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Case Study :Knights of Labor Assignment Help

What possible strategies for improving workers' lives and working conditions did the Knights overlook because of their racism? What did their & quote Us vs. Them logic make them unable to see?

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The workers belonged from the migrant part of Ontario and their prime focus was on the defined framework of the rights on the jobs across the prairies, it was how the migrated jobs which have attracted the jobs and relation to holding the skills. The disadvantage was how the newly arrived workers were facing the issue of them having a low fair of jobs in pay structure and the working conditions.  The workers migrated were labeled as the pauper immigration, who were equally racist, held anti immigrant sentiments along with having the desire low rate of win support system (Kealey, 1987). The workers faced a marginalized issue and also the problems of the biased nature of the workers, who got paid low and have to face the discrimination. As the immigrant workers were looking for the new jobs and also had the close set up of facing the shortage of wealth, issues of the waste and discriminatory taxes, the Knights had continuously overlooked and did not allow to create a uniformed structure (Canadian, 2008).

In the case study, every group was defined as the "Chinese group", "Scotland group" etc, as the workers were migrating and coming into the main localization to work and earn a livelihood (Chinese Canadian National Council, 2007). Even if the work was done as the same, still most of the workers were differentiated based on their appearance and how they are working. They were paid as per the discriminatory wage policies and not based on the work. At every point, the workers have to edge and get fair treatment, but as there was a no lack supporting policy, it created a ruckus and there were the marginalized differences which potentially lead to the flaws and exploitation (Lee, 2002). The polices were not fair, equal and at the same were not justified.

the logic of the "Us vs Them" approach was insignificant, as, at every point of time, it was an issue to create biased groups and the unbalanced setup. At every point in time, there was a problem with the lack of resources, jobs, and unfair pay. the Us was the workers who were working in favor of the Knights, the other group was Them who was described as the marginalized group and have created hurdles in favoring the rightful frame of the setup. the case of the Knights studies was focused on creating differences in between the groups of the workers which belonged from British Columbia, Chinese workers, Scotland workers along with holding significant issues of the work class solidarity (Avery, 1995). The issue of facing the unbiased workforce, resulted in holding unequal views, facing extreme discrimination in terms of the pay and the treatment along with suffering from the long-standing consequences of it (Palmer, 1992). It was important to understand, that even if the workers are doing some work, but still they were distinguished based on the physical appearance and not on the basis of the quality and the productivity of the work. It was important to understand how workers would face the long cascading effects of being a marginalized worker and being distinguished as "them". It was important to create a policy which would create an equal opportunity for all and approach to a better framework in a transparent manner (Ontario Human Rights Commission. 2005). At every point of time, if there is the high discrimination, it is important to step up and relate with the growing implications and the substandard practices. It should aim with a better justified framework. It would provide a better fair and equal framework.

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