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Capital Raising Plan, Kaplan Business School, Australia

MBA603 - New Venture Capital Raising


Introduction: Building a new business requires in-depth planning and evaluation around the business, which would help to examine the key factors that can center on the investment point of view. To have a new business, it should have an idea, investments and also should sync with the given external factors and the given environmental attributes. (Ejiogu, 2018)

Question: Create a capital raising plan for your start-up. Estimate how much money you will need at various stages of your company's development, based on your financial projections.

Answer: My business plan is all about how the E stylish clothing wear. It would be focused on the children wear. It would include all the latest trendy clothes, celebrity wear, trendy wear, and catchy fashion wear. To start with the business ideas, we would name it as the E-Stylish wear, secure a domain name and create a website, then came up with a business structure, register name of the business. After these steps, the second step would be of the employer identification number, apply with the business licenses and permits and also then introducing the right vendors (Tieskens, 2017). Indicate with the start marketing early and then creating more outline productivity having the right software.

Initially, I would be investing my own funds, design a business plan and model, then choose the products to be sold online, creating an e-commerce website which would just give a general idea and then upload some pictures of the products to be sold and then begin selling.

Initially, I would focus on the 10 products and pay for the Skelton website of the $ 99.00, create a business email ID by paying an amount of the $ 60.00 and also acquiring an SSL certificate for the 2 years with the amount of $ 185.00.

• FF's: Family and friends help and support the business by lending and investing money

• Bank Loans: It is just an option and a common idea to take loans from the banks.

• Government grants: Government grants and incentives to support the business ideas are always nice little bonus.

• Crowd Fundings: After providing the product details, the crucial step is to make the product market fit, for which one requires additional funding.

• Equity crowd funding: Allowing the customers to purchase a small stake of the equity startups and then blending with the various platforms.

• Angels: Angels are the entrepreneurs themselves which are likely to invest in the various funds. Once the company grows and starts with the profit options, then the entrepreneur can claim their share.

• VC: Venture capital is the startups considered from the joint efforts of the high net investors.


Conclusion: While the bootstrapping is a process through which one has to take the personal funds, savings and also personal loans from the family and the friends and then investing in the business plans, the other is the seed investment which can be done on the basis of the later stages. It is more dependent on the promotion, expanding the offices, building more offices or teams along with the launching of the new products. The various investment that can be done by the business in order to be able to build a structure (Kuznetsova, 2017).

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