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Business Ethics Assignment Help

- How does ethics impact business relationships within an organization?

- How can leaders and their leadership styles impact the ethical practices within an organization?

- How does ethics impact an organization & overall culture?

- Based on what you have learned in this course, how would you describe your approach to business ethics i.e., What are your principles?

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Impact of ethics on business relationships

Behaving ethically can build the value creation process of a business and creates a trust on the brand among its target audience. Most importantly, it gives a clear picture on the right and wrong things to its employees so that they engage in positive activities that can promote productive work environment. Incorporating ethics can also invite stakeholders to associate and get satisfied with the outcomes without having to worry about legal implications.

Impact of leaders and leadership styles on ethical practices

Leaders are responsible to set the tone of the organization. When the trickle-down effect involves ethical practices, employees shall also uphold moral values and abide by the ethical business practices. A quick example to understand this better is here -
When a leader applies autocratic leadership style, there is a limited possibility for the lower level employees to get a clearer picture. Ultimately, it does not talk about ethical practices and there is also poor coordination and job satisfaction. The trickle-down effect occurs in a discouraging manner and unsatisfactory relationships end in limited scope for ethics in day to day activities.

Impact of ethics on culture of organization

Ethics are ideally values, principles and beliefs that uphold relationships and define success of an organization. It has the ability to influence the culture of an organization. For instance, shared values like responsibility, respect, dignity and honesty are applied to others and this empowers organizational commitment (Berry, 2007). Further, ethical values can eliminate barriers and encourage employees to take right decisions and handle dilemmas effortlessly. As a result, all the stakeholders become equipped with the needs of the organization and do whatever is right. All these create a responsible work culture that guarantees sustainability and success.

Personal approach towards business ethics

Ethics in business is undeniable. For a business to succeed in the market on a longer run, my personal approach would give importance to basic morality. This can allow me to respect emotions of others and work accordingly. I shall also apply utilitarianism to maximize utilization and value for the targeted audience and never compromise on what is promised. Deontological ethics is yet another principle to guide me on my duties and maximize the number of positive actions over negative works.

Influence of learning on actions and thoughts

During this course, I have learnt on the importance of business ethics for each organization. While it happens to be a collective responsibility to sustain in the market, the course has also made it clear that it is the responsibility of an individual to understand and incorporate ethics in each and every action. Having learnt a number of theories, I understood that ethical leadership is essential for organizations to deal with challenging scenarios. Going forward, I shall take the responsibility to impart ethical theories like deontological ethics and utilitarianism to take decisions and apply ethical leadership style to develop a highly retentive workforce (Chikeleze and Baehrend, 2017). This can result in ethical choices and trust between stakeholders. 

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