COM6001 Management in IT Business Plan Assignment - Arden University, UK
Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to:
1. Identify and appraise the different possible staffing approaches for an IT Department.
2. Critically analyse and evaluate the role of the strategic planning process and the IT manager's role within it.
3. Prepare and evaluate a staffing policy and plan for an IT department.
4. Appraise the impact of new technology on an organisation's strategic plan.
5. Plan the implementation of an IT installation. Manage employability, utilizing the skills of personal development and planning in different contexts to contribute to society and the workplace.
Assignment Task - Management in IT Case Study
Answer - Management in IT business plan
In this assignment we will discuss possible staffing approach for IT department and analyse the role of each member along with strategic planning of IT department. Staffing policy and the impact of new technology will be the main motive of this strategic plan and also the implementation of the IT system will be considered to be discussed. To contribute society and workplace there will be a discussion of each member's roles and responsibility. In the IT sector, we have check all the requirements in the starting will discuss all the points as per the requiring of the system. We have to introduce all the technical; [arts in the system and we will check all the points as per the requirement of the company.
Section 1: Case study and IT initiative
a) Provide a summary of the IT project initiative around the topics of virtual reality as a tool to running labs and classes of the future.
Answer: The university is one of the top e-university in the UK and it is famous for its higher education and has successfully established portfolios for online courses. It has developed a fully comprehensive online model which can be used to deliver online study material to students. It delivers lesion with support of a variety of media and also recorded live sessions which makes education system easy setup. At present university has a clear vision and mission to lead in pioneer and advance education along with adequate development. University has received funding for research and development as one an innovative approach for education. There is an idea to create a virtual reality which can support classroom experience. The software can be used to create a lab environment where students can interact through a virtual world and enhance learning. If there is any specific module that can be launched by this virtual classroom and that was the concept of starting this innovative approach in university.
The virtual classroom can be provided by this e-university to the required students. In this session, students can join the ongoing online course by the help of application in which they can ask questions on live going sessions. For this live session, first of all, an application is to be developed that maintain live sessions of students and teachers. The different classroom should be provided according to subjects. If it is a lab session, then proper tools and objects must be available which is easy to present a live demo of process and operations. There is much software available for online visualization of tools which is easy to demonstrate educational practices.
In virtual classrooms, we have to make strategy and plans for academic curriculum same like a real classroom. We have to make regular routines, conducting tests and exam, and publishing results. The first student needs to subscribe for virtual classroom, for this, we have to develop a website that can handle this work and assign teachers according to their subjects. This can help students to gain their knowledge without coming to a physical place with more demonstrated way than the real classroom.
b) Suggest the University's overall strategic plan and objectives.
Answer: Currently, the university is planning to make a strategic plan for Management and IT business plan according to which they will first make a list of requirements of the device to set up It department and then deployment and installation process will be carried out.
Before starting a virtual classroom, first, let understand the basic definition of a classroom. A classroom is the place of communication where people are coming to gain knowledge in an easy way that is more understandable and easy grasping in nature. So we have to focus all the above points to make it a success. The similar way a virtual classroom is the system of teaching and learning beyond the limit of traditional classroom wall with the help of modern internet technology.
We will follow below mention steps to carry out the virtual classroom.
The first, one is to identify that entire infrastructure that is going to be needed to make a virtual classroom related to study material or application or software. We have to develop a web-based application for remotely located students to get this benefit of the virtual classroom.
The second phase is to identify the cost which will be carrying out for the development of a virtual classroom. For maintain software and web application, many people's effort will be needed. Make a group of skilled people who can handle these works.
The third step is to plan a virtual classroom. We have to set our educational goals which are an essential plan for this process.
The fourth step is to design a virtual classroom. For this, we have to give all the details and fee structure in more detail way on the web application. For this, make the group of people who knows web development and design the pages where this information will be provided. For live session classroom, there will be a separate application which is linked with the main page.
The fifth step is to prepare and distribute contents. Before that, we should have a proper test our application whether any improvement is needed or not before launching. We should have people on work and they can correct any fault. In the live session, there is a chance of network problem so there will be other plans on a place to deal with such situations.
c) Justify the aim and objectives of the initiative in the context of the University's overall strategic plan and objectives.
Answer: The main aim for the virtual classroom is to provide students knowledge in a more concrete way and overall improvement with good results. The objective of this classroom is any student who is registered with us can access our course from anywhere in the world without any difficulty. They can view courses, take part in the live session, and also take a class which is going on. The can take immediate feedback from their course teacher.
Initially it will be difficult for any physical university to open a virtual classroom but with proper planning and strategy, it would be not so difficult for a successfully operated virtual classroom. With this virtual classroom, the university can provide all those courses which are not possible in their physical classroom. Students are taking more interest in the virtual classroom than the real classroom. In this virtual classroom, we provide education in a more convenient way so that week student can also score more in exams. We can upload our session in a much different way by keeping in mind of all level students which is not possible in a real classroom. After proper testing, we deploy this application.
Section 2: IT initiative staffing
a) Explain how you would conduct a review of the current IT staffing skills.
Answer: To take a review of current IT staffing skills will help our management to know which staff has skilled in which field or is there is a need to recruit new staff for or virtual classroom. We can identify skills gaps of our staffs and if possible train them for our purpose. We have the requirements for our virtual classroom which include knowledge of web development and software developer which can handle IT technical operations. For this, we have to identify our staffs that are the best suit for this work. For this purpose, we have to conduct a review of the current staff at our university.
We have to make plans for a review of our staff and draw the result from them. The first step for review is the interview. We will arrange a personal interview and select only those candidate who is best suitable for planning a virtual classroom. In this process, we list all those skills which are going to help to open a virtual classroom. This will identify which staffs are skilled in what field and if there is need to give training for them. We need a highly skilled person who can handle problem-related to the virtual classroom we identify them through interview.
The second step we can use for review of staff is performance reviews. In this way, we can know how well our staff meets the expectations. We can check their previous records of work experience they have with the university and according to that, we assign work for them. In this way, we will come to know where we have to address an issue which is making them not skilled in their work. We have to provide proper training to them and then we assign work related to the virtual classroom.
Another step we can take is to conduct some exams and based on the result we assign them work of the virtual classroom. We can have an exam for programmers, software developers, and coding tester. In this way, we can classify our staff for best work suits for them. To develop a fully operated virtual classroom, more IT skilled people are needed to maintain on a regular basis. We have many sub processes to run for a virtual classroom. We need to first develop an online portal for student registration. And the next step is for the teacher to record their session or start a new classroom for student to gain knowledge.
b) Create a comprehensive staffing policy plan for the IT department that would meet the IT initiative needs.
Answer: To create a comprehensive staffing policy plan will help to ensure that right a number of people with the right skills to fulfill our virtual classroom project. The following steps ensure to develop staff planning that would meet the IT initiative needs for our virtual classroom.
These are plan description for virtual classroom, requirements, and fair staffing considerations, assessment of staffing skills. The virtual classroom is totally dependent on IT peoples. So we have to prepare a list of people who are skilled in the IT field. From registration to live session of the classroom, everything depends on the IT background. The first plan is the details description of a virtual classroom or blueprint which must be created first. We have to identify the manpower planning which is necessary for a virtual classroom and developing the same for required talents among the staff. The second step is the recruitment of IT staff from recognized institute or organization. This is the best source to find potentials staff for IT division work.
The third stem is selection. In this process, we have to identify those staff who are best in the IT section and according to that, we will assign them work. This will ensure the right person in the right jobs. The purpose of this selection will determine whether staffs who are working under our organization are suitable for developing a virtual classroom or not. We can also classified staffs according to their skills like a programmer, software developer, and web developer.
Another step is placement. After the right candidate selected for the right work, we assign them their work related to IT needs like to develop an application for a virtual classroom.
The next important part is the training of staffs. After the selection of staff, we have to schedule training on various IT technologies and how to implement them to design a virtual classroom. We introduce all the modern equipment which will be helpful to develop a virtual classroom. We hire a trainer who has experience in the virtual classroom to provide training to our staffs. In this way, they can know what problems will arise when developing a virtual classroom.
We use various assessment of staffing skills which will identify the potentials of staff and they will have given only those work in which they are skilled. We use the method of review the current staffing skills. We identity staffs who can work in IT section for developing a virtual classroom. In this way, the IT division work will be progress.
Section 3: Staffing approaches
a) Identify and evaluate the different staffing approaches that you can use.
Answer: Our e-university is the most prestigious university to provide the best knowledge to students among other universities. So we have to choose the best staff to develop a virtual classroom that provides best teaching platform for students to learn in the best way. So we have to use unique staffing approach to recruit or train our staffs.
There are many staffing approaches available, which if chosen results in good outcomes.
The first one is the ethnocentric approach. When any company chooses staffs only from local people or own country, then this term is used. This is the most accepted approach for staff recruitment. The main aim of this approach is staffed show their interest to their higher officials and link well with the parent country. The recruitment process for this method of staffing approach involves stages like self-selection, creating a candidate pool, technical skills assessment and making a decision.
A second approach is a polycentric approach. In this process, recruitment is limited to the nationals of the host country. The main purpose is to reduce the cost of the foreign operation. The primary purpose of handing the operation to local peoples is to ensure the organization understands the problem related to projects and how to improve it further for better results.
The third approach is a geocentric method. This approach will ensure the most suitable person for the position irrespective of their nationality. This is the best approach of recruiting the skilled staff for developing virtual classroom. They have a better knowledge of problem handling and situation facing. We have to explore our e-university throughout the world. So there will be all students and teaching staff from all over the world. So it is necessary that our staffs are the best to deals with every problem related to IT to run a virtual classroom.
The geocentric approach best staffs for the work regardless of their country.
We use all the above staffing approach. We have to set up a virtual classroom, so initially, the ethnocentric approach will be helpful. We recruit local peoples who have to handle initial setups and latter we hire people from abroad who better know all the IT skills and also provide training to our existing staffs. We will need all the staff related to the IT professional to start the session of the virtual classroom. They must sound enough to problem-solving using the various technique of internet.
b) Explain and justify your preferred approach to staffing.
Answer: The preferred approach for staffing is a geocentric one. In this approach, the strategy of recruiting the most suitable person for the positions in creating virtual classroom is most suitable irrespective of their nationality. These wills ensure to hire only those staffs who are skills in the IT division because we have more demands for IT background staffs. Although we have teachers for almost all subjects who can record their session or start their virtual classroom, we need staff to manage the process of the virtual classroom. There may be a chance of server down which can create problems in the live session, or link failure, all these can be solved if we have the best IT teams. We want to expand our e-university globally in which any student who is registered one can attain a lecture or take part in a live discussion. They can directly contact the course teacher and discuss one to one session. They can ask a query and give exams to know where they stand. All these can be managed if we have good staffing who handle all these interconnections process. We have to develop a database that records the session of lecturer and student information globally for which we require staffs that are distributed globally. For these reasons, we acquire a geocentric approach that suits best for our requirements.
c) Consider the ethical impact of your choice.
Answer: There may be many ethical impacts will occur when choosing the right staffing approach. These include the type of staff measurements, errors in staff measurements, discrimination, and ethical compliance. Sometimes it is not possible to identify the best staff for work which leads to the failure of goals. So to choose the right candidate for the right jobs, it is necessary to list the strategy and plan according to that. If we lack in any process, then this may lead to the failure of developing a virtual classroom. It requires special attention and a proper error correcting method. We have to also take care of discrimination, as it may lead to creating problems in the future which are not easy to rectify. We have to choose the best teacher and technician for virtual classroom, which requires proper staffing approach and measurement steps for recruiting staff.
Section 4: IT installation plan
a) Create a detailed IT Implementation and installation plan.
Answer: For any IT installation plan there is a need to make a sequence of steps which needs to be performed to achieve a business goal. As of now, the university has planned to set up the virtual classroom so there is need to set up complete IT set up where this classroom can be launched. Steps for IT implementation are
I. The first step is to justify the business and it is to establish a virtual environment for learning.
II. Selection of vendor
III. Project kick off
IV. Gather process refinement method
V. Build software and launch for the testing process
VI. Configuration of software
VII. Generate end user license
VIII. Work live
IX. Make an end to end support to use this tool.
b) Provide a scheduled plan using Gantt chart.

c) Create an IT initiative budget plan.
Answer: Preparing budget is also a very important part for the execution of the task because until unless the estimated budget is set no can make appropriate funding. As of now company has to make a completely virtual environment then they should focus on making different hardware and software requirements too.
Hardware set Up: 4000$
Software set up: 3500 $
Testing: 1000$
Launch and deployment: 5000-- $
So far we have seen how hardware is already present in university and they need to focus more on software set up. There is a need for more funding in case of software set up and there should be proper testing of work with validated software so that work can be genuine and secure. Launch and deployment is the final step however there is a need for training and development program too so that smooth use of technology can be obtained.
Section 5: Evaluation of initiative
a) Assess the impact of the new technology on the organisation. Explain how theinvestment in new technology aligns with the company's strategic plan.
Answer: So far we have discussed how the establishment of the virtual classroom can help the university to enhance their learning process. It will make a positive impact on tutors as well as students because, when students will try to learn new things from the mode which they like then that can be beneficiary for the education of their higher studies. It can help to reduce the distance barrier in education system and collaboration. At the time there may be a student who is involved in other work that education and if they miss their session they can lack learning. To sort out this problem university has focused on setting up an effective virtual classroom where many students can join the session with login id and password. Though investment in new technology can help to make a standard of the education system because at times there may be a situation where a student could not perform better because they missed important classroom session. Any university works on the goal of providing quality education to all and if that not achieved they can experience less number of students in their place. To sort out that matter they should focus on setting up the effective and standard learning process and that can be achieved if they plan to adopt an innovative approach. Creating virtual classroom is one of the innovative approach which can help students to become familiar with new technology along with learning, if students learn these many things during their studies then they can work better when they join job because in a job most of the time employee has to interact in a virtual environment for the fulfilment of project.
b) Provide a brief Risk Assessment, Disaster Recovery Plan, or Business ContinuityPlanning for the IT initiative.
Answer: As of now this is a big initiative for university which totally make everyone dependent on the use of technology and if any failure occurs that can make a huge impact on the learning process. This IT installation place requires step by step execution of the plan and if any missed that can be a problem for the reputation of the business. To resume work after the disaster it is very important to keep ready disaster recovery plan because if a breakdown occurs for a long time that can be a problem for the reputation of the business. Risk assessment is also required for identifying the priority of risk and its ill effects.
Risk assessment plan
I. The first step is the Identification of risk and affected area.
II. The next step is to minimize risk if not possible to stop or eliminate completely.
III. Identify the reason of disaster.
IV. Next, make a plan to recover the loss
V. There should be well communication of plan so that further action can be identified.
VI. Prepare a chart of risk management plan
VII. There is a need for crisis planning if occurs because some time risk can be severed which can make huge loss for IT initiative plan.
Business continuity plan
This are general guidelines about how the business will recover its roots soon after disruption and that should be ready for any company before making any changes in their work process.
I. First, make an immediate set up of the types of service which cannot be kept ideal for a longer time.
II. Arrange temporary set up for affected area on IT plan
III. Next, make the process to minimize risk
IV. Identify the steps to eliminate the risk
V. Hire skilled professional to handle risk
VI. Once risk is sorted out make data and documents of that for future reference
VII. Finally, make testing of work before launching it again
VIII. Make work environment more secure so that any attackers could not destroy the work network.
c) Consider the environmental impact of this project. Make recommendations forimprovements where appropriate.
Answer: There is a need to make a strategic plan for initial set up of virtual classroom because there are pre-requirement of work which should be gathered soon after this thought. There is a need to look after how other universities were successful in setting up the same type of culture because any change in the work process needs proper planning for any IT initiative plan. There can be a huge environmental impact of this process because not only inside the university will get influenced by this step but outside the university will also get positive impact if everything goes well. No matter how well you are performing one mistake can bring everything down. So there is a need for doing a keen approach in handling such type of service.
d) Provide a report conclusion.
Answer: While concluding this report we have observed the current case of University in the UK who are specialized in higher education. Now the university is successful with online classrooms and eLearning activity and they got a good response to this step that's why they are in plan to set up virtual classrooms. Virtual classrooms will remove all boundaries of education and it will help to set up quality classrooms and lab session which can be virtual. There are many technologies which support the way to protect data in virtual mode and also a secure environment can be created online. There is an increased risk of security and data breach and that's why people want to set up a plan which is protective and private in nature. We have discussed various steps to set up a broad virtual classroom. Not only this we focused on risk assessment plan and business continuity plan so that any risk if occurred there can soon resume of work without much loss.
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