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Business Management as Career Assignment Help

How well does this option fit with my skills, values, personality and interests? Can I grow in this career? How will this option affect the rest of my life – my family, friends, interests and other time commitments?

Describe what is the biggest consideration for you in determining a good career fit. How negotiable is that for you? Explain.

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Business Management enables one to help improving their business performance and to resolve the issues arising in business using such management skills. This Management skill also facilitates in offering the objective and subjective advices in the strategic business decisions, help in the company’s better management and operations also.  Selecting a career in Business Management requires a lot of sincerity and focus on the sections such as planning, analysis, execution and the guidance against the business practices. 

Business Management as my career wills the best option that I should take up, as the field requires skills such as communication, leadership qualities, awareness regarding the society and environment, reasoning sense along with the others. As per these qualities, I feel I have chosen the right path for dedicated growth in future. I personally feel that I have excellent communication skills, as I was also chosen for elocution contest in school once, also that I possess leadership qualities and think positively the strategies for earning long run profits in the business. While I choose Business Management as the career, I can not only benefit the Company for which I am working in future but it can also affect my entire life in several ways. It will help me change my attitude towards my family, friends, social gatherings, interests, time commitments, etc. Below are the attributes that can see drastic changes by taking Business Management as my career path:

- Capability of handling people

- Skills of team Spirit, as in business managing the team with a good spirit is the most important criteria

- Can well host the in-house parties and gel well with friends, family and other relatives, who had begun think that I was in introvert

- I can well handle the deadlines given for any particular work since Management is all about meeting the deadlines with the utmost patience and skills.

Business Management course as the specialized career field helps in building the critical skills for better productivity with high efficiency in the business world. This course made even more inclined towards it because it is ideally feasible for the people who are looking for an introduction in the business and are also looking for selecting a unique career path by gradually increasing and brushing up their crucial skills. 

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