CIS8000 Global Information Systems Strategy - University Of Southern Queensland
Question: Prepare a comprehensive report to the CFO of the company presenting a business case for the strategic development, implementation and integration of the app within the existing organizational and information systems framework.
1. Executive Summary
The current report is focusing on the app development for Australian Unity - Home & Disability Services Hub which is a disability ca re centre. A systematic background and proposed solution is provided at the beginning of the report. Apart from this a cost analysis and Strategic alignment within the organization's business and IT strategies are analysed for understanding the requirement and current trends. Value proposition and other benefits are also judged based on the infrastructural requirement. The development platform is proposed which are iOS and android and cloud services are evaluated. The methodologies for designing software e is also analysed significantly. The requirement of internationalisation is also evaluated with social media integration requirements. Risk management regarding privacy, security and ethical consideration are judged. Integration and deployment strategies along with this user acceptance planning are also incorporated. Maintenance strategy and the future direction is also provided and based on this effective recommendation and conclusion has been drawn.
2. Background
Australian Unity - Home & Disability Services Hub is incorporating Auslan dependent app for the disabled with hearing and speaking disabled people. This is RIDBC Auslan Tutor Key Signs which is commonly known as RIDBC which is generally is a sign language standardised by Australian government mostly for deaf people. The company has incorporated this app for making scope to the people with disability to learn with their phones. This application has been developed by Chief Information Officer as per the proposed idea of Executive Clinical Manager. With the help of stories, this app will encourage the people to learn different things, especially will help to promote linguistic development. In this way, this service will be beneficial for the company as well as the stakeholders. Providing superior communication and learning environment to the patients is the main mission of the company which can improve the quality of hospital services.
3. Proposed solution
With the help of currently proposed system of mobile phone app with Auslan Tutor Key Signs, Australian Unity can reduce their workload effectively. It has been noticed that, due to the current workload in the Australian Unity company, the service and operation load is increasing rapidly. The number of existing staffs are not adequate to provide support for the people who seek services. Along with this, recruiting new staffs can cause increase of budget. This cost can be a burden for the company to conduct their operation as a health and social care service home in Australia. As for this reason, the company has initiated to provide support to the people by developing learning and communication app for promoting effectiveclinical and social support to their care users. The rising rate of disabled people is showing the need of service and help will increase in the future years. About 4 million people have disability out of which people with speaking and hearing disability are quite high. This proposed app can lower the unreliability, low productivity, operation gap, inadequate support by professionals and can secure the service with Auslan app to the disabled people.
4. Cost analysis
The development, installation and other operations regarding the implementation require effective cost. The following development are to be conducted regarding app development:
• Seeking permission for using Auslan from the government as well as from the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children
• Identification the key stakeholders and target users, mobile devices and platforms to support
• Revenue level
• Designing of the hybrid app
• Developing prototype and beta testing by incorporating feedback
• Deploying and capturing Metrix
• Marketing and training to staffs as well as healthcare service providers
• Customised interface, multilingual user manual, efficiency estimation
• Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children
• Remote login and multifactor sign in
• Healthcare and enterprise information system
These application requires adequate cost which is provided bellow:
AUD ('000)
Design and development of hybrid app
Choosing platform and testing
Workflow alignment
Integration of key stakeholders
Total cost
Table 1: Simple cost estimation of Auslan App
(Source: Created by learner)
This is effective for providing a budget estimation for the development as well as execution of the app. Along with this, this can provide an idea of the marketing cost and expected financial benefit for using the app. Apart from this, a significant estimation of the capital investment can be developed with the help of this cost estimation table. With the help of this the majority of geographical area especially in which the system could reach to the targeted people. In this way, the cost estimation has been conducted.
5. Strategic alignment within the organization's business and IT strategies
Australian Unity - Home & Disability Services Hub is the one of the mostsignificant and renowned disabled care service provider home in Australia. This is well distributed in different geographicallocation of Australia with high valued patient care, employee engagement as well as strategic management in healthcare management operations. In order to conduct the operation and to provide effective services required by care users, the company is focused on few corporategovernance objectives. The main and moist significant is valuing patient's need and providing high quality services. According to Naedeleet al.(2015), increasing intimacy with patients and identifying their needs can help to develop an uninterrupted service excellence. This can ensure sufficient patient outcome which could be enhanced with the help of Aslan linguistic app service.
On the other hand, maintaining employee's wellbeing is another prime concern of Australian Unity home which can be established by lowering their workload which is unnecessarily imposed over them. Benarochet al.(2016) stated that, due to the increase of cost of healthcare services as well as increase of patientoutcome, the cost of service is increasing rapidly. Along with this, the workload is also increasing which can lower the quality that can further decrease sustainability and competitiveadvantage of the company. Apart from this, promoting business growth is another prime concern of the healthcare home, Australian Unity. Linguistic learning through mobile app could enhance the lifestyle of the key target group. Due to the inclusion of this mobile app, the name of the company as well as operation can be promoted in a comparatively larger market.
6. Value proposition and other benefits
The main target buyer is the parents andfamilies of disabled people. Along with this, the people with learning, hearing and speaking disability will use this app due to its user friendly nature and people can intimate this app for their day to day activity. As opined by Carreteiroet al.(2016), developing target population and understanding their needs for using certain product or service can ensure customer integrity with a company. In this way, the target group could be incorporated under the usage of the concerned mobile app. However, this app can provide several other strategic benefits to Australian Unity Home. This can create a long term benefit to the company for acquiring the target users. The revenue will be gained by the usage rate as well as subscription with hospital service. One-year free service will be provided to the patients with learning, hearing and speaking disability which can create huge customer base. Along with this, as the maintenance cost of Auslan App is quite low it can reduce the cost of healthcare services. This can be beneficial for both the company as well as key stakeholders like the employees and consumers. In accordance with Dingsøyret al.(2016), in this way, effective service strategy can enhance value proposition to the company. The main issue is the guidance and developing learning and speaking practices among people with disability. This app can be beneficial for the company to communicate with the patients and enhance their learning experience. This is beneficial for providing clear picture of the patient's need which should be provided by the assessor, caregivers as well asfamily members. Apart from this, this can provide opportunity to have remote learning and therapy sessions with video aid. The consumer satisfaction score can be enhanced about 30% and the rate of service user will be increase about 10% within 2 years.
7. Project management and control
The CIO can deploy the project by IT department by incorporating internal stakeholders for understanding the service need areas. In order to develop the Auslan App, the clinical support time, linguistic development team, nursing staffs, HR management team and finance accountants are to be required. As per the department's operations and service facility, the requirement of the app can be understood. Along with this, the company can conduct a service or interview to the patients or their families in order to understand specific areas of service needs. This can help the app developer to design the factors and service categories of the app. The IT department can incorporate appropriate staffs for deploying the app. The professionals could assist the CIO to understand the exact areas of needs which can ensure the service excellence of the organisation. For this reason, the following timeline can be used. The Project General Manager has been recruited for conduct the operation and development (Niaziet al. 2016). In Australian Unity Home, the management leaders can incorporate strategic initiative for adding or proposing their valuable ideas and knowledge. An effective performance management initiative can be taken to know the current skills and knowledge of employees regarding the proposed application. Based on this, the General Manager can incorporate initiative for providing a succinate training programme. This can mitigate knowledge gap among employees and they can provide quality service. Besides this, team management is another significant factor which is the responsibility of CIO and the remove IT team managers. This teams are trained for developing, testing and deploying applications for the Australian Unity Home. The finance and accounting team can incorporate strategic initiatives for developing proper budget for the entire work including marketing as well as promotional activities. In this way, the outcome of the company can achieve better sustainable market within Australia.

Table 2: Timeline of Auslan App development
(Source: Created by learner)
8. Infrastructure requirements
The database is to be linked with the app by which the control over non-automated services can be provided. The app related settings might not require continuous monitoring and learning process. This is providing an "interactive patient-care systems"which is creatinglearning and communication experience to the learning, hearing and listing disabilities. As opined by Prado-Gascóet al.(2017), along with this, this is effective for maintaining a clear communication forum between patients as well as their families with the healthcare service providers. In this way, the effectiveness of the app can be established. in case of adult patients with these disabilities, they can easily access the caregiver and patient communication platforms for understanding their therapy needs and other services which will make the caregiving appropriate. Apart from this, the main areas for improvements can be also understood which is necessary for the company to achieve better outcome in terms of health and stated by Wickboldtet al.(2015), for this reason, several tools and infrastructure are to be required for developing the app. The IT developer and testing team will provide rotational duty to provide the technological support to the people.
Along with this, continuous checking and on-time upgradation of the app is to be required for enhancing their effectiveness. Mahmoodet al.(2017) commented that, in this way, the outcome can be increased and the business growth of the company can be flourished. For both android and iOS, this application is to be deployed by IT professionals. The reason behind choosing this platform is to incorporate majority of target consumers. In order to control over the security and ethical policies, standardisation, the company can incorporate the security and ethical control team. This team is strongly look after the security and other matters. Apart from this, a 24*7 support system is to be incorporated in the Australian Unity home in order to satisfy the customer needs effectively. Lindsjørnet al.(2016) argued and commented that, in this way, the mobile app regarding Auslan needs to be standardised and appropriate for development environment. This app can be act as an enterprise wide application which helps to differentiate general system and IT infrastructure.
8.1. Development platforms
The outcome can be increased and the business growth of the company can be flourished. For both android and iOS, this application is to be deployed by IT professionals. The reason behind choosing this platform is to incorporate majority of target consumers. In case of IOS, the Australian Unity Home can incorporate the RIDBC Auslan Tutor which are beneficial for teaching 150 common signs as per Auslan language. This are provided with clear presentation with video and pictorial representation. Apart from this, the app also has Auslan alphabets which are having numbers signs 0-10. Besides this, it also provides overview of fingerspells for learning new words and conducting academic education. These are incorporated in the Apple phones along with Auslan Story time settings [Refer to appendix 1].
Apart from this, these apps are also available in play store of android platforms. Both the Tutor Key Signs as well as Auslan Story Time are available for all kids, teenagers and others. In case of adult people, the effective and interactive communication platform have been created by the developers. They can read books, view videos with Auslan key signs and communicate though the app. The app is not audible and only conduct the education as well as learning process with the help of this app (Ramachandran, 2016). The communication ability and confidence of people can be also improved by this application. The story time application can enhance IQ level of children by telling them stories and puzzles. This can enhance the learning and skill development ability of the patients.
Two different platforms are chosen for promoting the app is, the number of iPhone users are great in number in Australia. Along with this, the increase of Android market is also very high and several customers prefer android phones over iPhones. As for this reason, the app is to be developed for both android and Apple phones for ensuring more consumer engagement. According to Garcíaet al.(2015), enterprise development plan dependent technologies can enhance the future improvement in a great way, that requirement of manual support can be reduced.
8.2. Cloud services
Mobile phone application based on numerous mobile device connectivity are suffering due to the BYOD process. Many organisations are favoured by BYOD policy but also some advents have been faced. It has been noticed that, due to having various operating systems, attributes and screen size. Therefore, the mobile app related with Auslan requires to have a cross platform capability which is necessary to make the app available to its users. However, in this scenario, the developers and CIO require to have full control on the system and it also requires hard work as well as time. It can be said that, all the app data are temporarily stored within mobile which is running by mobile cloud (Wickboldtet al. 2015). In case of Auslan, the cloud computing is effective to store the mobile data. In this way, the information and data of the Australian Unity Home as well as client data can be stored, protected and accessed as per the permission and necessary of clients. In this scenario, maintaining proper data protection regime is necessary to be incorporated in the cloud system of the app for lowering legal violation. On the other hand, in this case at the time Australian Unity home makes the app available in mobile cloud, then this solution can help the users to access data and app which is running in various platforms.
As a cloud infrastructure, this mobile cloud computing can be accessed. This can create an ecosystem for mobile app like Auslan. It helps to store the data and information regarding user as well as service providers outside the mobile. Along with this, this helps to allow to change device whenever necessary. The data storage and data processing is conducted outside of the mobile memory storage(Dingsøyret al. 2016). These tasks can be easily conducted with the help of effective tools and techniques. One of the most significant tool for mobile app based cloud computing is Mobile Enterprise Application Platforms (MEAPs). This is a comprehensive suit that helps to convert data in a user friendly interface and app. Apart from this, another significant method or tool for using the app is HTML5 which is effective for creating mobile app cloud and helps to understand the end of the mobile phone device. The rendering characteristics are determined by a certain set of dimension.
9. Software design, development methodologies and testing strategies
Software development has been done for mobile and tablets for both users and caregivers. Apart from this, the corporate management can also incorporate alerts, messaging, pictorial alerts and other alarming systems. With the help of object oriented development process, the app designing can be conducted. In this way, the existing system, corporate objectives, values for consumers and other approaches can be incorporated. Data and code are merged in a single object and the software has been designed (Niaziet al. 2016). A top-down approach has been incorporated along with data flow and separated process. As per the user requirement, this type of software can be upgraded, added or deleted with different properties and services.
In order to design the software, the CIO and entire IT team has incorporated Agile methodology. As opined by Soni and Kohli(2017), this agile methodology is effective for minimising risks such as change management, overruns, cost and bug related. Along with this, it helps to add new functionality with low risks. It contains mini-incremental new functionality worth helped to developed by iteration and software. However, different forms of Agile methodologies can be incorporated that can help to enhance the outcome of the software developmental process. These forms are like feature-driven development (FDD), extreme programming (XP), crystal, and scrum. The main benefit of incorporating agile methodology is it helps to conduct iteration of software (Stettina and Hörz, 2015). It also helps to improve efficiency of the app effectively. In this way, the effectiveness of the software can be established in the current system and the user satisfaction can be achieved. It has been noticed that, it helps to identify defects which are aligned with early expectations. Software benefit can be effectively understood by both user s as well as caregivers.
The testing will be done at the time and after the development of app. As per the project management plan, the testing will be done which should be initiated by programme testing. Any risk associated with data protection and emotional ground should be identified and immediately resolved before deployment. Apart from this programme testing, system testing is to be done in order to identify the whole functioning of the system. In this way, the effectiveness of the system should be tested to run that smooth manner. As opined by Stettina and Hörz(2015), after completion of successful testing, the deployment is to be conducted which involves the steps of technical support, implementation and release.
10. Internationalization for a global market
The Auslan software is to be developed for engaging learning, communication, recreational and other treatment related engagement of disabled people. The main targeted stakeholders are the immediate patients of the Australian Unity Home. After developing the app, it should be promoted in a small scale region especially within Australia. However, after establishing the acceptance of this app to the people as well as the users and caregivers, this app can be promoted in a large scale (Ouriqueset al. 2019). An internationalisation strategy can be incorporated to promote the effectiveness of the system in the global context. On the contrary, while promoting the app in global context, several challenges can impact on the success factor of this app. Cultural challenge is one of the significant factor while promoting the app especially in African, Asian, European or US countries. The guideline and storyline language can be different in every country which might promote significant challenge. Therefore, in the app, different local main language input is necessary to put. Apart from this, the employee relation challenge is another significant factor. Due to technological inclusion, requirement of caregivers in a healthcare home is reducing. As for this reason, this app can considerably lower employment rate which is a serious threat. Technological challenge is another significant factor which is affecting the outcome (Silvaet al. 2015). Due to lack of technological support, availability pf smartphones to people and error in network connection, this app can be useless for people. Personal challenge can be noticed from user and caregivers sight. Due to lack of knowledge in technology, people of less developed countries can have issues.
11. Social media integration strategies
Social media can be incorporated for promoting the app. The renowned social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and others can be incorporated within the app development process in order to enhance the promotion. Different videos, audio, pictorial posts and promotional activities are to be included to enhance the promotion. As 80% of the people of Australia use social media platforms and spend considerable time. Apart from this, the YouTube can be also incorporated for conducting effective promotional works (Rittinghouse and Ransome, 2017). This YouTube and Facebook app can effectively enhance the patient outcome and engage people's motivation for using the tool. in this way, the outcome can be increased and the business growth of the company can be flourished. For both android and iOS, this application is to be deployed by IT professionals. In this way, the existing system, corporate objectives, values for consumers and other approaches can be incorporated. Data and code are merged in a single object and the software has been designed.The reason behind choosing this platform is to incorporate majority of target consumers.This are provided with clear presentation with video and pictorial representation (Gachechiladzeet al. 2017). On the other hand, this social media promotion of the app can enable scope of verbal promotion. The word of mouth is the most effective tool to use for the marketing of Auslan app which can engage various target users. While promoting the app, the Australian Unity Home can conduct promotional bonus system for which one user can earn referral bonus to the system.
12. Risk management - privacy, security, confidentiality, ethical issues
The main risk is associated with the intellectual property risk. This can create the issue of identity. Protecting the app from malware, third party interference, data breaching, ethical issues and others are the most significant concern of the company. The IT development team can use copyright and plagiarism protection acts and policy within their system (Walton and Maiden, 2019). Along with this, proper protection to the using contents, unique logo and taglines as well as other techniques can be maintained in order to protect the software installation. Maintaining ethical consideration for using app and using personal data of the users are to be also mentioned properly. Any type of data breaching can harm the promotion of app. This cost can be a burden for the company to conduct their operation as a health and social care service home in Australia. As for this reason, the company has initiated to provide support to the people by developing learning and communication app for promoting effective clinical and social support to their care users (Raiet al. 2017). The rising rate of disabled people is showing the need of service and help will increase in the future years. The compliance and legal threats are also serious concern which can be mitigated by developing proper policies, process, integrated IT strategy, mobile phone security, classification of information. Access issue as well as network security can create a significant risk that requires proper secure communications & encryption, network architecture, business continuity planning (BCP),and firewall system. In this way, the risk can be mitigated effectively.

Figure:Risk assessment Matrix
(Source: Created by learner)
13. Integration and deployment strategies
The integration of the system will be done with the existing on-phone service. This on-phone service will be merged with the newly developed app. The Australian Unity Home can incorporate strategic initiatives to tie the app with the business process. The communication can be enhanced with this and the existing enterprise system can fullyhave integrated with the existing app. due to the increase of cost of healthcare services as well as increase of patient outcome, the cost of service is increasing rapidly (Keshtaet al. 2017). Along with this, the workload is also increasing which can lower the quality that can further decrease sustainability and competitive advantage of the company. Apart from this, promoting business growth is another prime concern of the healthcare home, Australian Unity Home. Linguistic learning through mobile app could enhance the lifestyle of the key target group.
In the other hand, the deployment is to be done with the help of effectivecollaborative strategy in which within one year, this app will be accessed by Australians. All the other healthcare service can have tremendous market competition due to this Auslan app. Within the mobile support management system (MSM), the existing management tool will be incorporated effectivelyfor ensuring immediate troubleshooting any issues (Yanget al. 2018). The initialstarget of the deployment is to aware the key stakeholders about this app and then they can conduct a change management plan within healthcare system. After the deployment, the key performance indicator (KPI) needs to be analysed effectively in a top-down concept.
14. User acceptance and change management
After the deployment, the CIO can conduct the final user acceptance testing (UAT) in order to test the effectiveness of the app in a real life scenario. About 100 trials on different age group with different disability patterns like learning, hearing as well as speech impairment. This can enhance the outcome of the app and can help to understood the effectiveness. Apart from this, the future sustainability of this app can be also judged by this UAT (Cummingset al. 2016). After this deployment process, 2 months will be engaged for conducting the user acceptance test effectively. If the app is accepted by at least 85% of the target and potential users, this app can be incorporated for its long term use. This can bring high competitive advantage and sustainability in the Australian market in initial level and later in internationalised context.
On the other hand, the change management within the organisation will be done by Lewin's change management model by the following three stages such as unfreeze, change and refreeze (Hussainet al. 2018). Within the organisation, this change might be accepted by the employees and they cannot handle the transition of this change. As for this reason, this model of change management can be incorporated for bringing change in a way that employee resistance should be low. Proper communication of the benefits of this current change implementation needs to be established. alomg with this, the employees are to be provided with proper training and knowledge management strategy for enhancing their knowledge and skills. this can help the employees to recognise own and organistaional objective s and betterment for future.
15. Maintenance
It has been noticed, the app maintenance is more significant in comparison with deployment. After the initial deployment, it is possible for the users to use different other app over this or show reluctance for using the app. Continuous checking and on-time upgradation of the app is to be required for enhancing their effectiveness. Giardinoet al.(2015) commented that, in this way, the outcome can be increased and the business growth of the company can be flourished. For both android and iOS, this application is to be deployed by IT professionals. The reason behind choosing this platform is to incorporate majority of target consumers. In order to control over the security and ethical policies, standardisation, the company can incorporate the security and ethical control team. This team is strongly look after the security and other matters. Apart from this, a 24*7 support system is to be incorporated in the Australian Unity home in order to satisfy the customer needs effectively. As per the user requirement, this type of software can be upgraded, added or deleted with different properties and services.
16. Future opportunities and enhancements
In future, the app can be globally promoted and accepted by international users. The provided guidelines can help the company to engage their settings for promoting effective communication. Along with this, the proposed automation can enhance the service efficacy and lower the dependence on manual support. The company has initiated to provide support to the people by developing learning and communication app for promoting effective clinical and social support to their care users. With the help of this the majority of geographical area especially in which the system could reach to the targeted people. Language dependent learning through mobile app could enhance the lifestyle of the key target group. The rising rate of disabled people is showing the need of service and help will increase in the future years. Enterprise development plan dependent technologies can enhance the future improvement in a great way, that requirement of manual support can be reduced. Apart from this, the future sustainability of this app can be also judged by the care users especially the learning, hearing and speaking disabled people. After this deployment process, 2 months will be engaged for conducting the user acceptance test effectively.
17. Recommendations and conclusion
Henceforth, it can be concluded that, the company has incorporated this app for making scope to the people with disability to learn with their phones.This proposed app can lower the unreliability, low productivity, operation gap, inadequate support by professionals and can secure the service with Auslan app to the disabled people.The development, installation and other operations regarding the implementation require effective cost. Due to the inclusion of this mobile app, the name of the company as well as operation can be promoted in a comparatively larger market. This can be beneficial for both the company as well as key stakeholders like the employees and consumers. Effective service strategy can enhance value proposition to the company. The main issue is the guidance and developing learning and speaking practices among people with disability. In Australian Unity Home, the management leaders can incorporate strategic initiative for adding or proposing their valuable ideas and knowledge. this is effective for maintaining a clear communication forum between patients as well as their families with the healthcare service providers. In this way, the effectiveness of the app can be established. in case of adult patients with these disabilities, they can easily access the caregiver and patient communication platforms for understanding their therapy needs and other services which will make the caregiving appropriate.
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