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Assignment - Communication and Marketing Plan

Read Eisenberg's 2000 article, "The Nonprofit Sector in a Changing World," from Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, volume 29, issue 2, pages 325-330.

Complete the communication and marketing plan for your NPO.




'Health charities' is an effective not-profitable section with which a large amount of people is served daily. Health charities cover almost everything related to different health issues for treating disabled and sick people. These types of Organizations work on promoting public awareness and provide cures for diseases of specific health risks. Development of a Non-profitable organization always needs detailed marketing strategies and based on those strategies, a detailed marketing plan is needed to be set up. This study will focus on the development process of a non-profitable organization by analyzing detailed marketing plan for the organization named 'Charity Ranger Foundation'.


The issue related to health attributes is mainly connected with different types of medical services and treatment. It has been observed that major communities and mediocre people are completely lacking with the advantage provided by different types of private health care, hospitals, and nursing homes. As per the viewpoint of Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick (2019), most of the time it is observed that sick and disabled people are affected due to less infrastructure of medical care. According to Dib (2018), many people and child have inborn growth and mental disorder and they do not get immediate care and long-term treatment from any types of medical care.

These types of issues are spreading day-by-day as most of the government hospitals and private nursing home provides health care facilities for normal diseases. It has been highly observed that the number of disordered people and mentally disabled people is rising day-by-day, which is a deep concern for the recent era. A number of healthcare centers and non-profitable organizations for working with disordered and disabled people are very few in the USA market (Amadi, Carrillo & Tuuli, 2018). There is a lack of medical research charities, which is also the reason for these types of highly rising issues.

In the recent era, it is observed that most of the children are facing problem-related to autism disease. As commented by de Oliveira & Rabechini (2019), the power of social interaction as well as social communication is lacking rapidly. A number of a mentally disabled child, autistic patients, and mentally disordered people are rising day-by-day who does not have proper medical units to consult. Nowadays, it is observed that people are facing problem-related to blood. Blood Banks of USA have very poor storage capacities, which is the main cause of blood shortage. It has been also observed that organized group with blood donor are very few in the market (De Pelsmacker, Van Tilburg & Holthof, 2018). Blood donation camps are not organized frequently whereas requirements of blood are rising day-by-day.

Charity Ranger Foundation will be formed as a group who will take care of all the issues related to these types of health problems. Overall services of this non-profitable organization will mainly be working with the help of social media (Eisenberg, 2000). A huge database will be formed and based on that particular database. Several groups will be created for dealing with different health sections. A community-based platform will be developed through which the organization will connect itself with a large number of government and private hospitals and nursing homes.


Description of Services provided by NPO

Children with digestive disorders like short bowel syndrome, inflammatory disease, motility disorders, and celiac disease have long-term treatment process, which is not provided by every health care unit (Fitzgerald & Shepherd, 2018). In this situation, this non-profitable organization will create a group who will be working with these types of people and children. In the very first phase, this company will apply for a government registration to deal with a large number of hospitals and nursing homes. Information of the non-profitable organization will be there in the database of every hospital and nursing homes (Pulido, 2018). Most of the time, parents of these types of children contacts with hospitals and nursing homes to take care of their children. Management of these nursing homes and hospitals will contact with the organization and will make contact for the parents of these types of children with the non-profitable organization. Charity Ranger Foundation will take the full responsibility of those particular children and will make contact with several health care units who work for these children (Schyvinck & Willem, 2018). This NPO will also develop their own health care unit where renowned doctors and consultants will give their valuable time once in a week to make comfortable discussion with the parents of these types of children.

Another section of this organization will work for the huge requirement of blood. This section of the organization will maintain a huge database of different people who are willing to donate blood as per requirement. As per the viewpoint of Schyvinck & Willem (2018), this section of the organization will also have connectivity with all the government and private hospitals and nursing homes. In case of any requirement of blood in their health care units, they will contact this NPO and NPO will send donor as per the requirement of blood group. As a non-profitable organization, this company is not bound to provide donor each time as per the requirement. NPO will try to provide donor as per their availability (Wilson, McCabe & Smith, 2018). Requisition Slip is the most important criteria to send donor as this slip conveys originality and truthiness about the requirement. Every donor connected with the organization is the responsibility of this particular organization. All donors will physically be checked before taking blood as per the requirements.

Mission Statement

"Our mission is to promote the development of health charities for autistic, mentally disordered and physically disabled people and also provide blood donors as per the immediate requirements by achieving their social, intellectual, physical potential, as responsible citizens and members of their national communities"

Vision Statement

Charity Ranger Foundation will provide a beautiful experience for those who want to run their own race with their own legs. We are targeting to minimize the number of incurred children and people and also targeting to reach at every doorstep with blood donor as per the requirement.

Value Statement

We believe that children are special and all of them need proper care towards their growth in every stage of their life. We also believe that blood donation is a social responsibility, which should be maintained by every individual working with our organization.


Goals, Tactics, and Metrics for the Strategic Plan





Our mission is to promote the development of health charities for autistic, mentally disordered and physically disabled people and also provide blood donors as per the immediate requirements by achieving their social, intellectual, physical potential, as responsible citizens and members of their national communities

  • Increase the collection of data from different data centers provided by the government
  • Increase the group strength by engaging more people from different communities
  • Increase the percentage of social media marketing with the help of a database
  • Increase the connectivity number hospitals and nursing homes and links them with their own database (Zavattaro & Fay, 2019)
  • Increase the number of youth people as blood donor as they will reach their destination as per the requirements
  • A group of people will visit different hospitals and organizations at least once in a week to collect information about autistic and mentally disordered children (Xia et al. 2018)
  • A group of people will create a blood donation camp at least once in a month to enhance the encouragement to young people
  • A group of people will fully control the process of social media marketing by opening pages and creating groups to accommodate all the data related to their operation
  • Increase the percentage of the engagement of parents from 0% to 12% with the help of private and government health care units
  • Increase the number of visitors to the nursing home and hospitals from once in a week to three days in a week
  • Increase the engagement rate of blood donors by aiming 50 donors for a single camp by organizing two blood donation camp in a month
  • Increase social media engagement rate from one social media to three different social media to let the people know about the organization (Fairfaxcountyeda.org, 2019)

Table: Goals, Tactics, and Metrics for the Strategic Plan

Based on the approach driven from the mission statement, specific goals have will be set up. Increased number of database and an increased number of social media marketing are two separate based on which strategic tactics are defined. Every tactic will be increased and evaluated based on the previous tactic recognized by the organization.

Message for Communication and Target Audience

Marketing message: In order to promote the vision and mission of Charity Rangers Foundation, it is important to create a proper marketing message by this organization. The key marketing message of this organization will be as follows:





To what end

The Charity Ranger Foundation will provide healthcare charities to a large extent.

This NPO will mainly provide all kinds of healthcare services such as medical services and treatment, disorder and disease charities. All kinds of charities related to medical research. This organization is also going to provide complete support to all of the families of the patients in the locality.

This NPO will provide healthcare services because of the fact that the members associated with this organization believe that the citizens of the USA deserve to get a sufficient amount of medical help. They want to provide a better life for every single patient in this country.  They also believe that every human being deserves to experience a better life.

The Charity Ranger Foundation will provide a sufficient amount of healthcare services to the people across the overall country of USA, especially in the location in which it will be situated (Florida).

The bond this NPO will grow between the patients and the people associated with this organization will make the entire society healthier as well as happier.

Table: Marketing Message


Target Audience: Considering the targeted audience to which the above message will be provided are the patients and the distressed people of the USA, especially the people living across Florida. This non-profit organization will make the above message to almost 48 numbers of communities, more than 5000 number of neighborhoods across the whole of Florida (Diamantis, 2018). Not a single person living in this region will be excluded from m getting the benefits of this particular non-profit organization. It has to be remembered in this context that this organization will target the people living in Florida. After gaining nice popularity and trust of people of Florida, they will plan to target another group of an audience outside this region. However, their major target is provided sufficient amount of healthcare services to each sufferer across the whole U.S.A.

Positioning statement: By considering the increasing number of sufferers from various kind of health issues in Florida, The Charity Rangers Foundation will provide all kinds of healthcare services to each person and will support them both financially as well as mentally. With the help of their services, they will be able to make the entire society healthier as well as happier.

Marketing Plan

The way the message will get out

In order to promote the services, which are going to be provided by this non-profit organization, a proper marketing method is essential. The above message will be transferred by this organization through various media. As stated by Colbran et al. (2019), the most significant marketing methods used by this particular organization will be advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and sponsorship.

After building the target audience, the next step of the marketing and communication plan of the Charity Rangers Foundation will be promoting their respective services related to healthcare facilities. They are going to utilize various kinds of social media networks. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are arguably considered the most amounts of social networking sites. However, it can be said in this context that opening up some new communication channels can be considered as a nice way for broadening the opportunity of the targeted audience. This organization will also utilize some other media for their promotional purposes such as Flickr, Vine, Google+ and many others.

Types of media tools and outlets

The major focus will be given on social media and print media. This is because of the fact that in the recent days, the social media is considered as the most famous form of media, which plays a huge amount of active participation in terms of transferring or promoting any kind of advertising or other messages. In the context of print media, this organization is going to utilize the local newspapers, which are reached to people on a daily basis. As commented by Diamantis (2018), they will also promote their messages by using the platform of magazines as well. Along with this, they will also use pamphlets and leaflets for promoting their services. Considering the media tools, it can be said that there are mainly four different kinds of social media tool which can help this organization in terms of promoting their messages. Useful social media tools are as follows:

  • 'Content curation tool' such as Feedly and Pocket
  • 'Social media scheduling applications' such as Edger, Buffer and many others
  • 'Social Media Analytics tools' such as Unsplash
  • 'Content Creation Tools'

In this context, it can also be stated that this particular organization can follow the marketing and promotional strategies of another famous non-profit organization in the USA such as the American Red Cross. This particular NPO has been utilizing various multiple social networking sites for connecting with a large amount of audience. It has almost 1.8 million followers on Twitter and almost 7000,000 number of followers on Facebook as well (Academia.edu, 2019).


The reason behind selecting such options

There are various reasons behind selecting printing media and social media in spite of selecting the other first of media. With the help of social media, it will be easier for this organization to reach to a large number of audiences within a small period compared to the other forms of media. As stated by Hajli (2018), people from all kinds of age group are associated with social media these days. However, the other form of media such as radio, television, cinema, and books has a limited number of audiences. Therefore, it will be beneficial for the organization to use social media as a major tool of their marketing plan.

This organization has also selected the printing media in order to promote their messages because there is a notion regarding the fact that people tend to believe, more in the messages printed in the newspapers compared to any other form of media. Therefore, in order to gain the trusts of the target audience, this organization can publish their messages on the famous newspapers in Florida such as 'Florida Today', 'Tampa Bay Times' and many other forms. Apart from the newspapers, this organization has also planned to promote their messages through printing leaflets and pamphlets in order to attract its targeted audience (McLeish, 2004). The messages printed in those leaflets will be eye catchy and attractable as well.

This organization had planned to address and identify the people at first who are seeking for the healthcare services. After identifying that, they will tend to provide their services as per the requirement. It is the responsibility of thus this organization to support the family members of the patients both financially as well as mentally.

Strategy to involve and engage stakeholders

It has to be remembered in this context that stakeholder associated with the non-profit organization named The Charity Rangers Foundation will be the founder, all of the board members, employees, volunteers, donors, beneficiaries, government entities, member of the communities, people who have been suffering from various kinds of health issues and their respective family members as well. As commented by Hanssens (2018), the beneficiaries if such kind of non-profit organizations is actually those people who are trying to provide their support to these organizations. Without the volunteer and the employees, it will be impossible for this organization to achieve anything. People who will donate their time, money or any kind of commodity or services will also be considered as an important stakeholder in this context. The funders, such foundations as well as corporations, organizational partners and patients along with their families can be considered as the external stakeholders.

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After identifying the key stakeholders, it is important to find out proper ways to incorporate the stakeholder engagement process within the strategic communication as well as a marketing plan. In this context, Customer Support Management will play an important role. Apart from that, engaging the stakeholders through social media networking sites have been becoming significantly important. With the help of proper Client Relationship Management System, this organization will be able to handle all kinds of issues related to their respective services. As stated by Lehtinen, Aaltonen & Rajala (2018), a perfect 'community discussion forum will be another helpful way of increasing stakeholders engagement in the whole process of strategic planning.


Embracing Social Media:

This non-profit organization will actively participate in social media because most of the stakeholders have a nice faith on social media platforms. This is not only for communication but also for obtaining information regarding their favorite organizations.

Following strategies can be considered as the most effective strategy in term of stakeholder engagement in case of this specific non-profit organization:

  • Increasing communication: According to Brinckerhoff (2010), the best way of involving stakeholders within strategic planning is to communicate with them either directly or indirectly. All of the internal, as well as external stakeholders, are required to understand the needs behind the existence of their non-profit organization. In order to make sure that this is happening in reality, the respective organization can utilize the availability of meetings, posters, emails, electronic messaging and many other forms of communication. The existence of visual strategic roadmaps can be helpful in this context.
  • Active participation: By utilizing various kinds of departmental meetings, it is possible to increase the active participation of the stakeholders. It is important to make sure that each of the stakeholders associated with these non-profit organizations actively involved with the overall servicing process. In this context, it is important to make the employee understand the difference between tactical work and strategic initiatives.
  • Increasing awareness about the strategic plan: In order to increase the involvement as well as the engagement of the stakeholders, it is crucial to increase the awareness regarding the strategic plan as well.

Two distinct levels of the stakeholder engagement can be differentiated in this context such as collaboration and control. As stated by Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick (2019), a controlling approach to the stakeholder engagement is generally carried out an organizational strategy instead of incorporation into the respective strategy. On the other hand, the model of collaboration has focused on various kinds of opportunities, which are usually offered by these stakeholders along with the objective of collaborating with the stakeholders for providing the basis of innovation as well as the transformation of the respective organization (Durham, 2009). The stakeholders can also be categorized based on their contribution to the non-profit organization such as benefit receivers, benefit rebuilders, risk bearers, and risk providers and any others.


Financial, Physical, Human Resources required for launching NPO

Financial Resources: Considering the financial resources, which will be required to launch this non-profit organization, will be the total amount of money, which is going to be dominated by many people voluntarily. Along with this, the total amount of investment invested by the founder will also be another form of financial resource (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). In case, they will be able to get some kind of government authorization, them the assistance of the government will also be another kind of financial resource.

Physical Resources: In order to launch thus specific NPO, this organization will need various kinds of physical resources such as the posters, hoardings, pamphlets and many others. All of these physical resources will be utilized in their campaigning as well as promoting purposes.

Human resources: The human resources who will be required for this non-profit organization in order to launch their company will be the founder, volunteers, all of the employees who are going to participate actively in their operational activities. All of these human resources will actively participate in the operational process of this specific organization In order to improve the quality of service; it will be not possible to improve their services.


From the overall analysis, it can be concluded that in order to establish a non-profit organization named The Charity Rangers Foundation, a proper strategic communication, as well as a marketing plan, is an essential element. This particular organization wants to serve all kinds of healthcare-related services to the overall region of Florida primarily. After gaining a sufficient amount of reputation, the organization is going to serve to the citizens across the whole U.S. this can also be included in a context that this organization needs a sufficient amount of financial resources in the form of a donation of many people. They also need an effective team of human resources as well as physical resources in order to launch their services. In order to promote their services, they have concentrated mainly on social media along with the printing media as well. They believe in the fact that by using these two media effectively, they will be able to promote their services efficiently. In this way, they will also be able to reach a huge amount of target audience within a shorter time.


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