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Report on Why and how should managers use the corporate/business communication function ? Expelain Corporate Communication of Brand Identity, image, and reputation

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The term ‘brand image' refers to the general impression that a product or service of a company holds in the marketplace. On the other hand, the term ‘brand identity' refers to the way through which a company or a brand is represented to the customers in the market. Brand reputation is how the customers or public view a brand in the marketplace (Rashid et al. 2018, p. 107). It is essential that managers know how to communicate about Brand image, identity and reputation because, they are the three most important factors to the company which decides and indicates the position of a company in the market. Communicating the brand with internal and external stakeholders is essential for the company's profit and increases their loyalty towards the brand, which also helps in creating positive image and increases the brand reputation. Proper communication about the brand image, identity and reputation internally and externally is the most important activity that every manager should perform while managing a particular brand. This report will examine firstly communication of identity, then about the image and finally, will explore the importance of communicating about reputation.

Communicating about brand identity

What managers should communicate about brand identity and why.

Manager should communicate about the key features that make a brand unique in the marketplace. The primary aim of communicating brand identity is to create a positive notion about the brand in the minds of stakeholders by upholding the positive and most unique features of the brand (Rutter et al. 2018, p. 197). For example, Apple has created strong brand identity by conveying its unique features and establishing its necessity through effective communication (Helal & Ozuem 2018, p. 334). Communicating the brand identity, the management can improve customers' perception regarding the brand, which is very important for influencing the customers for purchase (Rutter et al. 2018, p. 198). At the same time, it is also important for establishing the company as a positive contributor to the society (Rutter et al. 2018, p. 198). By communicating brand identity, companies can convey their corporate belief and disclose their views regarding business to the external stakeholders like customers and at the same time, they can convey how far they give importance to them and focus on developing higher values (Rutter et al. 2018, p. 256).

Who managers should communicate with internally and externally and how.

Managers must communicate with the external and internal stakeholders of the company about the brand identity. Managers communicate brand identity to the employees, who are considered as the face of the company(Rutter et al. 2018, p. 257).It is important because employees represent the company and so they must have clear knowledge regarding brand identity of the company(Rutter et al. 2018, p. 258).On the other hand, managers also communicate brand identity with the customers, suppliers, government, investors and creditors, so that they become aware of the brand in a better way, which helps them differentiating a brand from the others (Rutter et al. 2018, p. 257). Communication with the internal stakeholders can be done through meetings and distributing company's prospectus (Helal and Ozuem 2018, p. 346). Communication with the external stakeholder can be done through promotion like, public relation and advertisement. Brand identity must be communicated properly to differentiate the brand from the others.

Communicating about brand image

What should managers communicate about brand image and why.

Effective communication about the brand image helps managers provide the differentiation and the right information about the personality of the company to internal and external stakeholders. Brand image helps companies to create a strong position in the market by differentiating their brands from other brands (Chernev 2018, p. 77). This can be better understood by considering the example of Coca Cola. There are several soft drinks brands in the international market, but Coca Cola has established itself as the most preferred brand in the market by conveying its brand image properly to the customers and other stakeholders (Lee et al. 2018, p. 456). The management of Coca Cola has differentiated the brand image from the other soft drinks brands in the international market and communicated the perspective of the company by the slogan "open happiness" and "Taste the feeling"; these slogans helped the company creating a positive perception in the minds of the consumers (Chernev 2018, p. 77).On the other hand the company has also developed a different logo to differentiate its brand image from the others (Chernev 2018, p. 77).

Who managers should communicate with internally and externally and how.

Managers need to communicate with internal and external stakeholders about the brand image. Externally managers communicate with the customers, government, creditors, investors and suppliers about the brand image (Quaratino & Mazzei 2018, p. 116). While communicating brand image the managers communicate about the quality of products and services that the company provides to its customers, which on the other hand helps to gain the trust of the external stakeholders (Quaratino & Mazzei 2018, p. 116). .Communication is important internally because it helps to keep the employees and managers conscious about their activities and quality of performance and it is important externally because proper internal communication about the brand image helps to encourage the employees for better performance and proper communication with the external stakeholders about brand image helps to create a unique position and positive notion in the market (Helal & Ozuem2018, p. 333). This communication is done through brand promotion (Quaratino & Mazzei 2018, p. 117). Internally, managers communicate with the employees, owners and management team about the brand image to develop a clear vision about the brand's position in the market (Chernev 2018, p. 107). This communication is done through meetings and conference (Chernev 2018, p. 107). Brand image is very important factor to both internal and external stakeholders and so they should be communicated adopting the right communication technique.

Communicating about brand reputation

What should managers communicate about brand reputation and why.

While communicating brand reputation managers should communicate all the credibility of the product or a brand. Brand reputation develops from the external views of the people regarding a brand (Guèvremont & Grohmann 2018, p. 334). By communicating about the brand reputation, managers try to build trust and confidence about a particular brand or product (Guèvremont & Grohmann 2018, p. 334). It is also important for creating a competitive advantage in the market (Quaratino & Mazzei 2018, p. 119). Proper communication about the brand reputation helps the managers to encourage the employees to perform better by making them to think that they are working for a reputed brand (Guèvremont & Grohmann 2018, p. 336). For example, Google has created competitive advantage and encouraged the employees to be more creative by communicating its strong reputation (Guèvremont & Grohmann 2018, p. 334). Communication about the brand reputation is important for encouraging the people to be loyal to the brand for long time.

Who managers should communicate with internally and externally and how.

Managers needs to communicate with external and internal stakeholders about the brand reputation through right method of communication. Brand reputation must be communicated with the customers, so that they become loyal to the company (Helal and Ozuem2018, p. 347). At the same time, communication also needs to be done with the investors, so that they get confidence for investing funds and government and suppliers should also be communicated for gaining their trust and confidence on the brand (Helal and Ozuem 2018, p. 347). Internally, communication should be done with the owners, employees and management team for gaining their trust and encouraging them to support the brand in a better way (Guèvremont & Grohmann 2018, p. 336) Externally the communication can be done through SMS, email, CSR activities and other types of promotions. Internally, communication should be done through meetings and conferences (Quaratino & Mazzei 2018, p.118). Brand reputation must be communicated for ensuring long-term survival of the brand.


Brand identity, brand image and brand reputation are the three important factors and are interrelated with each other. Identity, image and reputation of brand are must be communicated properly for achieving a better position in the market. In the competitive environment, communicating the brand reputation properly, the company can make its customers and other stakeholders loyal to its brand. Gaining the trusts of the external stakeholders becomes easier when the company or the management communicates the brand image, identity and reputation properly with the stakeholders. The study has provided the example of Coca Cola, which has created a different market position by communicating its brand identity properly. The proper communication about the brand identity helps the company creating a positive image and reputation of the brand in the marketplace. From this point of view, brand reputation and brand image is created properly when the brand identity is communicated efficiently by the end of the company or its managers. Due to this, while communicating brand identity, companies try to communicate about the unique and positive features of the brand to its stakeholders. The communication about these three factors must be done with both internal as well as external stakeholders. Communication must be done by using the right tool of communication. At the same time, it is important to remember that the communication needs to be done in different ways in the context of internal and external stakeholders.At last, it can be stated that communication about brand image, identity and reputation ensures long-term survival and success of a brand.

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