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Conflict between Cultures: The Israeli – Palestinian Issue Assignment Help

For this assignment select two countries or cultural groups that are currently or have historically been in conflict. Then, research the conflict from the perspective of each of the cultural groups.

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The Israeli - Palestinian conflict

The conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian people began years ago, in the mid-20th century. It originated as a sectarian conflict between the Arabs and Jews that can be traced back to the start of the immigration of Jews (Beauchamp, 2018). There have been attempts to restore and reconcile peace between Israel with Jordan and Egypt, but there has been little or no success in reaching a final decision or agreement when it comes to the Palestinians.

Major issues that have given rise to the conflict are water rights, border security, mutual recognition, control over Jerusalem, Palestinian freedom of movement, Israeli settlements, and the Palestinian right of return. The conflict has been spread over a region that is otherwise rich in its religious and cultural heritage, and has largely hampered travel and tourism, not to mention that the interest it has garnered on an international level from the human rights groups(Council on Foreign Relations, 2018).

The 1948 war between the Arabs and the Israeli people had resulted in the division of the land into three regions: the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the State of Israel. There were minor shifts in terms of territory, followed by a major war in 1973 when Syria and Egypt attacked Israel without warning as the latter had occupied the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula.

There have bene countless uprisings and spurts of violence since the 1980s, and they have continued well into the 21st century. The clashes have been bloody and extremely violent, with little attempts to undertake peace measures even after intervention from the international bodies. For instance, Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President, made it clear that the Oslo Records would no longer be valid for his State (Council on Foreign Relations, 2018), which was originally set up in 1993 as an attempt at reaching a mediation or reconciliation between the two conflicting groups.

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