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Code of Ethics Assignment Help

Part A: Identification of Ethical Issues

Discuss potential ethical issues with a focus group in your current organization or, in the alternative, an organization that you are familiar with. You will brainstorm with colleagues and present potential issues in a report. You will outline situations that are discussed. You should describe at least five (5) situations that may be viewed as ethical from your current organization, or an organization with which you are familiar.

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Identification of Ethical Issues

In Google, I experienced ethical situations and conflicts-.

The technology of AI technology was used in drones, which captured the video, images, later on, resulted in the accuracy of drone missile strikes and resulting in the civilian casualties.

In another instance it was found how the company has been exploiting and dominating the operating system of Android mobiles. The issue was found during the phone manufacturers at a pre-install stage during the Google apps installed on the devices.

The issue of the breach and data integrity was found, due to the misuse of personal data.

Another issue of hiring based on the inequality clause and experiencing workplace harassment.

Unsustainable environment practices and unfriendly workplace policies were followed.

Analysis of identified ethical issues

In my views, being in Google organization, the company has changed its unethical practices to the given policy which has helped to attain a positive framework.

While being hired, trained and getting into the company, one would not experience a biased or the unrealistic rejection, based on race, creed, caste or background (Yulinda, 2018). All the candidates would be evaluated based on the experiences, education, certification attained and on the job-off the job role. While getting hired and treatment, it would only help in developing positive workplace culture and a good environment.

In case, if an employee is experiencing any harassment from a co-worker, peer or the managers, then an employee can voice their opinion anonymously or directly. Workplace harassment includes internal committee members and external people, who would provide an unbiased opinion and suggestions to resolve the matter.

The technology of AI, should be sold to trusted sources such as for the welfare of the people and not conduct casualties. Hence, the company changed its terms and conditions of using its drone technology of AI, with the better clauses of welfare. In the case of exploiting the market, by dominating through their technology, the company created a patent right of not missing the technology and any exploitation.


The company should have introduced the new technology and policies, only after the welfare assessment. Each of the practices such as sustainable environmental balance, hiring policy and usage of Google technology have been safely guarded, evaluated and then introduced with the policies such as "Green Saver", "Adhering to Equal Employment Opportunity" and "Data Sanctity and Integrity".

Google has introduced the data sanctity and the integrity of data, which would help not to breach the personal data. If any employee found guilty of the conduct would be penalized and fined.

By making the use of sustainable based practices, it has helped to company not only help to save the costs bills but also set as an example for the other company and employees, to save the environment from the damaging effects of the company friendly based practice (Crane, 2019).

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