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COMP 1006 Information System Management Assignment Help

Module: Information System Management (COMP 1006)

Middle East College, Oman

Learning Outcomes:

1. Formulate the business rationale for an information system.

2. Explain how organizations’ can be managed better by intelligent use of information systems.

3. Understanding information system security and reliability of the organization.

Case  Study 4. Valero Energy, Elkay Manufacturing, J&J, and Overstock.com : The Move Toward Fact-Based Decision Making


Question2- Appropriate decision making requires exact information from all departments in multinational companies. Identify other components which must be used for successful decision making. Explain your answer using appropriate examples of society, culture, human resources and technology.

Answer- Today, with advent of new technologies, it is found that the organizations are looking out for technological tools and techniques that will allow them to improve not only their decision but also their overall strategies in a given working environment (Campagna, 2016).

Second, they are also looking out for the ways that will allow them to expand in other geographical territories that will allow them to improve bottom-lines in a given environment. On the other hand, it is also necessary for them to conduct an internal analysis first, determine the major gaps first, and thereby take decisions that will improve the overall working scenario(Campagna, 2016).

In addition, it is also necessary to improve the work coordination and communication among all the team members in a given working environment. Further, they also need to take into account the needs of the different stakeholders such as employees, shareholders, community, and other concerned personnel in a given working environment.

Further, they also need to take into account the needs of the society in the future and accordingly considertalking the decision for different business scenarios. They will be required to deploy different tools such as - Decision Matrix, Cost-benefit Analysis, T-Chart, SWOT analysis, Pareto analysis, and Feasibility Study (Antani&Iyer, 2017).

It will thereby allow them to perform in a better way. Now, to take better decisions, the importance of business analytics is important in the organization.

They need to take into account different types of information that will allow them to answer different questions(Antani&Iyer, 2017). It is not only necessary to collect the information but they will be also required to consider different business scenarios and try the best strategic option to determine whether it will work best or not.

It is noticed that with the deployment of the new business analytics models, tools, and frameworks, the organization is first able to take better strategic decisions in a given environment by 69%. Second, they are able to improve on their control of operation processes by nearly 54%(Antani&Iyer, 2017). Third, they are also able to understand their customers in a better way by 52%. And, overall, they are able to reduce the waste by 47%(Antani&Iyer, 2017).

In addition, it seems that the organization is able to generate new leads, determine the new sales trends, improve personalized services, and also subsequently improve operational efficiency in a given working environment. It thereby allows the organization to focus on their key processes, bridge the gaps, improve communication among all the departments and thereby save on the total costs incurred in a given working environment.

It is thus necessary for the management team to consider different data, focus on governance, deploy visual analytics, prepare strategy documentation, and thereby design the data model that will allow them to take the decision (Erath&Fourie, 2016).

In addition, they need to take into account different data from different departments, look out for ways that will help them understand the given market in a better way, and thereby also allow them to take the best decisions in the interest of the end customers.

However, to determine such impact on the current business activities, they need to deploy technological platforms and business analytics methods that will first allow them to determine the sales trends, provide personalized services, improve operational efficiency, understand the market and the competition in a better way, and also drive performance and revenues as per the needs of the organization(Erath&Fourie, 2016).

It is thereby recommended to deploy business analytics tools and techniques that will be used to improve the financial performance and strategy management in a given environment. It will be assisting in certain working approaches such as - budgeting, planning, consolidation, profitability, and also with other financial functions of the organization. Second, it will be assisting to the Sales Management team by providing data on - net sales, customer service issues, marketing analytics, and price optimization (Antani&Iyer, 2017).

Further, the top-level management is already looking out for such tools and techniques that will not only improve decision making process but will allow them to understand their business in a better way. Now, besides gathering information, they first need to understand the needs of the customers from the society perspective.

Second, they also need to determine the needs of the employees and other concerned human resources of the organization. It is noticed that the employees lack motivation and hence are not able to perform as per the needs and expectations of the organization(Erath&Fourie, 2016). On the other hand, even from the technological perspective, the organization will be lacking in certain technologies that will not assist them in achieving the required objectives.

It is necessary for the top-level management to improve their decision making considering the rising challenges in the external environment. However, they also need to take into account the different needs of the different stakeholders, fulfill them with the new technological platforms, train the employees on the new modules, and thereby achieve desired objectives in a given working environment. However, they need to consider different challenging scenarios and accordingly take the best decisions to overcome them.Hence, it is advised to the top-level management to consider the needs of all the concerned stakeholders, deploy technological mediums that will improve the overall efficiency of the current working processes, and finally install decision support systems that will allow the organizations to achieve desired objectives in a given working environment(Erath&Fourie, 2016).

It is however also important for the senior management to deploy means and techniques that will monitor the newly implemented strategies in the organization. It is however necessary for the organization to take into consideration the feedbacks of the employees, the information from the leaders of all the departments, the market trends, the analysis report generated from the business analytics models, the review reports of the regulatoryauthorities, and the research reports from the Operations team in a given working environment (Sønderskov et al., 2014).

It will thereby allow them to take better decisions as mentioned in this case, achieve desired results, and thereby make sure of achieving required objectives of the organization in a given working environment.

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Question 5- Explain the features of executive support system. Explain your answer supported by appropriate examples in terms of its components, features, advantages, disadvantages etc.

Answer- Along with the Decision Support Systems, the organizations also need to install Executive Support System (ESS) that will allow them to not only take the best decisions but also offer analytics models and frameworks to the senior management that will help them achieve desired objectives.

Further, there are several problems identified by the senior management in a given working environment that restricts them from working on the different modules in the organization. Hence, they need to take support of the ESS systems that will allow them to take the best decision of implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution in a given environment (Scheffel et al., 2014).

It has four steps associated with it that include - intelligence, design, choice, and implementation. These systems will thereby allow the organization to rapidly obtain quantitative results, operate in the ad-hoc mode, foster higher quality decision, be user-friendly with all the departments, support group-based working approach, and also allow the managers to provide their review and feedbacks in a given environment (Skiera&Nabout, 2013).

Today, with increasing challenges in the external environment and also considering the rising need of expansion, the organization needs to deploy ESS Systems that will help them from different internal and external perspectives. From the internal perspective, it will allow them to get timely information, improve communications with the concerned staff and other stakeholders, allow for rapid access to the operational data in the real-time mode, improve accuracy of information generated, and also generate reports of the historic trends(Skiera&Nabout, 2013).

On the other hand, from the external perspective, it will allow the managers to get information about global competition, changing business landscape, getting an access to external database, and also determine the new regulations of the government. It will thereby allow them to take the best decisions that will further allow the organization to achieve desired objectives in a given operational environment.

Further, the major characteristics of such systems include - flexibility, ease of use, provides timely information, generates accurate reports, produces validated information, consists of sophisticated self-help, user-friendly interfaces improving the interaction of the user, can be used at many places, very much customized, and also suites to the management style of the individual executives(Skiera&Nabout, 2013).

It will also support the managementteam by communicating the vision and mission to all the employees, providing support to them, training them on the different modules, result-oriented in the nature, and also dealing with the major risk factors present in the operationalenvironment (Filice et al., 2013). It is thereby necessary for the top-level management and the exertive committee to select the best system in a given environment.

The newly developed Executive Support Systems are found to be helpful for the management staff in several ways. These include - providing the user with an option to analyze the data and generate reports of their choice, streaming in real-time mode and thus will allow the users to make decisions accordingly, communication in online mode and thereby allowing all the stakeholders to remain connected during the meetings, helping in generating the desired info graphic based on which true and accurate decision can be made, utilizes the hypertext and hyper media tools, offers generalized computing, offers telecommunications capacity, facilitates proactive rather than a reactive response, offers broad highly aggregated information, and also helps in determining the gaps in the current business processes of the organization (Dixon-Woods et al., 2013).

However, the major disadvantages of such a system include - functions are limited, difficult to keep a track of the current data, executive may be overloaded with information, hard to quantify benefits, higher costs for installation, higher maintenance costs, and also might lead to insecure data(Dixon-Woods et al., 2013).

Hence, the senior management team will find certain challenges with such a system that include - monetary cots, transfer of power, and assumption of relevance, and overemphasize decision making, false belief in objectivity, information overload, unanticipated effects, and status reduction. Hence, it will depend more on the senior management to choose such a system or not(Dixon-Woods et al., 2013).

Also, they need to train the employees on such modules and ensure that they will be performing as per the expectations of the organization. On the other hand, the top-level management also needs to look out for organizational control and overcome market competition(Dixon-Woods et al., 2013). They need to serve as per the needs and expectations of the end-customers in a given working environment.

They even need to take their reviews and feedbacks that will allow the team to decide whether the new ESS Systems are working and performing as per the expectations or not. For this purpose, they even need to deploy monitoring mechanisms that will measure the overall performance in a given environment.

It will thereby allow them to achieve major benefits such as  - ease of decision making for the upper-level management, enhance personalized thinking, contribution to strategic thinking, better understanding, time management, and also an ability to analyze the market trends(Dixon-Woods et al., 2013).
Further, the top-level management while choosing such a system needs to conduct GAP analysis, SWOT analysis, and also use different matrix that will help them identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a given working environment(Dixon-Woods et al., 2013). They can accordingly select on the systemthat will help them achieve desired benefits in a given operational environment.

In this module, the focus is more on the Executive Support Systems that will assist the senior management in their daily routine activities. These modules will have different modules and hence the management team needs to first learn operating them. Second, they also need to take into account the cyber challenges and accordingly deploy security solutions to ensure safety and security of the data at the workplace.

Finally, they need to review these strategies and accordingly modify them wherever required.It will thereby improve their level of understanding with respect to the different processes in a given environment. It will also filter the data for the management that will help them generate new reports (Álvarez-Socarrás et al., 2013). Further, it will provide them with system for improvement in information tracking and decision making that will further assist them in completing the assigned tasks within the given timeframe and as per the expectations of the organization.

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