Recommendations for Building better leadership and motivational relationship among the employees!

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Impact of Leadership and Employee Motivation on Success of a Business Organisation. If separated, the impact of both leadership and motivation is discussed. It is important as the motivation of employees is influenced by productivity, quality and speed of work. Leaders in the organization face many challenges  in order to motivate  their team members .Motivating workers are actually difficult for leaders, because they are already driven. The next that is discussed in this research is the impact of leadership on the business organisation. An organization's leadership style has an influence on its culture, which in turn affects its performance. Managers focusing on transformative leadership devote particular emphasis to increasing the value system of their workforce, morals, skills and motivation levels. The techniques that are used to motivate the employees are also discussed in this research. It is important to motivate the employees in order to make them work efficiently and effectively. The best mode of motivation that is described in this research is monetary motivation. Money or the incentive is the best way to motivate the employees and it is the most used mode of motivation. The next that is discussed in the research is the relationship between the leadership and the motivation. One of the major ways in which team members are motivated by their leadership is the team bond spirit, which develops through time. Team members typically establish emotional ties with their leaders, making it hard to distinguish between them. Although a new team leader joins the team, he is a manager, not a leader. This indicates that leadership and drive are not accidental. This is a process which occurs in space and time.

Different types of leadership styles that are used in the research in order to handle the company are also discussed.

The main leadership styles are Autocratic Authoritative, Pacesetting, Democratic. These are the main leadership styles that can be used. It's a method of management that everybody can employ. It helps resolve tough circumstances. It promotes a sense of group membership. It puts honesty first. It improves the competence of the team. It helps members of the team to view the bigger image. These are the benefits of the leadership styles. The study is aimed at critically investigating the effects on a corporate organisation of leadership and employee motivation. It is intended to clarify by providing thorough information the importance of leadership and its many kinds. In addition, the research strives for strong leadership in a successful corporate organisation, which is linked to employee motivation. The study helps in focusing on changing patterns of leadership. The communication till the internet arrives will be restricted as the world goes towards digitization.

Although the internet is effective, manual leadership cannot be replaced. To carry out the operations of a company smoothely , management leaders must work with their people more closely and openly. Employees are more likely to move jobs if they are unable to locate a good supervisor or a job motivating them. To analyses the file properly use of data and finding is also considered in order to make the research more reliable. This research has helped in covering the points that are mentioned and has also helped in the analyses of leadership and motivation. On the base of general knowledge, the motivation and leadership of the employees both play an important part in the company's success in collaboration. 

Some suggestions that can be given to motivate employees of an organisation are as follows:

1. Lead with visions

Everyone wants to feel that their efforts are changing. How reasonable is the following step? What is the definition of a company's success? Make sure the aim of the firm is clear since a destination inspires the journey.

2. Set frequent clear targets

The company has enormous objectives, but modest goals keep workers engaged. Every objective should contribute to the final objective, but it feels less frightening to divide up into smaller, more managed pieces. When employees fulfill their goals regularly, their performance builds up as a tremendous motivator to go forward with the following set of goals.

3. Recognise great work

Employees must feel that the efforts of their leaders are visible and appreciated. Good love fosters self-confidence, enthusiasm, and morality. Recognition instruments are a simple but efficient way to recognise people that meet the company's goals by everyone in the organisation.

4. Offer Impressive Benefits

 Everyone works in the best atmosphere possible. It is likely to boost morality and loyalty to your business by offering benefits and rewards for employees, such as those provided through our perks platform, and to improve your people's life both inside and outside the workplace.

5. Encourage teamwork

Working in business teams permits the creation of ideas to continue. Working with individuals with different skill sets will lead to more innovative results (Shafi et al., 2020). Numbers in a team are strong, and anybody without desire should be encouraged by others around them.

6. Share the glory

 Surely, all experienced a manager who claimed all credit for the team's hard work and accomplishments. This is not a good example of a leader. A good leader is one who values his or her team and is willing to share the glory and credit for a job well done. They acknowledge that the team's combined efforts are responsible for their success and achievements. A leader is only as good as the people who support him or her. A successful leader may gain the team's affection and respect by sharing the glory. After all, no one wants to follow a leader who is just interested in themselves.

Read more Impact Of Leadership And Employee MotivationConcept and Role of leadership within the CompanyThe Impact of Organisational Leadership

The suggestions related to Leadership are as follows:

1. Be goal-oriented

Instead of focusing on the issue, a good leader concentrates on the solution. They focus on the objectives and dedicate their energy to establishing a plan and strategy for meeting these goals rather than grumbling and whining about the issues (Johennesse & Chou 2017). A competent leader gives priority to fulfilling the most important and urgent duties first.

2. Take Responsibility

When things go wrong, an effective leader is not pointing fingers and playing the blame for team activities and their effects. By being willing to take responsibility, you show are deserving of trust and respect.

3. Be confident

The most difficult trait to establish is undoubtedly projecting trust. Some people are natural, yet a sense of self-assurance may grow. Part of that trust is that you believe in and feel confident in yourself and that you do not need to be liked and loved by others, and that you demonstrate that you have the talents and skills to lead the team in an effective way.

4.) Listening Effectively

A leader must be an effective listener as it motivates team members to speak and give their feedback to the leaders. Listening to the team will help the leader in decision making and decide what can be done and what not (Indeed, 2020). A leader must be aware of body language and gestures to determine what people are really saying.

5.) Discipline

In order to execute the goal , discipline is must (Crippen and Willows, 2019). A leader who is not able to communicate the objectives and present the proposal in a professional manner, the environment beccomes indisciplinery.

These are suggestions that will help the company build better leadership and motivational relationship among the employees ( Khajeh 2018). This is beneficial for the business as well and will help in better performance and growth of the business.

Based on article information, it can be said that employee motivation and leadership both collaboratively play essential roles in the growth of the company. It has been further analyzed that businesses often emphasize developing their core understanding of the several ways through which employees can get motivated and they can further implement these tactics within the company. Whereas, leadership is acknowledged as the effective action of leading a group or company in such a manner that directly leads to the attainment of success. Here, it has been analyzed that leadership and employee motivation share positive relations as they are interlinked with one another. Here, it can be further said that the transformational leadership approach has been acknowledged as one of the most effective styles that helps almost all the sector in handling organizational staff and attaining their predefined goals and objectives more quickly.

Moreover, it has been later assessed that business leaders can effectively motivate their workforce by simply giving them importance within the entity, providing opportunities to them, developing a safe and friendly working environment, taking feedback of employees constantly. Here, it has been further acknowledged that businesses which provide value to their employees are easily able to develop the positive interest of employees towards themselves. Additionally, these businesses can also get positive support from employees in the form of sharing valuable ideas with them, sustaining longer within the company and others. It has been identified that businesses are expected to emphasize developing such business leaders who can work freely and execute organizational goals in such a manner where their accomplishment can be seen in no time. With the motive of attaining success leaders are expected to emphasize motivating their existing workforce on a constant basis so that they can relate themselves with the company and gets motivated to stay loyal to the same entity. This directly leads to the attainment of organizational goals and objectives in a quicker form.

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