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HI6008 Business Research Project - Holmes Institute


The purpose of this assessment is to ensure each student is able to contribute to the construction of a written report demonstrating their understanding of the business research paradigm, appropriate methodology, data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Purpose: This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research project.

Topic - Labour Trends in Australia


The research has been carried out to understand the labour trend in Australia. The first chapter consists of the introduction which helped in introducing the main concept of this study. It also provided adequate help in forming research aim, objectives along with research questions through which various factors of this study has been identified. The second chapter is the literature review of labour trends in Australia. The third chapter is research methodology where adequate techniques and tools have been identified for the collection of data for the fourth chapter. Research philosophy, approach and design are considered the core aspects of this chapter which helped in determining the process of data collection. Lastly, in chapter five, an appropriate recommendation has been formulated through which this study can be made better. Limitations of this research along with its future scope have been briefly assessed in this study as well.


Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction

Labour trends tends to refer to the working conditions that labours intend to work in including the various measures that have been taken into account by the judicial system in a country. The judiciary do have the responsibility for improving the working conditions of labours in a state. There are major issues that have been faced in like workplace discrimination in many of the organisations in Australia. This research is mainly focused on the recent labour trends in the country. This chapter of the research has been focused on providing the aim of the research, its significance, objectives and the research questions.

1.1 Research background
The condition of labours in Australia has been severe due to the bad working environment and failure of the judiciary system in implementing strong labour laws. There have been a number of reports where there was workplace discrimination in workplaces. The working conditions have been poor due to inadequate facilities for the labours. There is a strong presence of racism in the country which has affected on many working environment. Based on the information gathered from the viewpoint of Murtin & Robin (2018), it can be stated that there have at least 50 cases that have been prosecuted in Australia under the Criminal Code Act. In all of these cases there were issues of discrimination and other misconducts within the working environment. The judiciary system has been unable to provide any kind of assurance as there have been very few preventive measures favours that has been taken into account. The research aims to find the recent trends of labour in Australia.

1.3 Rationale
In Australia the gender gap has been rising and has affected the employees as the issue has not yet been solved. Inspired from the viewpoint of Tubexet al.(2015), it can be stated that the average rate of earnings has been lower and the labour opposition has been fighting with the Australian organisations for the bad conditions of labours in the country. The labour market in Australia has gone through a vast change in the few past decades. In Australia the conditions in terms of provision of facilities to the labours has been very poor. As per the viewpoint of Peri (2016), it can be said that the gender pay gap has risen at a rapid speed with a figure of 14.6%. There is a clear issue of transparency in the Australian organisations as various forms of discrimination have been reported by many employees. There are two general forms of discrimination that has been found in Australia. One is direct discrimination where employees are provided with less favours and the other form is done indirectly. Discrimination tends to have serious concerns as it directly affects organisational productivity and destroys the workplace environment.

An employee in Australia cannot be terminated directly by another employee without producing any valid and strong reasons. Employees working for an organisation do have certain rights that have to be provided to them. They are the one that suffers the most in these sorts of conditions. But it has been found that the organisations have been incapable to provide these rights as there have been a number of cases of workplace discrimination in the country. In the research paper the recent trends of labour in Australia has been investigated

1.4 Research aim
The aim of the research is to analyse and investigate the recent labour trends in Australia.

1.5 Research objectives
• To find employees in Australia has faced any kind of workplace violence in workplace.
• To find that the employees working in Australia has been getting adequate compensation.
• To find out whether the organisations in Australia have been providing all the basic rights to the employees.
• To analyse the role of trade unions in solving the various issue of employees

1.6 Research questions
Question 1: Have you ever witnessed violence in the workplace?
Question 2: Are you getting the adequate compensation fees and are you happy with your pay-scale?
Question 3: Does your workplace fulfil your needs or demands and do they provide your rights?
Question 4: Does trade union helps you in your problems and issues at the workplace?

1.7 Significance of the Study
The research paper intends to help in understanding the working condition of labours in Australia that would help the researcher to analyse and interpret the results. The research intends to provide necessary information about the key issues that have been faced by labours in Australia. It will also provide new methods and ways that can help in controlling the problem with better decision making ability. The research paper would also be helping the future researchers doing research on the same topic. In addition to this, the study would help in better understanding of the topic enabling insight information that would help in proving the necessary solutions.

1.8 Structure of the dissertation

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Literature Review
  • Chapter 3: Methodology
  • Chapter 4: Data Analysis
  • Chapter 5: Conclusion

Figure 1.1: Structure of dissertation


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.0 Introduction
This chapter of this research report will be reviewing several articles and journals for obtaining a deeper insight about trends labour trends in Australia. The country has been backward in providing facilities and support to its labour communities which has resulted into arrival of workplace discrimination, wrongful employee information and gender gap. This part will provide an idea about such events, employee rights and remedial activities for dealing with such illicit acts within workplace.

2.1 Conceptual framework

Conceptual Framework.jpg

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

2.2 Modern Slavery
Slavery occurs when one person is controlled entirely by another person by using threat to violence or violence for maintaining control over them, exploits them economically, does not pay anything in return and they do not have freedom to walk away. As per the views put forward by Messmer, Potts & Orlikowski (2016), it is quite evident that, there can be several forms of modern slavery which has been discussed below.

Sex trafficking mainly occurs when an individual is indulged forcefully into sexual exploitation or does not have freedom to leave, whether exploiting them physically or their family. It has been observed that, most of girls and women are victims of sex trafficking.

Child Sex Trafficking is an occurrence when a child is used for the purpose of commercial sex act in a forceful manner. As opined by Zander et al. (2015), it is very harmful for a child and hinders their education and in turns their development. Forced Labour occurs when an individual is forced to perform a work or task against their will under the threat of certain punishment. Another form of modern slavery is Debt Bondage which world's most common slavery form, when an individual is unable to repay the money and they have to work for the individual from whom they took debt from.

On the basis of Global Slavery Index, there were more than 15,000 individuals in Australia who were living under modern slavery conditions in 2016. During the financial year 2015-16, more than 150 cases related to sexual exploitation, forced marriage and forced labour were registered to Australian Federal Police. As of 2017, 19 individuals has been prosecuted by Director of Public Prosecutions for slavery related offences since 2004. A Modern Slavery Act was enacted in 2018 which required certain entities to report on incidents related to modern slavery within operations and supply chains of organisations and actions for addressing those risks.

2.3 Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence in Australia is defined by Family Act Law 1975 as threatening and violent behaviour by an individual that controls a family member or can result into development of fear. As opined by Martinez & Perales (2017), this act refers to violence acts that occurs between individuals who have or had engaged in intimate relationship with one another in domestic settings. It includes violence between partners of both sexes. However, the term of domestic violence can be broadened and altered based on legislations and regulations operating within states. For instance, in Victoria, relationships between families and any type of violence within them can be termed as family violence. In recent surveys, it has been observed that, 1 out of 3 men and 1 out of 5 men reported to have experienced a single incident of violence from their partners below age of 15.

2.4 Pay Transparency and gender pay gap
A gender pay gap can be referred as the difference between earnings of men and women, which are expressed as percentage of men's earnings. In accordance to Denny & Churchill (2016), gender pay gap is impacted by several factors like bias and discrimination in pay and hiring decisions, men and women are operating in different sectors and female oriented industries attract lower wages. Along with that, lack of flexibility in work for accommodation and other responsibilities as well as disproportionate share of domestic work and unpaid caring results into gender pay gap.

The gender pay gap in Australia has remained almost steady, fluttering between 160 to 190 percent over the past decades. In November 2017, it was reported that, average weekly wages were almost same for both the genders, with reference to the fact that men were working in higher paid jobs as compared to women.

2.5 Protection of employees against discrimination
In Australia, it is unlawful to discriminate individuals based on several attributes like disability, age, race, intersex status, sexual orientation in specific areas of public life including employment and education. As per the views put forward by Chatterjee, Singh & Stone (2016), it is quite evident that, there are wide ranges of anti-discrimination laws present within legislations in Australia. These laws include Disability Discrimination Act 1975, Age Discrimination Act 2004, Sec Discrimination Act 1984 and Racial Discrimination Act 1975. In addition to that, federal department of Australia administers the guidelines provided by the government for recognition of gender and sex. These guidelines outlines standard if evidence and gender classification system for developing or changing records for departments and agencies within Australian Government.

2.6 Data Protection and Employee Privacy
The privacy regulations and principles developed by Australian government regulate the handling of personal information of employees by several organisations. In accordance to Borland & Coelli (2016), these principles apply to all private sector businesses, government agencies and NFPs who are having an annual turnover of more than 3 million dollars. The Australia Privacy principles provides a framework to businesses to store and collect personal informations of employees and the rights that are possessed by employees to access and rectify their stored data.

In present scenario, businesses are now relying more and more on electronic communications and mobile technologies including text messages or emails. Hence, it has been difficult for these organisations to monitor their employees across these channels. In Australia, there are three regions including the ACT, Victoria and NSW, which have laws for surveillance activities at workplace. An employer of an organisation has the right to monitor internet activities and email of an employee by using business accounts and devices.

2.7 Importance of Trade Union
The trade union plays a very important role in a workplace because it helps in avoiding as well as resolving any kind of issues in the workplace. As stated by Sen (2016), the trade union has to and collaborates and works with the management of the organisation to resolve the issues and problems in the workplace. The trade union behaves as an advocate for the labours and employees. The trade union also holds the responsibility of ensuring that the labours are meeting the minimum obligations. The trade union also looks after the suspected breaches of workplace safety, discrimination and other workplace laws. The trade union helps the labours to bargain and negotiate with the organisations terms, conditions and agreements. Basically trade union represents the labours as well as provides them their rights. The trade unions behave more like a leader of the labours and they have to follow the trade unions decisions. The trade unions also guide the labours as well as solve their problems and issues in the workplace.

It is obvious that there are conflicts and misunderstanding among the labours and it is the trade union's responsibility to resolve the conflicts among the labours. The trade union also ensures that the labours are maintaining a friendly relationship with the co-workers. As stated by Likic-Brboric & Schierup (2015), the organisations are depended upon the trade unions to provide a safe, secure and working environment to the labours. The labours have to follow the organisation's rules and policies and also make sure that their actions do not breach any kind of laws or legislations. The trade union is also responsible to create disclosure then give the documents to the employer and the employer has to provide the disclosure to the labours. The trade unions of every organization have to follow the Trade Union Act, 1926 in order to perform the role effectively.

2.8 Gap in literature
Labours behaviour, attitude, needs and expectations continuously changes which eventually becomes difficult for the organisations and trade unions to understand. The existing literatures are unable to explain and elaborate the labours and organisational behaviour. Some of the industries are unable to provide the right that the labour needs and the literature is unable to identify the cause and reason. The existing literatures are also not able to identify the reason for the same labour trend that is being followed in Australia.

2.9 Summary
It is obvious that every labour and employee has some expectations from the organisations where they work. It is the organisation's responsibility to fulfil the labours needs and demands as well as meet their expectations. The organisations have to provide a safe, secure and working environment to the labours and also ensure that the labourers are not participating in any kind of violence, abuse or bullying. The organisations have to pay adequate compensation fees to the labours in order to treating them as well as to keep them motivated and encouraged. The trade unions provide the labour their rights. Trade unions behave as a leader for the labours.


Chapter 3: Research methodology

3.1 Research Onion

Research Onion.jpg

Figure 2: Research Onion

3.2 Research philosophy
Positivism has been selected for the research work rather than interpretivism and realism. Positivism was selected mainly because it makes the research work more authentic and genuine. Positivism allows the researchers to study and find out the truths and facts that have already existed. Positivism also provides objectivity and validity to the research. As stated by Joyner, Rouse & Glatthorn (2018), positivism is based upon true data and statistics and this is the research based upon positivism is authentic and genuine. Interpretivism is more focused upon the perception and assumptions of other people which could degrade the quality and authenticity of the research work. Realism is focused upon the information that is visible to the eyes. Realism philosophy takes too much time which is not possible for every research. Positivism philosophy is the most preferred philosophy by researchers because of its qualities and validity. The positives also make sure that the information and data provided in the research is based upon factual knowledge and is valid in the real world. The firs variable used in the research is labour rights and needs. The Australian government is accountable to ensure that the labours are receiving their rights and their needs are fulfilled by the industries and companies (Buckler & Walliman, 2016).

The industries and companies are following the common trend of treating the labour and also providing them the same amount of compensation fees. The positivism philosophy has allowed the research to collect information and data through valid sources. As stated by Norris et al. (2015), the research regarding the labour trend in Australia is completely objective. The inductive and objective reasoning has helped to understand the facts in depths as well as assisted in collecting valuable information and data for the research.

3.3 Research Approach
There are two types of research approaches and those are deductive and inductive approach. Deductive approach has been used in the research mainly because it allows the researchers to use the information and data that are already available. The research has collected some information and data through the journals and articles as well as from the existing researches. As stated by Carbonero, Offermanns & Weber (2017), the deductive approach allows the researchers to create arguments related to topic based upon the existing information and literature. The deductive approach provides various benefits to the researcher and the first benefit is that it allows linking the circumstances with the situations. The deductive approach also allows the researchers to compare the observation in order to conclude the final result. The deductive approach enhances the quality of the research as well as makes the research more valid and authentic.

The inductive approach allows the researchers to develop new theories and models from the available data. The inductive approach is very complex and time consuming and it is mainly practiced by the experienced researchers. The deductive has helped to understand the perception and behaviour of the labours (Gontkovicová, Mihalcová & Pružinský, 2015). The deductive approach has also helped to understand the contribution of Australian government to the labours.

3.4 Research Design
Research design basically defines the process of data collection and it is considered one of the most important aspects of research. The research design helps the researchers to select an adequate method for collecting the data. There are three types of data collection method and those are conclusive, descriptive and exploratory. Conclusive research design has been selected for the research because this design helps in getting and understanding an insight of the decision-making process and theories. As stated by Van der Linden (2017), the research design allows the researchers to gather information and data through mathematical statistical method. This is the reason conclusive research design is mostly preferred by the researchers because it allows the researchers to make the research more objective, valid and genuine. The sample size that has been used in the research could be aligned to a larger extent in order to understand the labour trend in different cities, states and even countries.

Descriptive research design allows the researchers to find out the answer the issues that are related to the research topic. The researcher might not be aware of the reason that leads to the problem. The exploratory design is carried out only when there has not been a single research carried out on the topic (Stanford, 2017). The research quality was enhanced due to the conclusive research design.

3.5 Data Collection Methods
There are mainly two types of data collection method and that primary and secondary method. The primary research method was conducted for the research because it allows the researchers to collect data and information directly from the sources. The sources mainly refer to the survey and interview. The secondary method was ignored because it allows the researchers to collect data and information indirectly from the sources. As stated by Debelle (2018), the sources refer to the internet, journals, books and articles. The information and data that has been provided in the research have been collected through the survey and survey is part of the primary research method. Primary research allows the researchers to use mathematical formulas in the research so that the research could be aligned to a large sector.

Primary research has helped to gather valuable information and data from the labours and the governing bodies. As stated by Heeringa, West & Berglund (2017), the primary research method has also helped to understand the impact of labour laws and legislation in Australia. The research-based upon the primary research method is very authentic and genuine because the research is based upon factual observations (Agresti, 2018). Primary research method also allows the researchers to avoid any results gathered from assumptions.

3.6 Data types
Qualitative and quantitative are the data types that are used in the researches. The quantitative data type has been used in the research because the survey is a part of the primary research type. A survey is more often called the primary quantitative data type. As stated by Little & Rubin (2019), the survey could be carried out on a large number or a small number and the best part of the survey is that the result gathered could be used to predict the result for a large scale. There might be a slight difference in the actual result and prediction but this method saves a lot of time and money. The survey has helped to understand the labour trend in Australia. The survey has also assisted in understanding the labour perception and attitude towards the industries and the Australian government (Krawczyk et al. 2017).

3.7 Sample size and sampling method
The survey was carried out for gathering authentic and valid data. The survey involved 51 participants and they were asked a set of question based upon the research topic. The answers received from the participants helped to come up with a result. The survey result could be used for understanding the behaviour of labour in different states and cities (Silverman, 2018).

3.8 Ethical Consideration
Ethics are basically the standards that are required to differentiate between the wrong and right. The research work has made sure that none of the participants was forcefully involved in the survey and any of the research activity. Ethical consideration is very effective during the issues related to confidentiality, data sharing and acquisition. Ethics are important in researchers because it allows the researchers to build an atmosphere of trust and understanding. Ethical consideration also allows the researcher to follow the proper guidelines while completing the research (Marx, Brando & Lein, 2017).

3.9. Timeline


Chapter 4: Data analysis and findings

4.1. Introduction
It is important to collect valuable information and data as well as analyse and compare the data in order to understand authenticity and validity. The aim of this chapter is to collect and analyse the information and data that has been collected through different tools and techniques. The data analysis helps in providing a concrete result as well as helps in taking adequate decisions. The researcher needs to possess critical thinking skills in order to complete the research in a logical and appropriate manner. Data analysis is essential for every research because this chapter shows the readers that the information provided is gathered through authentic sources.

4.2 Proposed method for data analysis
The survey is the proposed method of data analysis and the survey is part of a quantitative data type. The data and information gathered through the survey are authentic and valid. As stated by Schierup et al. (2015), the data analysis carried out in this research is not based upon assumptions and probability. For the survey, 51 participants were asked to contribute to the research work. The participants are mainly labours that are working in different industries and companies. Labours were the most valuable participants for the research because the research topic is based upon their work and treatment. Although quantitative data analysis is complex and difficult but the data collected through this approach is genuine and valid as well as it enhances the quality of the research work (Blanton, Blanton & Peksen, 2017).

4.3. Survey questions and analysis
The survey involves four questions for the participants and the result has been concluded based upon their answers.

Question 1: Have you ever witnessed violence in the workplace?

Number of Participants

Positive Outcome

Percentage of Positive Outcome

Negative Outcome


Percentage of Negative Outcome







Out of 51 participants, 9 participants have responded positively while 42 participants have responded negatively. It can be concluded from the result that the violence rate is very low among the labours in the workplace. It has also known that the domestic violence rate among the labours has decreased significantly and the survey result has also proved the same. The government policies have turned out to be effective and have also decreased the violence rate.

Question 2: Are you getting the adequate compensation fees and are you happy with your pay-scale?

Number of Participants

Positive Outcome

Percentage of Positive Outcome

Negative Outcome


Percentage of Negative Outcome






Out of 51 participants, 24 participants have responded positively while 27 participants have responded negatively. The survey result concludes that more than 50% of the labours are unhappy with their compensation fees and pay-scale. The result also highlights that the labour might not be motivated and encouraged during and they are not working with their fullest potential. Industries and organisations must focus on increasing the compensation fees of the labourers (Atkinson, 2018).

Question 3: Does your workplace fulfil your needs or demands and do they provide your rights?

Number of Participants

Positive Outcome

Percentage of Positive Outcome

Negative Outcome


Percentage of Negative Outcome







Out of 51 participants, 31 participants have responded positively while 20 participants have responded negatively. The survey result concludes that 60% of the labourers are happy with industries services and facilities. The result also highlights that the organisations are focusing on fulfilling the labour needs and demands. The industries are also providing the basic rights to the labours.

Question 4: Does trade union helps you in your problems and issues at the workplace?

Number of Participants

Positive Outcome

Percentage of Positive Outcome

Negative Outcome


Percentage of Negative Outcome






Out of 51 participants, 39 participants have responded positively while 12 participants have responded negatively. According to the survey result most of the labourers are happy with the trade union service because they help them in resolving their issues and problems. Most of the labours focus on seeking help from the trade union (Atkinson, 2018).


Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation

5.0 Conclusion
After the assessment of the research study it can be concluded that most of the employees working in Australia there is some presence of discrimination in the organisation. The researcher in the research paper has used positivism research philosophy for the research. Primary form of data collection has been used in for the gathering of information. The research paper has been able to provide the current condition of the labours. Australia has been a country that has been on the international limelight for labour market issues. The researcher has used the quantitative data for the research study where the participants were selected for a survey. It cannot be denied that there are some cases of workplace violence in Australia. However,it has been found that the trade union has been helpful for the employees as they have supported their rights. The research study has been helpful in understanding the trends as the questionnaire prepared by the researcher in the methodology part of the research study. The significance of the research paper has also been provided in the study.

5.1 Objective linking

Objective 1: The first objective of the research is to identify the rate of violence in the workplace and among the labours. The survey result concludes that the trade unions and legislations have decreased the violence rate in the workplace. The trade union is accountable to provide a safe, secure and working environment to the labours.

Objective 2: The second objective of the research is to understand whether the labours are paid properly or not and whether the labours are happy with their compensations fees. Most of the labourers are unhappy with their compensation fees.

Objective 3: The third objective of the research is to understand whether the industries and organisations are providing labour their rights. The research also focused on understanding whether the organisations are fulfilling the labour needs and demands. Most of the labourers are happy the organisations service and facilities. The industries are focusing on fulfilling the labour needs and demands.

Objective 4: The fourth objective of the research is to understand the role and importance of trade unions in the workplace. The trade unions behave like a leader for the labours and they are more like a mediator between the employers and labours. The trade union focuses on guiding the labours so that their actions do not breach any kind of laws and policies.

5.2 Recommendations
Labours and employees have some expectations from the organisation and the workplace and it is the organisations responsibility to meet those expectations. The labours must be satisfied from their work, facilities and compensation in order to work with the fullest potential. The organisations and industries rely on the trade unions to keep the labours motivated and encouraged. The government of Australia must come up with new policies that could increase the basic compensation fees of the labours because most of the labourers are unhappy with their compensation fees. The trade unions also need to make sure that not a single labour is discriminated, bullied or mistreated. The trade unions must focus on motivating encouraging the labours in order to increase their performance and productivity. The industries and organisations also need to increase the paid leaves so the labours could spend some quality time with their families.

5.3 Research limitation
The researchers did not have much experience in conducting the primary research and data collection. The research quality might have increased if more time had been allotted. The research also got restrained due to lack of funding and constricted budget. The research was unable to identify and understand the behaviour of labours.

5.4 Future scope of study
The research work could be used for future researchers as well as some of the topic that was untouched in the research could be covered in the future researchers. The research work is going to provide valuable, authentic and valid data that can be used in other researches. The research could be also used as secondary research.


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