firm.


After studying and researching the above articles about customer service, it can be concluded that customers play an important role in the business firm because the success and profit of the business organization depend on customers' perceptions about the business organization. Digitization can also help to satisfy customer requirements and building a good relationship with the customers. Importance of sales & operating planning, the importance of customer satisfaction and the importance of suppliers' performance has been highlighted in this research paper. This will help to create customer value which is the main function of supply chain management.

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