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Business Management Assignment Help

Business Letter and Persuasive Memo

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Part A: Business Letter


The Office Administration

Address: Please Insert

Date: Please Insert

Subject: Discontinuation of school support

Dear Colleagues

This is to inform you that the local secondary school would not be supported by us due to financial constraints and the reshuffling of the administrative staff of the school. The change in the school policy is also to some extent quite discouraging as far as the extension of support is concerned. For the past several years, our management has encouraged the extension of support to the local secondary school with regard to the providing of the right teachers to those students who are facing difficulties in earning their lessons and grasping accordingly. We have also undertaken activities with regard to the infrastructural development of the school such as the painting of the classrooms and the repairing of the desks in order to provide a proper and appropriate ambience for the students. Additionally, activities such as our staff being invited as chief guests for various kinds of functions and events have also been undertaken by the school. We have also been called by the school into their meetings for the purpose of presenting our points related to the development and upgradation of the school. As a result, it is imperative that we have immensely contributed towards the welfare of the school. However, from this year onwards, we would not be able to continue our extension of support towards the schools. The present administrative staff of the school is quite uncooperative and does not want to continue working with us. The current policies and regulations of the school imply that the in the long run, support from our end towards the school is quite unlikely to continue. As a result, it is inferred that our relationship with the school is on the verge of being terminated. The school has expressed its sincere thanks to us in extending our unfailing support in an effective and efficient manner. I thank all of you in being involved with the schools for the several years recently for the purpose of the welfare of the students and the development of the facilities of the school in order to support the learning of students in a better manner. We also thank the staff of the local secondary school who have co-operated with us with regard to the initiatives related to the development. I once again notify all of you that we would not be connected with the school anymore.

Kind regards,


Part B: Persuasive memo

To: Anita

From: XYZ

CC: Please Insert

Date: Please Insert

Re: Recommendation for the policy

I am extremely honored to provide you a recommendation of your policy related to the related to drug testing on a random basis. I have observed that such a policy would help in the prevention of the consumption of drugs amongst employees at Madequip to a huge level. For five years, you have played an extremely important role as a manger of the factory as you have always thought of the welfare of the employees. You have conducted excursions for us in form of picnics and outings which has played in important role in the retention of employees and Madequip. You have also asked my shift manager about the program related to urinalysis program. I would like to convey you that such a program must be conducted in a confidential manner thereby respecting the privacy and sensitivity person who is undergoing through such a program. There have hitherto not been any issues related to the malfunctioning of any machines at the factory or accidents amongst the factory workers as a result of the consumption of intoxicating drugs. As a result, some of the people associated with Madequip may not appreciate such a policy. However, it is to be ensured that the drug testing program is not indented to be coercive and intrusive in nature. Rather, it should be carried out in such a manner that people become aware of their health and safety. The implementation of the program in a proper and appropriate manner would result in the spreading of awareness related to the hazardous and dangerous outcomes related to the consumption of certain kinds of drugs. As a result, I hereby recommend that the program related to drug testing on a random basis with regard to urinalysis should proceed further. You must make a notification in the newsletter section of the online portal of Madequip so that employees and factory workers are informed in advance. Additionally, I have also inferred that the program would be quite beneficial for Madequip as far as overall development is concerned. If necessary and feasible, we can hold a meeting tobe scheduled by you in order to discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of the random drug testing policy for Madequip.

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