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Case Study : Research on ‘Acting and Behaving Ethically' Assignment Help


The below vignette describes a hypothetical situation. Please read and answer the following question:

How might you prepare for this and what might your options be in practice? You should underpin your response with supporting research on ‘acting and behaving ethically' as a researcher.


You have been instructed to undertake a piece of research for the company you work for, examining why employees are not satisfied with their jobs. The sample of employees has been provided by the Managing Director (an autocratic leader) and consists of a range of employees, from junior to the most senior of management positions. You are currently a middle level manager; some of the respondents' report to you but some others are your manager.

As background, there is a general feeling of mistrust within the organisation resulting in high levels of job dissatisfaction. This is a ‘compulsory' questionnaire with the Managing Director making it clear that all those selected must participate. It is clear to you that respondents have very little idea about the research, have either been co-opted into it with little choice or have volunteered as a way of appeasing the Managing Director, and furthermore have very little to ‘openly' say on the subject. Nonetheless, you cannot disregard respondents who seem at best co-opted or not interested as the Managing Director is keen to see the results for himself (he has secretly and knowingly to you numbered questionnaires so he can identify respondents by name). From working on similar projects, you knew in advance that this was not an uncommon occurrence.

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Case Study


The case study revolves around a company where the workers are not satisfied with their job status. The issue that need to be resolve is the feeling of mistrust among the workers of the company. This dishonesty has enhanced the rate of dissatisfaction of the company employees. These employees include majority of the workers from juniors to seniors, and their data is presented to the director of the company in the form of a report. It is necessary to make a list of all the dissatisfied workers ready for the research. Workers are not much aware of the study and the manager wanted to investigate the responses and research results of the workers.

Critical Analysis


Conducted survey on the mistrust in the company has highlighted many significant problems that are necessary to bring job satisfaction and trust among the workers. From this analysis, it was conducted that:

- Mistrust among the workers can cause unhealthy relationship among the workers. Which leads to the competition which is unwholesome and morbid. This makes people aggressive and intimidating, which causes problems not only for them but also for the employees in other departments.

- No equilibrium exists among the operatives related to work and life due to dishonesty. It can also lead to the humiliation of senior workers and clients which will directly ignite wrangles between various departments associated with the distribution of resources.

- Flexibility in the management vanishes in the progress and productivity of career because of distrust within the company. Dishonesty among the people can also make the people judgmental, and it can move them from communicating genuineness to escaping egotism.

- Teamwork and collaboration can be faded due to cynicism in the company which leads to the loss. Achievement of goals and targets of the company fails ultimately, and causes sense of frustration, conflicts and lack of clarity in the company (Muneer, Iqbal, Saif-Ur-Rehman, & Long, 2014).

- Data leakage and damaging could be indicated due to job dissatisfaction. This mistrust can also make the people believing they know best, and they will have been hiding the actual reason for insecurity.

- Lack of communication will make the goals unclear and ineffective. There will be delays and lack of cohesion in the company, thus it will decrease the morale of the organization. This will create the long term relationships to be ended as short term with the client and suppliers. Optimization will be reduced due to decreased employee engagement to the work.

- Customer satisfaction and interaction will be affected, and the reliability and fame of the company will be disrupted by the sense of distrust in the company. Due to these issues, the company can lose its shares and consistency in the market.


The survey was conducted to identify the issues that can be caused due to the distrust in the company. It was concluded from the research that these issues could completely destroy the reputation of the company. It is essential to resolve the issues among the company members.

- First of all, the essential thing to perform was to fulfil the lack of communication among the workers. Focused groups must be made, and motivation must be given to the members of the company for this purpose. Trust can only be built among the people when there is proper communication and effective hearing of other's point of view.

- Secondly, effective strategies of the company must be designed for the distribution of the resources. It will not only avoid the tension, feeling of stress and unfair situations in the office but also make the workers respect the seniors. The codes and ethics must be clearly defined to the workers of the company (Ng, 2015).

- Focused groups of the workers and healthy competitions for the achievement of targets can improve the relations and dealings in the company. Rewards and increments must be awarded to the workers for making them loyal and sustain long term relationships.

- Administrative authorities must show some elasticity in their attitudes to the juniors. The policy of courtesy must be followed by the authorities first, then, it should be implemented to all the workers. Being polite and flexible with the operatives and concerns about their personal issues will make the activists faithful and trustworthy to the company and other workers.

- Teamwork and collaboration will be only there in the office if leadership qualities will be procured properly. Proper training for the practice of these qualities like accountability, delegation and empowerment should be there in the office. This will make the workers creative and innovative.

- Besides following the policy of collaboration and courtesy, an eye must be kept on the worker activities to avoid the personal data leakages and damages to the company. Security policy and investment budget on the right technology must be designed for the company.

- Maintenance of compliance with regulations will make the customers trustable towards the company. Special packages on the services must be offered to the company for appealing them, and proper training to workers must be given in order to deal with a customer.

Literature Review

Hurrell (2015) conducted research on the implementation of soft speaking skills in an organization. These soft skills are essential because it has been found out in the survey that the workers utilizing these skills are appealing much more for customers than those who lake these skills. These skills develop a feeling of trust and cause a deficit in the blame game among the workers. It was also found in the research that companies possess these skills, but they choose to extract them thus causing the dissatisfaction of their clients and workers. A serious viewpoint discovered in this article is that some managers blame the breaches of soft skills on skills removal. The breaches actually cause dissatisfaction of the workers and many times the workers leave their job for this. It has also been found in this research that the organization can rename their gaps in proper communication skills as mix assortment. Adequate training and continuous practices are needed for making the workers skilful (Hurrell, 2016).

Ford et al. (2017) performed an analysis of the practical terms for an organization. The impressive growth in the organization will be likely to happen when there will be trust among the workers and authorities. As the organizations expect a lot of things from their managers to lead the junior employees in the online group, therefore, the growing interest in the organization of cybernetic teams can be only developed if proper training and conviction will be there in the environment. The articles serve a company with the strategies and policies for their managers to lead their teams in a successful way. It has been reviewed that all the progressive managers give the surety that they provide their workers with organizational confidence and support. Especially the progressed companies' owners claim that they have a trustworthy relationship with their workers. Thus a strategy of sustaining the climate of trust in the company is essential (Ford, Piccolo, & Ford, 2017).

Cha et al. (2015) conducted research on the leadership skills transformation and collaboration in the management organization. For this purpose, a survey was conducted where people were testified on the designed model of leadership skills transformation, and the cooperation among the teams of the different organization was checked. Almost 340 teams participated in this survey which was mostly respondents of global companies for electronics. For this purpose, criteria were the size of a group as the condition of the boundary and crisscrossed standard biased method was utilized. Results showed the deep link among the inter-team cooperation and leadership qualities. It was demonstrated that internal benefits were received by the teams who had association and collaborations among them (Cha, Kim, Lee, & Bachrach, 2015).

Carley et al. (2014) performed an analysis of the organization structures and theories effect on the team performances and cooperation among them. This article serves as the analysis of the interactions among the workers in the organizations. Dynamic processes have resulted from the behaviors of the workers and many efficient behavior responses on the activities of other people were observed. This approach provided the demonstration of the advantages which can explore the issues of the workers in depth. This model of the research provided with the information that interaction processes among the workers radiate positivity builds trust and makes the organization progress (Carley & Prietula, 2014).

Xiao Jun (2014) performed research on ethical leadership and organization citizenship behavior and presented that trust is the main factor among the relationship between ethical leadership and citizenship of an organization. It was discovered in the research that the faith is basically of two types the one which is directed individually and the other which is directed organizationally. Almost 110 operatives from the different companies in china participated in this research, and it was concluded that ethical relationship has a vital and mediating effect (Lu, 2014).


Company employees had trust issues due to which the reputation of the company was disrupted. For this purpose, research was conducted, and a critical analysis of the possible problems was performed. It was confirmed that trust and collaboration among the people are highly essential among the workers of the company. The policy of courtesy and flexibility will lead both the company and the workers towards progress and efficiency.

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