Unit 16–Project Management - Critical Evaluation of the Change Management Program

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Unit 16–Project Management 

Critical Evaluation of the Change Management Program to be implicated in the organisational infrastructure of DIAGERO BEVERAGE for initiating Onsite Catering Service under the lights of Corporate Social Responsibility

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An overview of the case study you have been given

The project deals with the Change Management program to be established in the operational; scope of DIAGERO BEVERAGE for implicating an Onsite Catering service within the working environment. The case study states that DIAGERO BEVERAGE is a company that specialised in the domain of manufacturing located in the place of Midlands where the business operation is facilitated by the manpower of 1250 employees. The company should orient the grounds of Corporate Social Responsibility in the business scope to minimise the rate of displacement and absenteeism for the side of the employee base during the peak operational hours. The management needs to strategise for some kind of Employee Assistance Program so that the workforce does not leave the office premises during the lunch hour. The best way of doing this is by establishing an Onsite Catering Service in the office premises to promote a healthy work culture in the company. 

An explanation of each stage of the PLC that applies to your selected project, including supporting documentation for each stage

Project Initiation

The starting milestone of the project lifecycle is signified as the Project Initiation phase where the specification requirements of the project of Change Management should get clearly devised by the Project Manager of DIAGERO BEVERAGE.  In this way, the essential activities of the project will get segregated and will be prioritised (Demirkesen and Ozorhon, 2017). The dependency and the priority of each project activity will be demonstrated by the Work Breakdown Structure which shows the flow of control in the project with the help of pictorial representation.  The Project Manager will be able to establish the preferences of the activities as well as the time scope of the project. Based on the Work Breakdown Structure, the project draft for the Change Management should be delivered to the higher management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE by the Project Manager.

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Work Breakdown Structure

The Project Manager should carry out the Feasibility Test on the basis of the Work Breakdown Structure so that the business case of the project can be drafted for the Change Management program in DIAGERO BEVERAGE to implicate Onsite Catering Service (Ikaet al., 2020). The activities of the project are carried out in accordance with the specifications of the Project Charter. 

Project Planning

The next milestone of the Project Lifecycle is the phase of Project Planning where the specifications are being detailed regarding the constraints of the project on the lines of scope, cost, time and risk. The Project of Change Management is facilitated with the help of the Critical Path Analysis to identify the critical project activities of the project as well as the shortest yet profitable track of projectsexecution (Teresoet al., 2019). The Project Manager of DIAGERO BEVERAGE should also perform the StakeholderAnalysis to identify the important stakeholders of the project along with allocating the most valuable resources of the project.

Project Plan

Project Aim

The aim of the project is to induce a Change Management program for the work culture of DIAGERO BEVERAGE with the help of critical analysis to implicate Onsite Catering Service.

Project Objectives

To assess the specification requirements of the project to initiateOnsite Catering Service forDIAGERO BEVERAGE under a Change Management program.

Project Scope

The project scope deal with the successful implantation of the Change Management program in the working scope of DIAGERO BEVERAGE so that the Onsite Catering Service can be initiated. This program should be established under the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility so that the management of the company can reduce the rate of absenteeism of employees during the lunch hour.

Cost and Resource Management Plan


Resources Required

Cost (£)

Responsible Authority

Project Prototype Origination

Physical resources 


Project Coordinator

Project Flow Prototyping



Program Coordinator

Worker Orientation 

HR-related documents  


HR Executive

Supplier Refining 

Inventory related documents  


Operation In Charge

Resource Management  

Physical Resources


Resource Manager

Risk Management

Risk Chart


Project Coordinator

Cost Evaluation 

Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Budget Plan


Finance Head

Table1: Cost and Resource Management Plan

(Source: Created by author)

Schedule Management Plan


Risk Management Plan



Mitigation Strategy

Employee Organization Risk


The management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE should be working on a structured Employee Assistance Program to facilitate the requirements of the employee base in the course of the project.

Resource Organization Risk


A well defined Inventory Management System should be initiated by the administration of DIAGERO BEVERAGE to control the segment of the supply chain of resources during the project execution (Chen et al., 2019)

Technology Procurement Risk


A vocational training program should be organised by the management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE to facilitate the knowledge base of the employee base with the latest advancement in the world of innovation

Finance Organization Risk


The management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE should induce a Cost-Benefit Analysis so that the budget of the project can be set according to the resource requirements of the project.

Project Organization Risk 


The worker base as well as the entire project supporting the department of DIAGERO BEVERAGE should implicate Project Management tools so that the project can easily be executed and deployed within the timeframe (Armenia et al., 2019).

Table 2: Risk Management Plan

(Source: Created by the learner)

Project Execution

The next and the most effective milestone of the Project Lifecycle is the stage of ProjectExecutionwhere the Project Manager of DIAGERO BEVERAGE will be executing each and every step of the project according to the specification requirements of the project (Sanchez and Terlizzi, 2017). The two main components of the Project Execution step are that of the Work Breakdown Structure as well as the Project Charter. The main concern is the quality of the resources used in the project which should get monitored at regular intervals. The Business Case will play a significant role in determining the critical steps of the project so that the requirements of the Change Management are kept updated in accordance with the project progress.

Business Case

Project Overview          

The project scope deal with the successful implantation of the Change Management program in the working scope of DIAGERO BEVERAGE so that the Onsite Catering Service can be initiated. This program should be established under the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility so that the management of the company can reduce the rate of absenteeism of employees during the lunch hour.

Product and Services

The main product of DIAGERO BEVERAGE is to deliver a good structure Onsite Catering service in the office premise under the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility so that the rate of absenteeism of the employeecan be reduced in the peakoperationaltenure of the business.

Marketing Strategies




The segmentation for the Onsite catering service in the working scope of DIAGERO BEVERAGE should be done on the basis of the income  capability and the taste preference  of the employee base of the company

The target of the Onsite Catering Service should be mainly given to those specific workers of DIAGERO BEVERAGE who pan to avail themselves the external food facilities rather than those available in the office premises (Chofrehet al., 2019)

The business of Onsite Catering Service should be promoted and distributed both on the platform of In-house store as well online mode of business for a better profitability  of DIAGERO BEVERAGE

Table3: STP table

(Source: Created by the learner)

Competitor Analysis

Competitive Rivalry

The management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE should perform a detailed market analysis to know the threat for the business of Onsite catering Service from other manufacturing companies of Midlands.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

The management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE  should be very much subjected to the demands of the suppliers of  effective resources for preparing the food materials of the Onsite Catering service (Chawla et al., 2018)

Bargaining Power of Customers

The customers, in this case, is the potential employee base of DIAGERO BEVERAGE who should be well served by the Onsite Catering service otherwise the switching for their side could prove to be detrimental for the business.

Threat to new entrant

The management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE may expect an equalised power of business capitalisation from any other budding company in the domain of manufacturing with the same idea of business development

Threat in substitution

The business of DIAGERO BEVERAGE could be in a state of jeopardy of the Onsite Catering service for other manufacturing companies in the Midlands prove to be more beneficial to the employee base at the time of lunch hours (Lee et al., 2018).

Table 4: Porter's Five forces Analysis

(Source: Created by the learner)


Project Closure

The last milestone of the Project Lifecycle can be signified as the Project Closure where the main responsibility of the Project Manager of DIAGERO BEVERAGEis focussed on the successful deployment of all the specified deliverables of Change Management. This should be well facilitated with a structured process of verification and validation. The Cost-Benefit Analysis will give a clear idea of the budget overlapping in the overall project and how the same can be negotiated with immediate effect.  The resource applications are also evaluated to get an idea of surplus resource usage. Moreover, a well-defined Performance Analysis should be performed by the management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE so that the loopholes of the worker base could be identified and actions can be taken to improve the same in the minimum time possible. This can be well facilitated with the implication of a Performance Management Plan for the side of the Project Manager of DIAGERO BEVERAGE.


Estimated Cost (£)

Actual Cost (£)

Benefits (£)

Ratio (%)

Change Management





Market Analysis





Procurement Management  





Supplier Categorisation





Employee Induction





Communication Organisation





Business Framework Development 





Employee Assistance Program





Change Implications





Deliverables Deployment








Table5: Cost-Benefit Analysis 

(Source: Created by the learner)

Models and theories to differentiate between small and large scale projects

There are several kinds of potential differences as well as distinctions that can easily differentiate between the nature of small and large scale projects. The small scale projects can be executed with the assistance of a small team or even an individual where the time of the development can be calculated with respect  hours or even weeks. The main task is to get the project successfully executed with each and every specification requirement being jet on the grounds. Large scale projects are usually being done with the support of large team, specifically more than 20 members. The time of completion for the large scale project is generally form months to almost years. The successful execution of the project is determined with the successful maintenance of the project as part of the deployment activity since the longevity of the project is really extended.

TO Concept Model: The measurement factors are the most important kinds of attributes for any project where the project complexity can be classified under the section of organisation complexity as well as technological complexity. The vertical organisational hierarchy is being included in the aspect of organisational complexity whereas in the scope of technological complexity, the aspects of material and knowledge characteristics are classified (Mohamadet al., 2020). The innovation of the techniques used in the proper classification of the project can be implicated to enhance the maturity of the company.  The aspect of immature business operations in the organisational lead to increase amount of task uncertainty.

Analysis of the project methodologies and tools used

There are several kinds of tools and methodologies that are very much popular in the industry to manage long and short scale projects according to the specification requirements of the same. The most widely used Project Management methodology is the Waterfall Model. Jira and Kanban are the most popular industrial project management tools.

Models and theories to differentiate between small and large scale projects 

Waterfall Model

The Waterfall Model is the most basic and generalised model of project management where the project is being executed in the chronological sequence of the project activities in accordance with the hierarchy and preference (Kramer, 2018). The dependency of the project activities is prioritised where the output of one step acts as the input of the next stage. Hence the Project Management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE can apply the Waterfall model for the implication of the Change Management program of Onsite Catering service to avoid any kind of activities redundancy.


The Kanban tool of the Project Management is totally oriented on the lean management principles so that the application of human effort can be reduced (Leiet al., 2017). This infrastructure of the Kanban tool is centric on the technology of DevOps and hence all specification requirements of the project of DIAGERO BEVERAGE can be delivered without any operational bottlenecks.


The dashboard platform of the Jira tool is very much effective for the successful implication of any level of project management. It is used in the matter of task allocation to the workers of the project where the tool can be well implicated in synchronisation of Agile methodology and Kanban tool (Marques et al., 2018). The level of assistance could be well facilitated in the project of Change Management for DIAGERO BEVERAGE to implicate Onsite Catering Service.

Review and critically the effectiveness of the PLC in application to your project using the appropriate theories model and concepts

Project Lifecycle can be signified as the framework that is mainly used by the management of DIAGERO BEVERAGE to execute the project of Change Managements without any kind of bottlenecks. The stages of the Project Lifecycle are listed below

  • Project Initiating
  • Project Planning
  • Project Executing
  • Project Monitoringand controlling
  • Projectclosing

Agile Project Management 

Agile Project Management mechanism is based on an iterative style of project execution so that the project can be deployed with all the required deliverables in the minimum time possible. The transparency of the project activities will be highly elaborated in the scope of the Project Manager of DIAGERO BEVERAGE which in turn will reduce the probability of the risk factors in the course of project execution (Cooper and Sommer, 2018). The project execution phase can be well optimised using the agile methodology as thus the budget of the project can be controlled. The deliverables of the project of Change Management from the side of DIAGERO BEVERAGE can easily be monitored by the Project Manager in accordance with the specification requirements of the project. 

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