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Case Study: Quality Improvement Team Assignment Help

Jeff looked at his watch again, sighed, and glanced around the room. It was already 5 minutes past the hour. His first quality improvement (QI) project at Suburban Hospital, and only 3 of the 15 people he had invited to the kick-off team meeting had appeared.

Disappointed, Jeff proceeded to talk through the slide presentation he had carefully prepared, which outlined the targeted problems and the structured quality improvement methods that would be used to tackle the concerns. The three people in attendance asked few questions and seemed eager for the meeting to end. After a short and awkward discussion, Jeff watched them hurry out of the room.

Back at his desk in the QI department, Jeff struggled to sort through the mixture of anger, embarrassment, and frustration that he was feeling about his effort to launch this QI team. As the quality director had suggested, Jeff had invited stakeholders from all the clinical and administrative areas involved in these issues to join this team. Using the hospital's email system, he had created and sent an electronic meeting invitation, and at least 10 of the 15 stakeholders recruited had accepted the invitation. Jeff had not wanted to make the e-vite message too long; the invitation had stated that each recipient had been named to a "new QI team." Yet, only three had bothered to show up! And even those who attended did not seem very interested or engaged in what Jeff had to say.

Prior to the meeting, Jeff had been anxious to implement all of the great ideas about self-managing teams and group facilitation that he had learned in his healthcare management courses at State University. Now, based on today's attendance, he found himself feeling desperate about how he would even get the project off the ground, never mind make it self-managing. As a quality analyst, Jeff realized
that he had no formal authority over any of the people he had invited. How could his director expect him to get them actively involved?

Case Study Discussion Questions

What factors related to team formation do you think contributed to the poor attendance at Jeff's kick- off meeting?

Based on what you've learned, what advice would you give Jeff about how to manage the formation of a new team?

Assuming the team does get started, are there any steps Jeff can take to keep members engaged and involved in its efforts?

What do you think Jeff should do next in his effort to get this team underway?

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1. A number of factors that were related to the formation of team were contributory towards poor performance in the current scenario. The different functions of the team were not articulated in an adequate manner and the purpose for the existence of the teams was not well justified. In situations when the group members do not have any idea regarding the purpose, the different objectives won't be achieved thereby leading to no improvement in process.

The group objectives, as a team leader should definitely be shared by Jeff, while inviting the different people for the kick- off team meeting. This will led the team to have an idea regarding what it is about and how their preparation would add value to it.

2. The advice that Jeff is to be given is regarding team building with clear cut expectations regarding the roles of different team members. The team members should have been provided with expectations regarding the type of performance that is expected from them. Context should also be provided regarding their importance of participation. The different members should feel committed and positive to achieve the team mission and the outcomes. Team formations are to be crafted in a way that the team members should add value.

Jeff provided only task to his members and it definitely not an effective method to achieve the goals. In fact, the analysis was required by Jeff to watch out for the quality management and improvement that will help and this understanding and involvement would have given him the idea regarding the choice and selection of team members.

Jeff, it seems, did not really assess the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) along with the professional behavior that is expected. This was one of the major factors for low attendance. Jeff, overall should have been more dominant while communication the details regarding the kickoff meeting. Everything related to the meeting like introducing the idea, purpose, different timelines and the anticipated meeting should have been discussed.

3. A few points which Jeff should consider and remember are :

- Communication: Instead of e- invitees, personalized communications and mails should be sent to each and every member telling them regarding the importance of the meeting.

- More details in the follow up email describing the overall outcomes and expectations would have created an excitement in the mindset of people.

- In the initial forming stage, any icebreaker activity or team building exercise would have made the members feel better acquainted with one another. Once they are comfortable, then Jeff should had gone ahead and introduced the purpose, the project charter and the timelines.

- After the forming stage, the storming stage should see a relaxed relationship making the communication lines open. Jeff, as a leader, needs to engage in conversation while being unbiased and remain focus or control if things become heated.

- Post storming stage, it is time for norming followed by performing. In the norming stage, Jeff can bring everything together by elucidating key ideas and the different key ideas and strategies are to be performed and handled for effective results (Corbitt et al., 2004).

4. Jeff should let his team be engaged and involved in the process.

- Asking for assistance: Since, Jeff I lower in hierarchy than the people involved, it is little tricky for him to seek their presence. However, he can involve his higher authorities and then make an engaging conversation.

- Honesty with the work: Jeff should make others feel that he is being honest and has the best of intentions to carry out a project.

- Strength: The different strengths of the various team members must be analyzed and appropriate help sought. gives accountability of your time and Money – Avail TOP results originated Case Study: Quality Improvement Team assignment help services at best rates!

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