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COMP1009 Project Management, Middle East College, Oman


Introduction: DCSL Software is a development organization located in London, founded in 1994 that undertake a project called Management Information Systems on the requirement of a client. MIS (Management Information System) is a method of gathering information in a summarize form. It is a network established in a company to give data to managers. It gives analytical and systematic data essential to managers of all level. It assists managers to take correct decision at the right time. The paper will highlight the scope statement for the Management Information System that will include objectives, cost, duration and also evaluate the proposed technology for the project. It will also analyze the risk management strategy through considering the schedule of the project. It will describe about the synopsis for the project management software including strength and weakness of the project.

Task 2: Write the scope statement for the selected project. Your scope statement must include:

• Specific objectives

Answer: Overview of plan: MIS is always a management oriented and observes every level of management and gets the desired data. It is a combination of theories, principles and practices of management that plays a vital role in an industry in decision making and planning procedure (Fountas et al.,2015). It gives data for the personnel at several level of management to perform their respective task. MIS could be compared with IT (information technology). Management Information System is describe as a system which consists of process, machines, people, data base and data models as the elements of the system. It helps DCSL software to growth and progress in management and business in enhancing business complexities through giving reliable and useful information on time. The information is given to the management to take quick, speedy and rational decisions. MIS helps company in liberalization and globalization that require completing globally and locally too. A management information system professional assists organizations to realize maximum profit from investment in business, personnel and equipment process. Professionals also make business better. Company use IS at all operation levels to gather, procedure and to store information. Management aggregate and disseminate this information in the form of data required to execute the daily operations of an industry (Ogiela and Ogiela, 2015).

Scope statement for selected plan: Management Information System (MIS) has many objectives, are as follows:

• The primary objective of Management Information System is to give information to make decision on controlling, organizing, planning, and initiating the operations of the firm's subsystem.

• MIS facilitates the decision making procedure through furnishing data in the correct time. It assists the decision maker to select the top course of action.

• Management Information system gives requisite data at each level of management to execute their functions.

• Management Information System gives a system of process, computers, people and interactive query facilities, documents for gathering and storing, transmitting and retrieving data to the users (Shiau, Chen, and Tsai, 2015).

• Concerned stakeholders such as the System users, Technical staffs and system operators as well as the designers, external stakeholders include the customers, suppliers in this project.

• Stakeholders' management issues will be their concerns on resistance to complete the project, urge to provide the end system solution, miscommunications and misunderstandings of their real requirements and to provide effective solutions to their demands. These issues can be managed by implementing MIS in an organization.

• External interfaces of Management Information System comprises of the external systems and peripherals that are connected to the Management Information System operations. It can be the mouse, keyboards related to the computers and/or stakeholders issues affecting the project.


• Cost

Answer: Cost: The cost calculator tool could assist communities to estimate the rough cost of coordinate information from many providers to assemble a citywide system to direct data. Still multiple factors determine components and costs for data MIS and the calculator give rough estimates only. The two important factors are there which contribute to the cost of MIS. The first one is the fixed costs or start up fee and the second one is variable costs (recurring costs) to sustain and maintain the system over time. Both the elements are vital while considering the instant and long term cost of management information system (Xiang, Magnini and Fesenmaier, 2015).

• Duration

Answer: Duration: The duration of the different work essential to complete the task are listed and grouped in work breakdown structure (WBS). Sometimes planning of project is utilized to organize various areas of project, comprising workloads, project plans and the management of individuals and teams. Planning of project is essentially uncertain as it should be done before the project is actually started. Hence, the time of the work is sometime estimated through a weighted optimistic average. The critical chain methodology adds buffers to the plan to expect possible delays in the execution of the project. Slack or float time in the schedule could be compute utilizing project management software (Sanchez and Terlizzi, 2017).

• Proposed technology that will used in the project

Answer: Proposed technology which will used in the project

Utilization of technology in management, consideration of the responsibilities of the manger is as follows:

• Utilize technology for human resource management: After planning the procedure, the owner of the business would have to carry out their target. During this procedure, owner will require human resource that would assist in accomplishing particular jobs. Owners or managers could utilize technology tool to illustrate work for each staff and also utilize technology to control the performance of each staff.

• Utilize technology to manage contacts of business: Owners and managers could utilize contact management systems to manage and organize contacts of business. The contacts could be for suppliers, consumers and for business partners. When an industry grow and expand, the numbers of contacts for suppliers and consumers also increase. Thus, this demand for a system of technology to assist company keeps the contacts and retrieves the contacts anytime.

• Utilize technology to manage data: Since managers have to utilize data during the procedure of organizing and planning activities of organization. Managers have to utilize this technology to manage data and access it any time. Utilizing technological systems such as MIS, managers would be in position to carry out vital decisions and actions needed in business development and growth.


Task 3: The Risk Management Plan - Risk Analysis and Plan

Answer: Risk analysis and planning: In today's world, recent development in health care and changes in the demographic data from the patients have posed noteworthy challenges in health care practices. In this developing world, there has been serious insufficiency in healthcare and patient safety eminences. The high prevalence of risks to health care and clinics cause various errors and are a matter of concern for healthcare organizations. They also tend to cause significant impacts from the social as well as economical point of view.

Risk management in healthcare encapsulates clinical and administrative systems, methods, reports that are employed for the detection and analysis and prevention and curbing of risks. Employing on the basis of risk management, healthcare managing organizations proactively and systematically protect the safety of the patient as well as the assets possessed by the organization, the share of the market, accreditation, compensation levels, value of brands and position in community (Aloi et al., 2015).

The analysis of hospital risk management can be done as follows

• Identification of risks- risk management involves managing of qualms that lead to dire consequences and these risks are ever emerging hence it is a challenging situation for the recognition of every threat that is faced by a healthcare entity. With the use of data, institutional and industrial acquaintance, and with the coordination of the concerned employees inclusive of the patients, healthcare experts, administrators and payment dealers the healthcare risk management can unfold threats and lead to the formation of events which are not only compensatory but also potential in nature else it would be difficult for the anticipation of healthcare management.

• Precedence of risks- once the risk is identified the need is to make sure to vitalize the ranks, scores and risks on the basis of their likelihood and impact of occurrence and then take to the allocation of resources and allocate tasks based on the conditions that have been mentioned. In order to accomplish them, risk matrices and heat maps may be employed for helping in the visualization of risks and aid in the promotion of communication and collaborative decision-making (Djalaliet al., 2015).

• Compliance reporting performance- in accordance with the bodies concerning the mandatory report for the types of incidents that are inclusive of medical errors and malfunction of medical devices, actions may be undertaken for the same to ensure no repetition of flaws in future.

• Coverage for latent failures- wrong medication is the direct examples of active failures which are easily identifiable. Latent failures are hidden and revealed via analysis and critical examination and observation. These deal with extremely minute mistakes that contribute to serious mistakes that lead to risks in hospital management systems (Ahmadi, Ibrahim, & Nilashi,2015).

• Investing for a robust risk management information system- the market is home to many platforms that manage risks relative to hospital management system. The system provides for the tools required for the documentation of incidents, tracking of risks, reporting of trends, benchmarking of data points and marking the comparisons of the industry. The reports may be done for losses, incidents, open claims and many more. It can greatly cause an effect on risk management by improving the performance through the reliable and available systems during the provision of overall cost reduction with the aid of automation of routine tasks.

To meet these risks, one can undertake

• Education and training for the employee where the employee must be detailed about the requirements for the training, employee orientations and event-specific awareness trainings.

• Grievances for the patient as well as family to promote the satisfaction of the patient and minimize the probability of process, procedures and documentation to the responses for the patients and attending to the family complaints which will be encapsulated in the plans for managing risks.

• Communication- improved communication skills and coordination will help in easing risks to a heavy degree which will aid in a better performance and better efficiency of the work done by the hospital management system and is a vital point that is to be considered for risk management.

In the field of hospital management system, the putting into practice of the strategies of risk management has received increased attention by the managers of health care. Risk management is indicative of the management of emergencies that cannot possess an advance prediction but can lead to serious consequences by their occurrence. The strategies that may be implemented for risk management are as stated below.

• LAUNCHING OF A SUITABLE ENVIRONMENT a risk management system should be initiated using a strategy that should be appropriate for the environment of the organization. The establishment of the environment puts forth the amount for the remaining management process for the risks. The first need is for an operating room in order to carry out the systems of risk management (Schweiger, and Rath, 2019).

• STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT the operating room acts as an intensive for the resource and is considered to be the main department in any hospital that provides services to patients under the leadership of numerous departments maintaining concords.

• ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT there is an utmost need for an internal risk management group in the operating room of the organization that should be headed by a group of medical experts and professionals.

• ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PRINCIPLE OF RISK MANAGEMENT the policy that is to be followed in this case should maintain the notion of a safety culture and integrate the belief of risk management into various types of work that is being performed in the operating room

• REWARD AND PUNISHMENT SYSTEM and also ensure standardized systems for the evaluation and identification of risk (Lahouet al., 2015).

• RISK IDENTIFICATION is inclusive of various methods like audit checking, brainstorming, discussion conduction informally and in groups, review of every kind of data is it current or previous, reporting of accidents and identifications and so on. Based on the identifications, a risk analysis can be conducted( Zhang, and Wang, 2018).

• ESTABLISHMENT OF AIDING MECHANISMS establishment of a monitoring and evaluation mechanism along with communication and consultation will be preferable in order to control risks and manage risks for hospital management systems in order to eliminate as well as reduce the risks.

Stakeholder analysis



Potential conflicts




System users,

Documentation for gathering and storing, transmitting and retrieving data to the users

Lack of coordination and understanding of programming

System failure

Lack of coordination

Less productivity


Management Information System gives a system of process, computers, people and interactive query facilities

Steering committee


Time availability si less

Not a high value risk project for them

Sudden change of direction


Getting the risk analysis on top 5 list by raising profile of the risk management using committee meetings



Monitoring leaders and employees with potential strategies and foretelling consequences

Lack of determination of management strategy

Lack of identification of risk

Identifying related risks and reducing negative impacts

Completion of leveraged and enhanced project success through management plans


Task 4: Identify any two Project Management software (excluding MS-Project) and present a synopsis showing a comparison between the two.

Answer: Identification of project management software

Doctors, nurses and other professionals in the field of medical rely on the modern methods of hospital management systems keeping in mind the requirements of the patient.

• OPENEMR it is an open source and permitted software meant for the purpose of hospital management. It is certified by the solutions of ONC running on platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and many more. It tracks the demographic information of the patient including the patients name, DOB, marital status, contact number and other relative personal details. An advanced agenda with the aid of patient flow board, tracking as well as reporting. Creation and forwarding of E-prescriptions using print fax and email, dispensary and pharmacy support, med claim edge management, reminders for the physician as well as the patient and a blog for the patient with modern facilities for online payments inclusive of multilingual support and encryption of patient documents with fine-grained access controls of the user and support from an active directory (Alchikhet al.,2018).

• HOSPITAL RUN is also free and open source software that is open for partnership with people working in non-governmental organizations, government as well as technology sector with the intention of provision of advanced services in healthcare. It has the provisions of availability offline proving to be accessible from anywhere notwithstanding internet connectivity, inventory management inclusive of audit tracking and cost accounting, management of patient, queuing of image, reporting in automatic and ad-hoc manner, workflows for bed management and patient, management on the basis of diagnosis, claim management,. Doctor appointments and schedules, lab and pharmaceutical information systems and expense management.

Comparing OPENEMR and HOSPITAL RUN, HOSPITAL RUN has a preference to OPENEMR since it can be used offline which will prove to be beneficial for the remote areas where there is poor or unavailability of facilities online using the internet. HOSPITAL RUN avails partnership facilities with diversified agencies be it NGO or government or private whereas OPENEMR allows for the provisions of demographic patients. HOSPITAL RUN has an ace over OPENEMR in the provision of better facilities in hospital management system for the organization hence it can have a better priority against OPENEMR (Kyalo, and Odhiambo-Otieno, 2017).

Discussion: Inspite of attaining gigantic amount of data from various resources there is still incompetence in discussion and distillation of the data into the vital information that will aid in making strategic decisions. The objectives of the report is to investigate a progression helping to define and use management information of importance and develop an information system for hospital management system in the form of software making the information accessible and provision of a context for integrated decision making and deal with risk analysis and investigate the impacts of the archetype system for the organization's hospital management system. The aid of project management software like OPENEMR and HOSPITAL RUN will ease the system of hospital management to a great extent. On further comparison of both of the software it can be thus derived that HOSPITAL RUN is more effective as compared to OPENEMR due to its vast outlook and working methodology hence it can be at the top of the list for software requirements in hospital management system for the organization


Conclusion: The paper discussed about the DCSL software development organization that undertakes a project that comprise development of Management Information Systems. MIS is the need of a company to take noteworthy decisions. The study also evaluated about the scope statement for the project that includes the cost and duration of the project compromising MIS. It had also provided the proposed technology such as Utilize technology to manage contacts of business, human resource management and manage data. It also discussed about the risk management plan and also about the strategy for managing the risk. It also analyzed the synopsis for the management of the project. It has highlighted the strengths and weakness of the project management tools. DSCL must use the information technology for the growth and development of the company.

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