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Crisis and Conflict Resolution Assignment Help

You are the HIM Director of a large trauma center and were assigned by the Chief of the Medical Staff to evaluate the preventative services of the Internal Medicine department to examine if they are complying with Medicare''s Preventative Visit under the recent Affordable Care Act. You conduct a retrospective analysis of the medical records for the past six months using the hospital''s electronic medical record (EMR). Your findings, although startling, were indicative of what the Chief of the Medical Staff speculated--a large percentage of the patients were not receiving current screening preventative recommendation. The following data stood out: two physicians, who saw about 45 percent of all the patients, had 60% of their patients lacking in bone density measurements; colonoscopies were only done 34% of the time; and 13% of the patient population received the pneumococcal vaccine. You are asked to present your findings at the monthly Internal Medicine departmental meeting. In the middle of your data presentation, two physicians begin to argue the results integrity and reliability of the data. Furthermore, they alluded to your being inept in your data analysis. Specifically, how would you handle this situation?

What preparation might you have done in advance to help prevent a situation like this?

What conflict management or leadership expertise would you need to successfully defend your findings?




The current scenario is the task of evaluating the preventive services of the internal medicine department to examine whether they are complying with Medicare's preventive visit under the recent Affordable Care Act. The task is assigned to me in the position of the HIM Director and the allocation is done by the chief of the Medical staff.

Specific observations

In accordance with the retrospective analysis of the medical records very critical information is observed. Two physicians are found to be lagging in compliance with the mandatory regulations. There is a failure in compliance with about 45% of the patients who were treated by two physicians. 60% of the total patients lack bone density measurements testing and colonoscopies are not done to about 67% of the total time. Also, the pneumococcal vaccine is administered only to about 13% of the total patients.


In the middle of the presentation of the facts, two physicians started arguing the authenticity and validity of the data presented here in the case. The key questions raised are about the integrity and reliability of the data.

Handling the situation:

The situation needs to be handled without creating much scope for resentment from the physicians. At the same time, there should not be compromise on the objectives of the organization. It needs to consists of presenting the facts, letting the physicians agree with the faults and also should them devise an action plan and comply with the same for not to repeat the situation again.

Action plan:

(i) It is quite a normal situation to predict the possible reaction from the doctors. It is a common psyche to resist the blame as they do cause them to lose their professional image. Hence the presentation needs to be invariably supported with evidential information. The complete list of data records to support the facts presented in the report are expected to be delivered to support the key findings presented in the report.  I will be taking out the print out of the hard copies of the data statistics, specifically about the number of patients undertaken treatment under each of the two physicians as well the number of the patients received the vaccine, bone density testing. Also, the details of the colonoscopies performed will be taken on hard copies. Further before the presentation itself, they will be cross-checked with random patient discharge reports and will be certified as accurate by some other competent authority. If not I will be deputing a resident medical officer to certify the authenticity of the document, by signing the information presented there on the document. Finally, two separate copies of the data findings will be given to two physicians for their retrospection during the presentation. There are chances that there can be reasons beyond the control of the physicians resulting in this situation Typical reasons like equipment malfunction, technicians availability, outsourcing the work, record management failures are some of the possible reasons. They need to be cross verified for the actual situation, before coming to inquiry with physicians.

(ii) Conflict resolution

Since the two physicians are respectable personnel of the organization, conflict needs to be tackled with dexterity and sensitively. They need to be provided with good humbleness and dignity the facts. They should be provided with an opportunity to defend themselves. In fact, they need to be provided an opportunity to get into the details and to report if there any genuine reason for this situation. They can be provided with some time to recollect the situation and to report the facts. Also, they can be enquired of an action plan to eliminate the repeat of this situation in future. These are some of the possible conflict resolution procedures (Wallensteen,2018). Affirmative leadership is needed in this situation to get productive results (Smith & Squires, 2016).


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