Climate Change Assignment Help
Discussion Forum Number 1 (8%)
Using this case of the Climate Change (CC) issue as an example of a Wicked Problem. In light of the knowledge from Week 1 and Week 2, you are invited to discuss and analyse this issue of CC in the context of complex problem. You need to explain why the Climate Change could be viewed as a wicked problem.Evaluation based on the aspects and outcome of ICCPM.
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Climate Change (CC)
ICCPM highlighted, that economy of world country can be grow up with the help and support of the industrial development. To support the industrial and corporate sectors the governing regulatory formulate a various schemes to motivate the corporate and industrial section, however the production and manufacturing process adopted by industrial continuously damage the environment and create an hazardous problems for human life, all these things collectively create a complex business environment and ultimately it create a competitive and complex situation for the project manager to manage. The ICCPM continues research the areas and the aspects which can helps the corporates in resolving the issue which gives an invitation to complex project. (Anon (2019).
ICCPM states that the project and program are critical component for the initiation of corporate strategy, the strategy and initiation are taken based on the change of business environment, but at present due to continues growth and development in technology and continues change in the external business environment, the policy and strategy for project management is change now, as the ICCPM ,the issues and challenges rising from the continues change in the claimant required continues learning, continues development, ongoing training, continues motivation to employees and staff , by giving an opportunity to resolve the challenges and developing a skill of leadership. (Accredited Training, 2019.
Reasons for the complexity of project
As per ICCPM, the major project are complex not because of the size, nature, cost and duration and complex technology at initial phase, but it become more and more complex due to continues change in the natural environment, change in Clements, continues emerging the issues, change in economic, social and environment aspects and implementation and execution of those projects which are completely different than the traditional projects.
Manner to resolve the issue
There are numbers of situation where the risk and threat arising from the external business environmentcannot be avoid and there will not be any situation when there is no risk. Hence as a part of risk management strategy and to resolve or to manage the complex project we are required to work on continues learning and development of skill, sharing the knowledge and technology invented through research activities.
List of Aspects which makes the project Complex one

Inputs of Stakeholders
Basically the stakeholders are divided between the two groups such as the internal stakeholders and the external stakeholders, the internal stakeholder are those which are directly connected with the corporation and external stakeholder are those which are continues with corporation through indirect mode. Employee, supplier, creditors, lender, debtor etc. are internal stakeholder, whereas the print media, government etc. are the external stakeholders groups.

The management are required for formulae a policy for continues learning and development of them self , this learning aspect help the project manager in overcoming from the challenging situation, as well as helps the project managers in managing the issue arising from the external and internal business environment. Further management adopt the programs for the corporate social responsibility, this programs shall give due importance to the clement, issue with the natural environment, growth and development of society, preserving the natural resources and inventing a new technology which can help in minimising the harm of natural environment.
Personal view
To resolve the issues arising from the climate change, we need to work on systematic manage and we shall adopt the 4P risk management strategy it change in the climate is natural thing become the production and processing activities harms the natural environment, so to resolved the issues arising from the Clement we need to work in systematic ways which has a due concern about the environment, society and sustainability.
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