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Cultural Reflection Assignment Help

1) What are the groups or institutions that are important in your life (family, school, church, clubs, etc.)?

2) What are the rules of behavior in each of these groups?

3) How did you learn these rules?

4) Rank the groups in the order of importance to you.

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A group is the one where people from different cultures and places meet together at one platform. There will be different groups in family, school, church and clubs. In each place we can see different practices and traditions followed by people. Family serves a platform for a person to enhance his personal growth and it is having a vital role in influencing Childs behavior. School is the place where discipline, tolerance, obedience and study of a person are developed and it also changes the outlook of a person. In religious groups like churches and temples people spiritual thoughts will be getting enlightened. Clubs are the places where friendships will be get developed among different people. Even though the places are different the main purpose of all groups or institutions is develop unity among people without any regional and traditional differences. As there are different people with different mind sets in the group or institutions some of the rules have to be framed necessarily to maintain integrity and to remove the differences between people. For example if you observe in school there will be rule that every child has to wear a uniform this is practiced to prevent the status differences between the children and to get a feeling that all are equal. The rules are learned by the individuals in groups or institutions by keeping some regulations on them because no one will follow the rules until and unless a regulation is there. When coming to the ranking of groups family is the first group as it develops the personal growth and second rank will be the school where truthfulness, obedience, tolerance and discipline of the children is developed third one is the regional place where a commitment and spirituality of a person will be incorporated and the fourth one is the club where some friendly relations are developed because without personal behavior, discipline and commitment friendly relations will not be entertained. Culture is the ideas and beliefs followed by different people in different ways based on their traditions but it is not to separate the individuals from one another.

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