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Change Management Assignment Help

Part A: Discussion of two topics as follows in 300 words with self-analysis.

Discuss Kanter's take on effective change management and leadership

Discuss the dominant images of Director, Coach and Interpretor in the change management context

Part B: Write a reflective piece on what was learnt from these discussions

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Part A:

Discuss Kanter's take on effective change management and leadership

When the construct of Change Management is tried to be discussed it is relevant to take Kanter's perspective into consideration. In order to yield effectual outcomes within change management protocol in the business processes of a particular organization, there are definite attributes which are necessary to be encompassed (Hosking and Anderson, 2018). As per the stipulation of Kanter it is mandate to implement market transparency, global capital flow, mobility among labors and communication in an instantaneous process. It is expected according to conventions that most of industries in almost each of the companies ranging from lower budget to the giants endeavor to take part within global competitiveness. A collective mindset implemented within management processes shall enable in concentration upon something which satisfactorily avoided change to take place. There are successful companies adhering to which the belief of Kanter's is brought to light emphasizing upon an organizational culture being fostered so that constant movement addressing all times is achieved.

Scale is that precursor where change impacts with most organization, magnitude involves significant alterations, and duration indicates the changes to last for months through strategic significance. It is highly believed that changes are accepted as positive and productive when they act rewarding towards every single employee associated with the organization introducing the change. Addressing the human in a systematic manner, initiating the change from top, involving change development at every layer, creating ownership, spreading the message, accessing cultural landscape in an explicit manner, preparing for unexpected and speaking to individuals shall be noted as the approach. Without sufficient involvement from leaders in respective organizations bringing about change in management effectually is impossible as per Kanter's (Hagerman et al. 2018). It is the leaders who evaluate diverse internal and external forces playing in relation to the change brought into the management. In order to make changes successful a certain visibility and sustained sponsorship is expected to address needs of employees through strong bank of resources dedicated to bring about that change.

Discuss the dominant images of Director, Coach and Interpreter in the change management context

Coach is identified as that attribute who has direct connection with change management in case of implementing the change. It is holding hands of the coach that the accurate implementation of change is possible adhering to correct guidance and monitoring. It is coach concerning whom the subsequent interpretation of activities is possible to be undertaken. Creating new and innovative ways for establishing the change becomes possible through the adequate coaching instructions and directions. This image for the change to get accurately implemented is made possible through the relevant and significant role played by the coach (Lozano and von Haartman, 2018).

It is during the process decided by the coach adhering which accurate changes are tried to be implemented that the problems and issues cropping up shall get identified. It is keeping in course with this image of the coach that implementation of change within organization management is likely to associate with negative deviance to be eliminated.

In case of the image of interpreter the role played in terms of implementing the change shall create a new dimension towards breaking the frame. It is the interpreter from whose eyes one shall view the outcomes created as a result of the change being introduced within the organizational management. It is expected when the change is undertaken it is possible to be scrutinized following the image of interpreter (van der Voet et al. 2016). Therefore it becomes very likely that both the positive as well as the negative aspects shall get highlighted through the analyzed image created of the interpreter. The primary stage would be to identify the changes and then to create better frameworks. It is through the image of the director enabling which the instruction to create the change within the organization shall be comprehended

Part B:

Write a reflective piece on what was learnt from these discussions

With respect to the implementation of change in an organisational sphere Kanter's perspective compels in focusing in specific areas and domains of functions. Large companies which decided of bringing about change in their management structure and function. There are certain simple objectives set up with orient the direction of change that is expected to be incorporated within the organizational firm.

There are rising competitive climate dominating the market scenario (Tran and Voyer, 2015). However, for gaining stability despite such changes, the under developed companies have to infuse with change dynamism so that effectual outputs are possible to be included. Keeping the prices under control and the employees dedicated towards outcomes the productivity needs to be excelled and enhanced. It is analyzed that adding specialized acknowledgement and direction towards the change management the perspective or viewpoint of Kanter's is expected to be established. There are market transparencies, capital flows, instant communication and labor mobility found to be actualized as the course of undertaking the change management objectives (Dawson, 2019). Be it a low scale organization or a large scale optimized firm the collaborative mind of creating effective management strategies are found to work as productive operations.

Kanter made a special mention that each of the companies who are planning for establishing change within their management operations are necessary to establish a cultural domain across which constant movement shall be encompassed. As time flows by the operative dynamism has to be welcomed effectually. It is strictly believed that before the change is placed within the organization effectual evaluation of its possible outcomes shall be assessed. The human dimension needs to be taken into foremost consideration as that keeps the most priority before and after the change. The company's culture is necessary to abide by the value, behavior and people demands so that endeavored outcomes are possibly formulated as a course of encouragement. In the long-term course of structural transformation there are essentially four traits taken into major consideration, the scale, the duration, the magnitude and the strategic relevance (Doppelt, 2017). It is expected that no matter what and how the changes are implemented the human side shall be evaluated on a systematic manner. in order to bring about the transformation in the business firm structure the initiation point shall be the topmost hierarchical position. It is according to the CEO and their objective direction implemented through leadership team those strengths, direction and support is possible to be obtained. It is significant for the leaders to embrace the challenges and keep the rest of the institution adequately motivated. For the transformation program to be actualized and internalized it is expected to get penetrated deep into each layer. There needs to be formulation of definite strategies and targets need to be set for its subsequent implementation. For creating understanding and compliance towards the change the members of the firm are necessary to be justified with substantial rationale. The extent of change and its possible outcomes needs to be shared with every member using effective communication streams.

This would allow effectual acceptance to be infused within the organization. In order t establish effectual competitive paradigm through operations of the organization it is deal to establish that change management is effectually established (Booth, 2015). Creating ownership through the message being communicated shall be effectually maintained. The cultural aspects need to be addressed explicitly so that leaders are able to implement the behavior to support the business effectually. The baseline needs to be developed through explicit definition with desired culture and creating value within the business organization. 

The leaders are identified to play a deterministic role in implementing the change within the management of the organizational operations (Lozano, 2015). It is found that leaders are involved in the change management procedures to create success in the management procedures. It is ultimately the behavioral manifestation of the leaders that the followers of the organization are likely to follow. It is widely believed that change management is difficult to be undertaken. It is expected for humans to show resistance as the primary response as they are likely to be driven by irrational means and emotions. Change becomes a personal matter for humans. However, it therefore becomes crucial as the role of directors to justify each of the spokespersons and employees of the organization with justifiable rationale to comply with the change. The transformational leadership style adopted by the CEO or leader of the organization shall effectually enable developed and shared vision to get created. Monitoring and adjusting with the strategic outcomes as the course of change management shall be possible to get implemented (Rosenbaum et al. 2018). The method that incorporated according to the verdict of Kanter states that both internal as well as external factors play a direct role in creating value towards the change management procedure. It is encompassing this method that responsible formulation and implementation of change is established effectually.

When the change management process is undergone, the images creating significant role impacts are tried to be establishing objective outcomes (Kump, 2019). It is following the image of the director that changes within the organization are led by them so that followers are able to abide by their instructions. There are specific skills and talents that are required to be undertaken by the leader to play the role f the director for conceptualizing and actualizing the change. In order to interpret the effective outcomes the role of the interpreter shall be encompassed so that results created through change management are possible to be analyzed. It is the coach who mentors and monitors the instruction of the employees to accept the change in the organization and governs the process of change implementation. 

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