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Criminological Theory Assignment Help

(1) Explain each of the guiding principles of restorative justice.

(2) Sykes pointed to what three factors of special importance that sought to explain the rise of criminological conflict theory.

(3) Akers postulated four central concepts, describe and explain those concepts.

(4) Cloward and Ohlin popularized the concept of ‘illegitimate means’, explain this concept in full.

(5) Explain each of the six characteristics or elements of "self-control."


Guiding principles of Restorative Justice

The Restorative Justice sees crime beyond breaking the legal enforcement. It causes harm to the community, relationships, and people. A viable response is required to address these complex situations and the wrongdoings. If both the parties are agreeing, then the best way to resolve the dispute is by resolving by discussion. The meetings have the potential to bring great transformation in the lives of the individuals (Lilly et al., 2018). Here the parties involved have been, harmed due to the criminal activity. The responsibilities and roles of the parties involved vary depending upon the type of the crime. The government of the particular state in regard, to the restorative justice, is responsible for investigating the case situation; ensure safety to both the parties and facilitating the entire justice process. Three basic concepts are, associated with the restorative justice,

1. Repair: harm is, caused by crime and justice can repair that particular harm.

2. Encounter: The harm cab repaired by allowing the parties to discuss together and resolve it

3. Transformation – this has the potential to change individuals, communities, and relationships.

The principle of restorative justice is healing the harm caused by and criminal conduct. A cooperative process allows the parties to arrive at a mutual decision. It is also the government’s responsibility to look into these matters closely to restore the wellbeing of the people. The four cornerstones of restorative justice are reintegration, making amendments, encountering the other side and inclusion of the involved parties. Restorative justice aims in responding to the crime more judiciously. It aims in decreasing the crime rates in the future thus solves them mutual decision making. Reintegration takes place in the community. The restorative justice needs the collaborative effort of the government and the community.

Sykes pointed to what three factors of particular importance that sought to explain the rise of criminological conflict theory

Sykes believed in only factors that laid importance to explain the rise of the criminological conflict theory:

The effect of the war in Vietnam on the society of America – lies or disinformation told by the government administration, armed troops on fire, protest marches and killing or injuring college students or peaceful protestors (Burke, 2015). The protest caused by the people, the government, reacted by throwing some military intervene causing many innocent people to die.

The rise of counterculture – factional essential conflict in the ethos or values, many people are involved in a behaviour that is considered to be, harmless but is considered to be illegal under the system of justice and law. Protest of drugs usage was, notified by government officials.

The increase in a political protest over the differentiation and the usage of the political power to suppress the political dissent. The only medium to deal with the kind of unjust laws implementing exclusion was to interrupt them thus making the protesters criminal (Tibbetts, 2018). The increase of political and social protests focused on putting an end in various kinds of discrimination. Furthermore, the community required that political opposition to bring, it to an end. The movement related to the “Feminism” spoke loudly about sexual, economic and politic oppression caused on the women of the community. The Gay community also came forward and spoke about to end the labelling the “other sexes” and demanded to be treated and respected in the same way as the members of the nation

Akers postulated four central concepts. Elucidate the Aker’s concepts

The four concepts of the Akers theory are differential social reinforcements, definitions, imitations and differential associations. Unlike the Sutherland, Akers discovered that two subcategories existed under the differential associations that were normative and interactional (McGloin and Nguyen, 2014).

Differential Association - differential association, which is, considered interactional, includes either indirect identification (distant reference groups) or direct association (seeing friends or peers daily). It mentions the procedure by that an individual is, exposed to meanings that are either unfavourable or favourable to different and criminal performance. It takes into consideration the entire value of the different available sources of descriptions on an individuals’ life.  Intimate and small groups are, considered to be, most powerful and impactful in an individual’s life. It involves church, friends, family, and others. The duration, priority, intensity, and frequency the sources have a good impact on shaping the definitions (Winlow and Hall, 2015). 

Definitions – it refers to the attitudes and personal meninges that is, associated with given conduct. It directs an individual to define or rationalise wrong or right when someone is morally speaking. The definitions can be specific or general. If a person’s opinion is most harmful, then they are less likely to perform. An individual with a more optimistic and positive opinion

Differential Reinforcements – it is the actual or the anticipated punishment or rewards that follow an ordered behaviour. Here the individual is likely to get engaged in criminal behaviour or deviant behaviour is, heightened when the individual is, rewarded for the conduct (Positive reinforcement). The deviant behaviour is, improved when they tend to avoid unpleasant results, such as jail, fines and other (Negative reinforcements).

Imitation – other individual regards this as an engagement of the conduct after seeing the similar or same conduct. The consequence that was, observed and the conduct he is being, observed establishes the conduct, which will be copied by the particular observer (Nivette, 2014). 

Cloward and Ohlin popularised the concept of ‘illegitimate means’

Lloyd Ohlin and Richard Cloward seek to mix the concepts of the Cohen and Merton to elucidate the various types of subcultures in criminal as they are, recognised in contemporary America. There are three kinds of delinquent subculture, criminal subculture, conflict subculture, and retreatist subculture. Not all individuals were capable of availing the legal opportunity structure and material success (Farrington, 2017). The pre-existing subcultural pats towards success are not approved by the wider culture. A specific strain is existing in association with the illegitimate opportunity structures. If an individual is not being able to become rich though gaining, qualification and working hard, do not explain the easy availability to find wealth through the criminal path. Some individuals reside in areas where criminal subculture is already present. In the illegitimate opportunity structure, a career of a regular criminal person is, considered to be, available with identified means of attaining the society’s goals and objectives. The subcultures are also different. The theory does not take issues associated with the gender or social class.

Criminal Subculture – it is, considered an organised crime where the big criminals can socialise themselves in their criminal career graph, which probably brings material success.

Conflict Subculture – here the gangs formed by youth tend to claim territory from another the gang causing turf wars.

Retreatist Subculture – those who are not able to access illegitimate or legitimate opportunity may drop out altogether. This is done by, the entire group rather than anyone. The group might be involved in dealing with drugs. They are, considered as double failures (Jensen, 2017).

Explain each of the six characteristics or elements of "self-control."

Hirschi joined hands with Gottfredson to put forth an associated but different type of control theory: self-control theory. It is, considered the key element for causing deviance and crime in a social group or his own life.

The six elements of self-control are –

1. Involvement in the crime is, displayed as being stable.

2. The offenders fall under the category of social domains.

3. The crimes that are, caused are not sophisticated and specialised.

4. The criminals do not plan their behaviour.

5. The individual involved in the crime do it in similar behaviour.

6. Crime tends to offer a short-term gratification (Gabbidon, 2015).

The people who are involved in criminal activities tend to be nonverbal, short-sighted, risk-taking, physical, insensitive and impulsive.

The six aspects of the self-control encompass an individual propensity for a crime which is known as criminality. The issue with self-control is that it is the differential tendency of the human being so that it can avoid the criminal acts under various circumstances or predicaments. The conduct of an individual varies depending upon their temptations at present. The rate of crime committed by an individual will be high if a person has low self-control. His level of criminal conduct will be high, social failure and higher analogous behaviour.

According to the universal theory of criminology, the difference in the tendency to involve in crime and eccentricity is chiefly a purpose of discrete differences in self-control that is, abstracted as a dormant character mannerism. Persons that are additionally susceptible to this kind of temptations are, coined as having low self-control. Low self-control rises from unsuccessful socialization early or previous in life and is, considered as a steady trait that perseveres over the lifetime. Moreover, they opinion low self-control as the main individual-level issue elucidating drug abuse, criminal behaviour and alcohol abuse and requirement, and another type of unconventionality.


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