COMP30005 Communication Server Administration, Middle East College, Oman
Executive Summary: Windows and Linux mail servers are most common and widely used mail servers and application of these mail servers can be seen in the internal communication process of different organizations. Windows mail server uses authentication permission for including administrative recipient. From the perspective of feature, it can be stated that Windows mail server provides more number of extensions to the users rather than Linux mail server. Linux mail server uses commands for administrative recipient process.
Introduction: This study provides an overview of the comparison between Linux and windows mail server by considering the aspects such as fundamentals of operation, roles of server, recipient administration. Moreover, this study delineates a brief comparison between advantages and disadvantages associated with Linux and windows mail server. Relations between these two mail servers are included in this study.
Task 2a: Comparative study report on Windows and Linux OS based email servers.
Answer: Comparison between windows and Linux email servers
Fundamentals: The mail server of windows is the most widely used mail server in the world. The windows email server supports different types of commonly used email protocols such as IMAP, POP3 as well as SMTP. Windows mail server uses authentication permission that includes administrative recipient. From the perspective of feature, it can be stated that Windows mail server provides more number of extensions to the users rather than Linux mail server. Linux and windows can be considered as most used mail servers and due to this reason, a critical comparison of these two servers can help to develop an effective communication system. Linux mail server also supports these protocols and due to this reason from this point of view, it can be stated that both these server are user friendly (Dauti, 2017). Windows and Linux mail server is most common mail servers and widely used by people. Both of these mail servers have specific advantages and disadvantages thus consideration of these servers for organizational process needs critical assessment. Linux and windows mail servers are mostly used mail servers and application of these mail servers can be observed in the internal communication process of different organizations. Comparison between different mails servers can help to realize critical factors associated with improvement of mail servers. However, the windows mail server is an open source mail server and can be accessed with the help of internet access while for Linux operating system specific setup is needed. Especially for the postfix server setup of the server plays a crucial role. Setup of Linux postfix mail server is critical task and needs domain name, hostname and destination name (Krause 2016). Without these specifications, this server cannot be accessed. Hence, from the ground of security it can be stated that Linux mail server is more secured mail server than the windows mail server. It can be said that, Linux and windows servers can be considered as one of the main web hosting services in the computer market. It has been found that, Linux can be stated as the open source software server that makes it easier and cheaper in order to use than Window OS.
Server role: The main role of Linux mail server is to send and receive the email over a secured communication channel. The main role of windows mail server is similar to the mail server applied in the Linux service such as the SMTP, IMAP. However,instability can be seen in windows mail server while operating in multiple databases simultaneously. However, in Linux mail server, stability issues associated with the operation in multiple databases cannot be seen (Potii and Roman 2016). Hence, difference can be seen in the hosting of windows as well as Linux mail servers. Linux mail server maintain step wise procedure while managing files on the other hand, windows no such step is specified. From this point of view, it can be stated that file management in Linux mail server is more daunting task rather than windows mail server for the beginners. However, both of these servers provide same benefits to users.
Administration recipient: The role of administration related to the mail server is one of the crucialfactors, which determines procedures of operation of a mail server. For windows, mail servers permissions rips needed for each recipient for accessing a specific service in mail from administrator (Khanji et al. 2016). Linux mail server uses more secured and structured protocol for elevating the user's experience. Windows mail server uses more user-friendly protocol for elevating the level of experience of users. Without having the permission, changes in information available in mail service cannot be done. Along with the administrative function, there is a specific function for the end-user. However, the policies associated with end user role are fixed and set by the administrator. Unlike the windows, mail server the role of administrator in Linux mail server relies on command. This can be considered as the prim difference between windows and Linux based mail server (Vujicic et al. 2016). Administrator of a Linux mail server transfers the command to the recipient address with the intervention of mail transferringagent. In this context, proper steps are maintained to transfer the mail over a secured channel by the administrator, which is mentioned as below-

Figure 1: Administrative recipient
(Source: Huh and Seo 2016)
Server administration: The administration of windows mail server is simplerthan the administration of Linux mail server. This is because windows mail server is open access server and can be accessed remotely while the Linux mail server needs to install and setup different protocols before using. From this point of view it can be stated that administrative operations associated with Linux mail server is more authentic that windows mail server (Sanchez, Duan and Dong 2016). Although these servers use similar protocols for mail transferring process such as, POP 3 and SMTP protocols. The server administration process in windows is easier to maintain where as the server administration of Linux is more complex in nature since stepwise authentication process is associated with Linux mail server. The postfix process associate with Linux mail server can help to elevate the level of reliability of administrative process by increasing the security in administrative process (Kim, Park and Lee 2016). Both windows and Linux based mail servers can be operated remotely which can be considered as the most beneficial factors related to mail server administration in Windows as well as Linux OS. This can help both server and user to exchange data and information more effectively and comfortably.
Managing mailbox: For managing the mailbox in windows, server permission for accessing the mailbox is needed. Exchange Online PowerShell is needed for further progress associated with management related to mailbox. Afterwards for managing the mailbox proper stepwise approach is needed. Permission of the administrator hence can be considered as one the most essential factors associated with the mailbox management in windows mail server (Bouyeddou et al. 2017). However, for managing the mailbox in Linux based server installation of server maintenance tools can be considered as an essential factors. Due to this reason with the help of Linux server comparatively large mailbox can be managed which can be considered as the main difference between mailbox management in Linux and windows. On the other hand, the procedures associated with the Linux mail server are much complex than Windows. Linux mail servers use transfers of commands for administrative purpose while Windows mail server uses the permission of authentication for administrative recipient.
Task 2b: Compare and contrast the pros and cons of selected email servers (Windows and Linux OS).
Answer: Comparison between the pros and cons of email servers (Windows and Linux OS)
Availability: Since Linux based mail server needs installation and setup available space for managing the information is relatively higher than other mail servers, which can be considered as one of the major advantage of Linux based mail server. In comparison to Linux based mail server windows mail server has comparatively low available space for information management and it can be considered as the major disadvantage of windows server (Devendran, Shahriar and Clincy 2015). Moreover, from the ground of security Linux mail server is more secured than the windows mail server, which can be considered as an advantageous factors related to the Linux, based mail server. However, in windows mail server the available space can be handled more easily hence, this can be considered as one of the major advantage of windows mail server. According to the IT experts, Linux can be determined as much more stable than Windows OS. Linux is said to be much more secure that Windows server. The malwares of Windows does not affect Linux and Linux virus is much more less effective than Windows virus.
Recovery: Both windows and Linux based mail servers have an advanced recovery functions and due to this reason both these servers can be considered as user friendly and this can be considered as the major advantages of these mail servers (Seo, Kim and Kim 2017). However, during the maintenance operation file can be deleted from the server database, which is one of the major disadvantages of windows mail server. Linux server maintains an effective structured operational process hence the recovery action is more reliable than windows mail server is.
Compliance: In windows, mail service the ‘administrator audit logging' is used for compliance, which enhances the effectiveness of mail service, thus can be considered as one of the major advantageousfactors associated with the windows mail server. On the other hand, the compliance factor associated with Linux mail service is depends on the root privilege factors(Hussain et al. 2015). Achilles heel problem can be seen in Linux based mail server, which is one of the major challenges, associated with this server. From the ground of compliance Linux based mail server maintains a range of protocols and policies and this helps to maintain an elevated level of mail services which can be considered as the major advantages associated of Linux based mail server.
Managing Resources: The resource management process associated with windows mail service considers different types of managerial protocols such as quota management, file management task. Due to this reason, the resource management procedure associated with the windows mail server is effective and more versatile (Gupta, Kaur and Kaur 2017). The Linux mail server does not have additional features as windows mail server and due to this reason, it can be considered as a disadvantage of Linux mail server.
Data Loss Prevention: Linux maintains effective security protocols for preventing data losses, which can be considered as one of the major advantageous factors related to the Linux based mail server. The Linux server maintain end to end encryption method which helps to prevent data losses and this can be considered as another major advantageous factors associated with the Linux mail server (Kumar and Thakur 2017). Windows mail server uses permission based mail servicing protocols which is not all the time end to end encrypted and due to this reason data can be lost from either recover or sender end. This is adisadvantageous factors related to windows mail server. Both of these servers uses cloud based storage service, which can be considered as advantages of window, and Linux based mail server.
Backing Up: Linux mail server uses fallback process for recovering the files and this process uses a structured protocol for backing up the files and due to this reason, it can be stated that backup procedure of Linux mail server is more exclusive than windows mail server (Dauti, 2017). On the other hand, in windows mail server all mails store primarily in the local disk and the backup of each mail can be taken more easily in PDF format. However, the mail server is not as much secured as Linux thus problems can be seen in the backing up process.
Development of security protocol: Windows mail server does not have effective security protocols and due to this reason the security features associated with windows mail server needs to be revised by considering end to end encryption of massage.
Reduction of procedural complexity: Organizations need simple communication protocol, which can elevate the internal operational effectiveness. Hence, complexity issues related to the procedures of data transferring needs to be improved for Linux mail server for elevating effectiveness of internal communication of organizations.
Development of new extensions and features: For elevating the operational effectiveness of mail servers new extensions and features need to be developed for Linux and Windows mail server since this can help to elevate the level of user experience. Moreover, feature of windows and Linux mail server need to be modified according to the time and development ion technologies. This can help to elevate the flexibility of mail services and can elevate the level user experience. From organizational point of view it can elevated the level of sustainability of internal operation and due to this reason it can be stated that development of new extensions of Linux and windows mail servers can elevate the flexibility of internal communication of organization.
Conclusion: The above study concludes that Linux mail servers follows more structured approach however in case of windows mail server this rule is not applicable. As a result, Linux mail server is more secured than the windows mail server is. Both of these servers have effective restoring protocols and file can be restored from any level.
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