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Case Study : Motivation Assignment Help

Review the following Case Study and respond to the questions below:

Stan is a 30 year-old male who is currently in a relationship with John (age 40). They have been domestic partners for 10 years. Stan is a computer programmer with the goal of becoming a systems-analyst. John is a 5th grade teacher with the goal of becoming a Vice Principal. Over the years Stan has exhibited difficulties with maintaining his motivation related to his career goals if he is not continually rewarded for his achievements by those in his work environment. He quits jobs frequently due to experiencing a perceived lack of incentives (in the form of raises or bonuses) as well as a lack of praise and accolades from supervisors and/or co-workers.

Over the course of their relationship Stan has held 15 different jobs as a computer programmer. As a result John has been the primary earner and stable income provider for most of their relationship (he's been in his current teaching position for 8 years now). John takes great pride in his work, feels a deep sense of internal satisfaction, and thoroughly enjoys the work he does with students. He is currently on track to become the Vice Principal of his current school within a few years, a goal he has been steadily working towards since he started teaching. John currently finds himself frustrated with Stan's seeming lack of motivation and drive when it comes to his career goals as it is causing difficulty with their finances.

Describe which motivational type (intrinsic or extrinsic) applies to Stan. Use behavioural examples from the case study information to defend your choice. Discuss any issues you see with motivation.

Describe which motivational type (intrinsic or extrinsic) applies to John. Use behavioural examples from the case study information to defend your choice.

Discuss any issues you see with motivation.

How do the concepts of reinforcement, autonomy, competence, and relatedness apply to Stan and John's motivational styles?

How do Engagement, Creativity, Conceptual Understanding/High Quality Learning, and Optimal Functioning/Well-Being play a role in Stan and John's behaviors?

Based on what you have learned what advice would you give to Stan and John to help them better understand their unique motivational styles and address John's frustrations?

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In the case of Stan, it can be found that the motivation type is extrinsic. The key reason for such type of motivation is that the outcome will be the result of performing a given task and then getting rewarded for it. Also, Stan is looking out for promotions, pay raises, bonuses, and other such benefits that motivate him the most.


Now, in the case of John, the motivation type is intrinsic. He enjoys doing his job and also it is his interest to perform such a task. Rather than looking out for direct promotions and increase in pays, the major motivation sources for John include - enjoyment in a given job role, purpose of given tasks, growth, passion toward his job, and self-expression (Kappel & Moeller, 2014).


Each of the concepts - reinforcement, autonomy, competence, and relatedness are inter-related and by working upon them will result into increase in engagement levels in a given job role. The respective employee will then focus on his improving his performance and in deploying skills of creativity (Kappel & Moeller, 2014).

It will thereby allow him to focus more on his job, achieve desired levels of satisfaction, and also get motivated through competence and relatedness. These concepts are more of self-determination concepts that allow individual to focus on his job, overcome the gaps in it, improve his performance, focus on their desired motivation factors, and thereby achieve their desired career goal in a given environment (Seifeddine, 2014).


In the case of Stan, it will be important for him not to switch the job roles and rather increase his engagement levels. He needs to use his creative skills and conceptual understanding for delivering better performance.

Further, it will allow him to play a better role in the organization, which later will assist him in achieving the career objective of becoming a system analyst. On the other hand, in the case of John, it is found that he is satisfied with his current job role. He enjoys his job the most and thereby always identifies ways of improving his performance (Seifeddine, 2014). Since, he is functioning in the most optimal way, he will be able to become a Vice Principal as per his desires from the career perspective.


Now, based on the given scenario, it should be noted that Stan needs to follow the work approach of John. He should stop changing his jobs frequently and instead focus on his work duties. He should even identify ways of improving his performance that will allow him to gain desired rewards, recognition, and promotion.

Finally, he needs to overcome the other workplace challenges and thereby overcome his frustration through proper structured working approach. On the other hand, John should control his frustrations and provide guidance on motivation to Stan that will allow him to remain flexible and focus more toward his work commitments (Xize, 2014). It will thereby improve his work performance and subsequently will be able to achieve his career objective of becoming System Analyst in the near future.

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