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COMP.6211 Algorithms and Data Structures Assignment - Sorting and Searching, Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand

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Question 1 - You are required to write a console application with an Algorithm class

You are to write a Display method, which will display the contents of this array to the screen. Add the appropriate code to Main, so the numbers are displayed.

Answer -

using System;

class Algorithm


public static int[] numbers= new int[50];

static void Main()


Algorithm a=new Algorithm();

Random randNum = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++) // read random no


numbers[i] = randNum.Next(1, 100);


a.display(); // call method

Console.WriteLine( "\n How many maximum values you wanted to find in this array: ");

int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());



public void display()


Console.WriteLine("Original Array \n"); // display random numbers

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)


Console.Write(" "+numbers[i]);



public void findMaximum (int[] numbers,int n)


int[] result = new int[n];

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)


//if bigger than the smallest node

if (numbers[i] <= result[0])






//if bigger than all

if (numbers[i] > result[n - 1])


for (int l = 0; l < n - 1; l++)


result[l] = result[l + 1];


result[n - 1] = numbers[i];




int indexLeft = 0;

int indexRight = n - 1;

int currIndex = (indexRight + indexLeft) / 2;

while (indexRight - indexLeft > 1)


if (numbers[i] >= result[currIndex])


indexLeft = currIndex;




indexRight = currIndex;


currIndex = (indexRight + indexLeft) / 2;


for (int l = 0; l < currIndex; l++)


result[l] = result[l + 1];


result[currIndex] = numbers[i];




Console.WriteLine("{0} Maximum Values found are:",n);


for (int l = 0; l<result.Length;l++)


Console.Write(" " +result[l]);




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Question 2 - When using a sequential search algorithm (such as linear) to find a value, it will always find the first occurrence of that item in the array.

Extend the program and class created in question 1 by adding a NumOccuranceSearch method, which is a modified sequential search that receives three parameters: an array, an integer (the value the user wants to search for i.e. 4) and a second integer (the occurrence of the item they want to search for i.e. 2nd).

Answer -

using System;

class Algorithm


public static int[] numbers= {2, 4, 8, 6, 18, 4, 9, 4, 3}; // initialize array

static void Main()


Algorithm a=new Algorithm(); // create object for class to call methods

Console.WriteLine("Original Array");

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++) // print original array values


Console.Write(" "+numbers[i]);


Console.WriteLine("\n What Value you wanted to find:"); // read finding values

int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

Console.WriteLine("\n Which Occurrence you wanted to find:"); // read Occurrence value

int occ = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

int index=a.NumOccuranceSearch(numbers,n,occ); // call method

Console.WriteLine("The item {0} has occurrence {1} at index: {2}",n,occ,index); // print result


public int NumOccuranceSearch (int [] numbers,int n,int occ)


int pos = 0; int count=0;

for (int k = 0; k<numbers.Length; k++) // loop to pick each value from array


if (numbers[k] == n) // check each value from array to given number


pos = k; // read position

count++; // increament count to check number of occurrence



break; // if match no of occurrence with count then stop




return pos; // return position



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Question 3 - For this question you are required to extend the program and class even further by adding a LastOccuranceSearch method, which finds the last occurrence of the searched item.

Answer -

using System;

class Algorithm


public static int[] numbers= {2, 4, 8, 6, 18, 4, 9, 4, 3};

static void Main()


Algorithm a=new Algorithm(); // print array

Console.WriteLine("Original Array");

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)


Console.Write(" "+numbers[i]);


Console.WriteLine("\n What Value you wanted to find:"); // read input

int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

int index=a.LastOccuranceSearch(numbers,n);

Console.WriteLine("The item {0} has occurance at index {1}",n,index); // print result


public int LastOccuranceSearch (int [] numbers,int n)


int pos = 0;

for (int k = numbers.Length -1; k >= 0; k--) // check in reverse order to find last occurance


if (numbers[k] == n) // compare with given no


pos = k; // read position




return pos; // return position



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Question 4 - The challenge for this question is to look at improving the bubble sort. Consider the following: You will notice after the first pass of the algorithm the highest number is "in place", after the second pass the two highest numbers are "in place" and so on. Consider as the array elements are moved so the highest numbers in place, do we need to continue to make 49 passes of a 50 element array? Or can this be reduced?

For this question you are required to extend your program and class again by adding the following two methods: bubbleSort () and improvedBubbleSort ().

Answer -

using System;

using System.Diagnostics;

class Algorithm


public static int[] numbers= {2, 4, 8, 6, 18, 4, 9, 4, 3}; // initialize array

static void Main()


Algorithm a=new Algorithm();

Console.WriteLine("Original Array"); // print array


for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)


Console.Write(" "+numbers[i]);


a.bubbleSort(numbers); // call methods



public void bubbleSort (int [] numbers)


Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // create object for Stopwatch class

int t;

for (int j = 0; j <= numbers.Length - 2; j++) // no of passes


for (int i = 0; i <= numbers.Length - 2; i++) // no of comparision


if (numbers[i] > numbers[i + 1]) // comparison to do swapping


t = numbers[i + 1]; // swapping

numbers[i + 1] = numbers[i];

numbers[i] = t;




sw.Stop(); // stop watch to calculate execution time for above algorithm

Console.WriteLine("\n Bubble Sorted array is :");

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++) // print sorted array


Console.Write(" "+numbers[i]);


Console.WriteLine(" \n Time taken for Bubble Sort: {0} ms", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);


public void improvedBubbleSort (int [] numbers)


Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

int temp = 0;

bool swap = false;

for(int i = 0 ; i < numbers.Length ; i++)


swap = false;

for(int j = 0 ; j< numbers.Length - i-1 ; j++) // reduced no of passes


if(numbers[j] > numbers[j+1])


temp = numbers[j];

numbers[j] = numbers[j+1];









Console.WriteLine("\n Improved Bubble Sorted array is :"); // print array with execution time

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)


Console.Write(" "+numbers[i]);


Console.WriteLine(" \n Time taken for Improved Bubble Sort: {0} ms", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);



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