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CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Assignment Help

Students will need to show an understanding and demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to work with children from diverse backgrounds showing respect and valuing each child and families’ identities and their contributions in the education and care service.

This includes-

- Positive communication strategies

- Providing a supportive environment for clients and co-workers

- Understanding families culture

- Relationship building with children &amp; families

- Supporting cultural identity of children &amp; families

- Reaching agreements with families

- Meeting information needs

- Distributing information strategies

- Experiences promoting cultural awareness/acceptance

- Identifying information requirements

- Addressing information requirements

- Evaluate and maintain quality information


Section 1

1. The parts of the curriculum that have been built on diversity, children’s backgrounds, cultural events and backgrounds that includes the routines, and planned and spontaneous activities and environment can be listed as follows:

• Accessing and exploring the outdoor and indoor areas in as independent manner as possible

• Making selection regarding the resources that the children access and the experiences that they participate in

• Interact meaningfully with the adults and other children

• Experiencing challenges and taking managed risks

• Caring for themselves in as independent manner as possible

• Engaging with books, images and similar resources that would reflect individuals with disabilities as active participants and contributors of the community in varied manner

2. Part 1

a. Sally would be provided with all the details regarding the different activities that have been designed as per the age and ability of the children. Furthermore, the risk management practices that are followed by the institutes to protect the children from any kind of harm shall be informed as well.

b. From Sally, the different habits of the two children shall be obtained, along with their likes and dislikes, any kind of medical illness or attention that may be required or medical allergies that the children may be prone to, so as to keep them safe during their stay.

c. Sally would be shown with the facilities and activities that are followed within the institutes to help the children gain more knowledge as well as improve their skills. She would be greeted very warmly so that she feels welcomed and sure about the Services.

Part 2

a. Sally would be negotiated to understand that it is important to bring the 4 year child into a regular routine as this moulds them at later stage in life.

b. Sally would be advised to mould the routine of the 4 year child in such manner that he would be able to adapt with the schedule of the four years olds of the institute.

c. The final decision shall be documented as record and copies of the same shall be provided to Sally so that she can use the same as reference.

3. With respect to the position of an educator, it is important to make time to listen to the requirements of the families of the children who are being taken care of (Hart, 2013). At the end of the session it is important to interact with the families and discuss with them the requirements that they would want the educators to incorporate within the curriculum that would aid in the growth and development of their children.

4. On a daily basis, the information that is shared with the families include the daily activities that have been conducted by the child, the progress in the behaviour or skill, the new skills that the child may have acquired, any misbehaviour or misconduct on the part of the child and the steps that have been taken to correct the same and similar such information that is important to be notified to the parents (Gooding, et al., 2011).

5. Topics to be resourced would include the following:

• Knowledge regarding the location of the Service

• Knowledge regarding the availability of varied equipment, resources and furniture

• Information about visibility and designs that facilitates effective supervision

• Information about avoiding overcrowding and ensuring that children are not required to wait for long time for participating or accessing facilities and resources (Rentzou, and Sakellariou, 2011)

6. Topics that parents and families could need information would include the following:

• Relevant governance structures that comprises of the name of the approved provider and the individual to be contacted to make the complaint

• Importance of parents’ and families’ participation in making informed choices regarding the quality of care and education at the Service

• Significance of participation in the medical management plan for the children of the centre

• Significance of participation in the risk minimisation plan for the children of the centre (Warner, and Gradus, 2011)

7. Information within the Service presented and distributed to the families with the help of varied visual tools. These include PowerPoint Presentations that conveys the necessary information amongst larger population as well as provides the scope for live interactions and exchange of suggestions. The other method is the use of posters, pamphlets and flyers for conveying urgent notifications and information. Emails are also used for distributing information to the families and parents of the student.

8. The topic that has been selected is “Significance of participation in the medical management plan for the children of the centre”.

a. The topic would allow the centre to develop better medical management plan for the children as it would have comprehensive contributions from the parents of the children, thereby making it more reliable (Stiggelbout, et al., 2012). Therefore, this topic has been selected.

b. The information regarding the same can be best presented to the parents with the help of PowerPoint presentations and posters so that they gain a better perspective regarding the topic and its significance.

c. The various options can be discussed with other colleagues, supervisors and other seniors, as well as the management of the Service to gain a better perspective regarding the topic and its significance for the Service.


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