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Code of Ethics Assignment Help

Identify the key roles of those who have a vested interest in the ethical behavior that your code defines. 

Explain the strategies and thought processes that you used to formulate the code. 

Explain how you would strategically implement and communicate the code to others in the organization. 

Explain how you will monitor the practice of ethical decision-making. 

Provided that laws exist and have been enacted for resolving conflict, why do we also need a code of ethics? 

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Codes of ethics are basically some laws and guidelines instructed by the head of an organization or in a family to fulfill the differences between the peoples and to achieve fluent communication of the members in an ethical way. The paper describes the requirement of various codes of ethics and behavioral approaches in a family to ensure better communication. The study will rectify the purpose of the codes and how this codes can be generalized in a family to function properly in the house as well as in the society.

Purpose and Values of the code

The codes are established when there is a wrong accumulation and unethical work being noticed. The need of love, trust, sharing of thoughts and deeds, understanding the responsibilities, forming better relationships and cherishing the outcomes are the major part to form a better family in the society. The values of the codes are to form dignity and worth of every person in the context (LaRossa & Bennett, 2018). Code of ethics are always implemented when there is shortcoming of the performances and collaboration of the peoples in an organization or family thus requiring a ethical approach to resolve the issue.

Mission Objective

Every family works on the basis of essential morality, whether clearly declared or completely unstated. Further, an inspection of families that are pleasant-sounding, flourishing, and usually respected by their society shows a huge harmony in these philosophy. Harmonious families from throughout the globe be likely to contribute to the similar elementary assumptions or thinking that create their attainment promising. The main objective of accompanying the code of ethics in the family is to bring prosperity and success and also to ensure harmonious lifestyle of the members throughout the society (McGeorge, Carlson & Toomey, 2015).

Training and Development in the family

The head of the family should elaborate the morality and perspectives of the codes to th family members so that they can understand their flaws in building a prosperous family bonding. Every people should know their responsibility and ethics that they need to exercise while staying in the family. Basically a proper arrangement of training of the code of conducts should be exercised for the members which will increase their participation in the family events and smooth connection in the family (Spector, 2016). Some specifics standards are initiated like the requirement of the behavioral changes, modification in the thoughts and deeds, smiling attitude and bringing more love and affection in the family and at the end respecting every community in the family to ensure a high class family adoption.

Relating to the purpose

The code of ethics is required when there is misbehave or misunderstandings arises as a conflict in family or organization. Thus the head of the family when undertaking the responsibility to entertain the codes needs to be a ethical solution provider in all aspects. Only an ethical point of view can implement the codes to bring the family members to their moral consciousness.

Strategies and thought processes that you used to formulate the code

There are hierarchies of family members based on patriarchal family line, gender, age, status where strategies and thought process are used to formulate the code. In joint family or extended family system, we have seen that grandmother is submissive towards grandfather, and sons reside with their parents, children and wives all under same roof or household. (Lehnert, Craft, Singh & Park2016)
Although modernization and industrial revolution have subsided the family structure; and even considered the impediment to modernization; in extended families individuals have to contribute through ongoing order of society in terms of social communication and interaction. Likewise slowly and slowly the extended family system are gradually decreasing from day to day.

Strategies implemented in the code

Each and every family operates on certain basic principles or guidelines, whether implicitly understood or plainly stated.(Chong, Quah, Yang, Menon, & Krishna, 2015)

Furthermore; an examination done on the family that is successful, generally respected, and harmonious by their respective communities that shares a common attributes in those principles. On other hand to some extent harmonious families from the entire world have tends to share the same belief or fundamental assumptions that make their achievement possible. The formation of clear and distinct approach is followed to make the fundamental principles.

Decision making process adoption

Decision making process adoption in the family is one of the key factors which have huge impact on the family. In extended family system in earlier days where head of the family has the right to take the decision and every individual must obey that. Now a day's such trend are gradually declining from time to time.(Kraus, & Marco, 2016) At the point of crisis in the family or at the time of need to keep calmness and to take the right decision is very important which everyone cannot handle properly. The ability to decide about something generally comes from experience of an individual in those particular traits.

Requirement of Code of ethics

The code of ethics is very much important in every aspect of life whether to deal in family matters or in professional field. According to Code of Ethics of European Family Therapy Association an individual member belonging from EFTA-CIM( Chamber of Individual) by a training institute belonging to EFTA- TIC(Training Institute Chamber) or member of National association belongs from EFTA- NFTO. It is based in the conjunction with the codes of ethics of relevant professional but does not supplant them.


Code of ethics for family planning as we discussed in the whole topic which is basically some of laws and guidelines needs to be followed by each and every family. It is one of the criteria which should be maintained by every family member to ensure happiness and prosperity. In order to maintain peaceful environment in extended family one needs to maintain certain principles and guidelines to get the attention and create strong bonding among family members. The main aim of the topic is to highlight the ideas and discuss the factors which a family must follow so they can get the fruitful results out of it and can also guide others to follow it.

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