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Case Study : HR Management Assignment Help

Management Assignment -

Attempt all questions. Answer comprehensively as you can.

1. The use of structured interviews when selecting people is the most effective method. What are they exactly and how should the same be used?

2. Based on your knowledge and research, kindly share the advantages and disadvantages of 360-degree feedback.

3. In Business why HR Strategy is critical for the business success?

4. Why Organizational Culture plays an important role in success of the organization? Give some examples of the companies which are aware of.

5. Why pay for performance is Critical for the organization to adopt.

6. What elements would you include in your company On-boarding process for the new incumbent to be successful in his/her role?

Case Study I -

Susan and John both of them are post graduates in management under different streams from same B-School. Both of them are close to each other from the college days itself and the same friendship is continuing in the organisation too as they are placed in the same company J-Tech technology solutions. Susan Placed in HR Department as employee counsellor and John in Finance Department as key finance executive. As per the grade is concerned John is holding more responsibility being in core finance.

By nature Susan is friendly in nature and ready to help the needy. John is silent in nature ready to help if approached personally and always a bit egoistic in nature. They successfully completed 4 years in the organization and management is very much satisfied with both of them as they are equally talented and constant performers.

Susan felt that now a days John is not like as he used to be in the past. She noticed some behavioural changes with him. During general conversations she feels that John is taunting her that she is famous among the employees in the organization on the other hand he is not even recognised by fellow employees.

One morning Mr. Mathew General Manager J-Tech technology solutions shocked while go through the mail receive from John about his resignation. Mr. Mathew called Susan immediately and discussed about the same as she is close to John. By hearing the news Susan got stunned and said that she do not know this before she also revelled her current experience with him. Mr. Mathew who do not want to lose both of them promised her that he will handle this and won't allow John to resign.

In the afternoon Mr Mathew took John to Canteen to make him comfortable after some general discussion he starts on the issue. John, after some hesitations opened his thinking in front of Mr. Mathew. The problem of John is 1) When he comes alone to canteen the people from other don't even recognize him but if he accompanied by Susan he get well treated by others. 2) One day both of the entered the company together the security in the gate wished them but the next day when he came alone the same security did not do so. 3) Even in meetings held in the office the points raised by Susan will get more value so many a times he keeps silent in the meetings.

It happens to John that he has to face such degradation in each day of work which totally disturb him. John also questioned that "Susan and myself have same qualification, from same institute, passed out in the same year both with first class. We have same number of experience in this organization. More over the responsibilities with me are more valuable than that of Susan. After all this things if I am been ignored or unrecognized by the fellow employees my ego does not allow me to continue here".

By listening this statement Mr. Mathew felt that it is not going to very difficult to stop his resignation. Mr. Mathew explained John the reasons for such partial behaviour of employees. After listening to Mr. Mathew John said sorry for his reaction and ready to take back his resignation and he called Susan and spoke with her like before.

Questions -

Find the reason that Mr. Mathew would have given to John.

What was the reason for John staying back?

Case Study II -

Wyatt Public Ltd Company is well known for its welfare activities and employee oriented schemes in manufacturing industry from more than ten decade. The company employs more than 500 workers and 100 administrative staff and 50 management level employees. The top level management views all the employees at same level. This can be clearly understood by seeing the uniform of the company which is same for all starting from MD to floor level workers. The company have 2 different cafeterias at different places one near the plant for workers and other near the Administration building. Though the place is different the amenities, infrastructure and the food provided are of same quality. In short the company stands by the rule Employee Equality.

The company has one registered trade union and the relationship between the union and the management is very cordial. The company has not lost a single man day due to strike. The company is facing countable number of problems in supplying the materials in recent past days. Problems like quality issues, mismatch in packing materials (Placing material A in box of material B) incorrect labelling of material, not dispatching the material on time etc.,

The management views the case as there are loop holes in the system of various departments and hand over the responsibility to HR Department to solve the issue. When the HR Manager goes through the issues he realized that the issues are not relating to system but it relates to the employee. When investigated he come to know that the reason behind the casual approach by employees in work is

1. The company hired new employees for higher level post without considering the potential internal candidates.

2. The newly hired employees are placed with higher packages than that of existing employees in the same cadre.


1. Narrate the case with suitable Title for the case. Justify your title

2. The points rose by the HR Manager as reason for the latest issues in the organization is justifiable or not. Support your answer with Human Resource related concepts.

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Part-1: Questions

Structured interviews are used by the Human Resources (HR) department of the organization for the purpose of recruiting desired staff in the organization. The major benefits of using this approach include - structured approach, systematic set of questions, will allow comparing answers and responses of the candidates easily, will save time, and also will allow avoiding irrelevant and purposeless conversation. 

They should be used when the HR team will be required to select candidates from a given pool who will be having either similar qualifications or will be applying for a similar job roe now, the major advantages of 360-degree feedback method includes - reduction in bias and will fit well to the quality management initiatives of the organization (Guerci & Shani, 2014). 

Also, it will focus more on employee development aspects as well. However, the major disadvantages include - complexity of the method, conflicting opinion of the different members of the HR team, will require expertise and training among the HR staff to implement this method in a given working environment, and finally will make it ineffective under given case situation (Guerci & Shani, 2014). 

For any given organization, once the objectives are defined, it will be the responsibility of the HR team to train the staff, motivate them to perform on the allocated tasks, and thereby complete those tasks within the given timeframe. It will be their responsibility to recruit the right staff, provide training to the given members, and finally, focus on achieving the required objectives of the organization (Guerci & Shani, 2014). 

The HR strategies will thereby remain critical to achieve the required success in a given business scenario. The role of the organizational culture is to make employees aware of - organizational structure, current working policies, trends of working in different situations, nature of the top-level management, and also support provided by the HR team (. 

For example, McDonalds is having a culture that is employee-friendly and will provide necessary training to make them perform on the required technological modules in a given environment (Guerci et al., 2015). 

On the other hand, pay for performance will always remain critical to any given organization as employee are expecting growth, better productivity levels, better career options, and also future prospects in a given organization. It will be the responsibility of the HR team to reward them with either promotion or pays based on a given performance of the employee in a given operational scenario (Guerci et al., 2015). 

During the on-boarding process, the elements that should be included for the given new candidate will include - details of organization, work structure, key processes and functions to be followed, reporting authorities, communication channels, and contact details of the HR Manager (Guerci et al., 2015). It will thereby allow the new candidate to get aware of the new organization and new culture; he will thereby get adjusted first and then will start performing his duties once he gets assigned to any project of the organization. 

Part-2: Case Study I

In this case, it is found that John and Susan have joined the company together and have completed four years in the same organization. They possess the same degree, similar educational qualification, and both of them are talented in their respective job role. However, it seems that Susan is gaining more attention compared to him and as a result, he lacks desired motivation to continue his job role in the organization. 

Mr. Mathew thereby understands the issue and also identifies the key motivation factor of self-esteem of John. He thereby would have either promoted him at a senior position or could have even made the Manager of Susan in the same organization (Welch & Björkman, 2015). Since, Susan is friendlier and does not possess any ego; it will be flexible to opt for either of the two alternatives.

On the other hand, it will motivate John by rewarding him for his performance. His performance and work approach will now be recognized and will also assist him in overcoming the challenges that he faced in a given situations scenario. However, it will be equally important for John to increase his work morale, support the top-level management team, and thereby follow the given guidelines (Welch & Björkman, 2015). It will thereby help him achieve desired objectives in a given environment. 

Part-3: Case Study II

'Holding Equality While Hiring' could be the title given to the case. In this case, it is first mentioned that the organization is adhering to the equality principles, provide equal treatment to all the staff of the organization, and thereby are no unethical practices followed by the HR department of the organization (McDonnell, Lavelle, & Gunnigle, 2014). 

However, the points that are raised by the HR Manager do not seem justifiable as the top-level management had provided him with the responsibility regarding not only to find the problem but also provide solutions. Thus, if they have found that the newly hired employees are posted for higher positions without considering the internal eligible candidates, they would need to justify for this issue (McDonnell, Lavelle, & Gunnigle, 2014). 

Second, they need to provide training to the newly hired staff so that they can perform as per the expectations. But if they fail to perform on the initial basis, it will be recommended to the respective HR team to hire employees from within the organization and thereby also motivate them in a given working environment (McDonnell, Lavelle, & Gunnigle, 2014). 


The role of the HR team will thereby be responsible and crucial considering the given case situation. It will allow the HR team to achieve their required objectives amid the challenging work environment.

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