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BSM784 Research Project Assignment - Robert Gordon University, UK

Learning Outcomes -

1. Plan, design and conduct an extended, independent research project.

2. Critically review available literature, research and knowledge to create a clear academic context for the project.

3. Critically apply relevant theories, concepts and debates in the analysis of the findings of the research.

4. Synthesise information to effectively communicate the outcomes of the research project in a format appropriate to the intended audience.

5. Critically reflect on the implementation and relevance of management theory in an industry context.

Task - Write Reflective Report on given topic. In the reflective report you are expected to reflect on a chosen topic related to your course of study.


Answer -


Globalization has led to the increase of complexity across the different types of organizations in the world. One such industry is that of the hospitality industry, where success factor depends a lot on the employee satisfaction. Considering this underlying universal truth, the research report tries to delve into understanding the factors of employee satisfaction which might led to employee job satisfaction which ultimately gets translated to organization success. A primary research is being envisioned which will collect primary (Quantitative & Qualitative) data inputs from 50 employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND, belonging to different levels. A questionnaire being prepared from the identified variables of the literature review has helped in collecting the inputs across 8 themes through primary research. While the first 6 themes contain closed-ended questions, the last two themes contain open-ended questions about gaps identification & recommendation. Some of the issues being identified include skewness in gender ratio of the employees, unequal treatment among the employees, lack of career opportunities, lack of opportunity to broaden skills, lack of options for innovation & empowerment, non-alignment of employee objectives with that of company objectives and lack of transparency in information exchange leading to lack of cohesiveness in the employees.Short term recommendations include inducting a greater number of female employees, to keep up the policy of meritocracy despite little amount of favoritism, to portray their options of career opportunities to the employees through clear communication channels and developing opportunities to broaden skills. The mid-term recommendations supporting the short-term ones are enabling employee empowerment for innovation & creativity to flourish, aligning objectives between employees & organization. information translation to all employees through clear channels of communication.The long-term recommendations include increasing teamwork apart from normal activities and to develop a structured training system to prevent adhoc learning.


Globalization has led to the rapid increase customer demand & expectation. Hospitality sector is one such organization which where the effect of globalization & digitization has been prominent in recent times. The increased competition has made it very difficult for the organizations in this sector to maintain loyal base of customers. All the organizations have started the process of process optimization, digitization, employee training and cross-cultural initiatives to attract and retain more & more customers. Hence, for the hospitality sector, it has become immensely important for the organizations working under this sector to delve upon the incumbent issues and take actions which would instigate positive impact. One such factor which needs immediate attention is the factor of employee satisfaction.

1.1. Central Idea & theme

1.1.1. Hospitality Sector & its Need

For any sector to remain vibrant &future ready, it should have a steady demand from customers and steady supply of resources to meet those demands. For hospitality sector, especially for the restaurants the customers visiting the same form the demand, while the resources or the supply is being enabled through steady delivery of quality food & services(Lashley, 1995). If & only if the employees like cooks, waiters etc. remain stable in one place, then only they will be able to gauge the customer needs and reproduce the same demand again & again. Hence, it is very important for the restaurants in the hospitality sector, especially for the restaurants to retain their same cooks, waiters and managers for delighting the customers each & every time(Marshall, et al., 2015).

1.1.2. Employee Satisfaction as factor for success in Hospitality Organizations

For the hospitality sectors to grow & flourish, employees play an important role. Employees consist of the executives who not only deal with the customers daily but are also responsible for working on the field to meet the day to day demand of the customers in the hospitality organizations. Employees are the most important resources for the hospitality organization as they form the backbone or rather the foundation of those organizations(Sekhar, et al., 2013). As the customer expectations are being met, it is important for the hospitality organizations to meet the expectations of the employees in similar manner. If & only if they feel content & happy from the work & service they are providing, this will indirectly motivate them to work with more optimism & positivity(Gundala & Kaithapalli, 2009). Only when employees are happy & satisfied, then only they will be able to give their best & stay focused on their dedicated roles, rather than getting involved in petty tasks and misunderstandings(Dyke, 2010). Hence the hospitality organizations, especially the restaurant businesses should take attempts to keep their employees happy & prevent any such mis-understandings and issues. This would ensure greater employee retention leading to greater loyalty from their part, which would ultimately be translated to greater customer satisfaction(Alqusayer, 2016).

1.1.3. Research Rationale

While motivation & its factors and effects have been discussed in many research papers, many researchers have also focused on the factors impacting the hospitality organizations. But few researchers have focused towards connecting the two above themes and that too focused towards a specific restaurant from Switzerland. This research will try to connect the two themes and try to find out the different ways by which employee motivation could be improved, because motivated employees could remain content & happy along with focused towards their work & services.


1.1.4. Aims, Objectives& Questions Research Aims

The primary aim of this research is to find out the factors of employee motivation for the restaurant TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND. By analysing the responses of the different employees in the restaurant, the research would try to highlight the different factors, sub-factors of employee motivation which seems to affect the working of the people of that restaurant. This will help in analyzing the gaps after comparing the experiences of the employees with that of the literature reviews and thereby suggest recommendations for the restaurant. Research Objectives

To analyze the factors of motivation for the employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND.

To compare & contrast the responses of the restaurant employees to that of the literature reviews to identify the gaps & issues.

To recommend solutions for the management of the restaurant for further motivating the employees. Research Questions

What are the factors of motivation for the employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND?

What are the plausible gaps in the ways of motivating employees in that restaurant?

What are the suggested recommendations for bridging the gaps & to create a happy employee base for positive impact towards running organization successfully?

1.1.5. Structure of the Report

The report would be divided into different parts for providing a structured approach to the dissertation. Starting with the introduction, this part will help in understanding the research theme followed by explaining the research rationale. It would be closely followed by explaining the aims, objectives and the questions related to the research. This will be followed by a detailed literature review, which will try to highlight different opinions and views as being analysed by the different researchers, analysts, consultants and researchers across the world. The next section would be the research methodology section which will help in explaining the step by step guide for carrying out the whole research. This would consist of explaining the research philosophy, approach, strategy, time horizon, sampling methods etc. This will end with the formulation of a questionnaire with inputs from the literature review. The questionnaire would be used to collect & collate data points from the employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND. The data points would be analysed and presented in the Results and Analysis section of this research. This part will also highlight the alignment of the findings from the survey data analysis with that of the literature review. Finally, the last chapter would be on Conclusions & Recommendations which will start with a brief overview of the research & its related findings followed by the sub-section on recommendations for the restaurant under consideration.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Introduction

Literature review helps in setting the context for the whole research along with helping the researcher to understand the different factors, parameters & sub-parameters which constitute the research itself. The Literature review is being performed from the secondary sources long with the different open sources or the registered databases, where the researchers could easily have their access. For understanding the factors of employee satisfaction for a specific hospitality organization in Switzerland, a structured approach is being taken. At first wide range of literature would be studied ranging from blogs, websites, peer reviewed journals, news articles, reports etc. to understand the major & related factors of employee satisfaction for a hospitality industry. This would be followed by narrowing down the scope to discuss more about employee motivations which are the major causes of satisfaction for the employees. Further details related to employee empowerment, employee freedom & accountability would also be discussed. Finally, the literature review would narrow down to understand the specific factors of motivation & employee satisfaction in the hospitality organizations, especially in the restaurants of Switzerland. This would help in understanding the varied gaps which are present in the present-day literature reviews.

2.2. Key Words & Phrases in Literature Review

While performing the literature reviews, some of the definite key words or the phrases which would be used are:

  • Factors of employee satisfaction
  • Factors of employee motivation in hospitality organizations
  • Factors affecting the success factor for the restaurants in Switzerland
  • Related factors of employee motivation in hospitality organizations or restaurants.

Some of the key phrases or key words are being given above, while many other derived or moderated phrases would be used to come up with the insights about the hospitality organizations & restaurants in Switzerland.

2.3. Employee Motivation leads to Employee Satisfaction

2.3.1. Importance of Employee Motivation

Employee motivation could be defined as the inherent need for an employee which have direct as well indirect effect on the performance of the employee. Organizations realize that the employee form the basic backbone of their institutions as they play a critical role in delivering the products & the services being required by the customers of the organization. Hence motivating the employee not only helps in building loyalty in the organizations but also helps in increasing the commitment of the employees towards their institutions. Motivate employees are more productive at work, which indirectly contributes to the effective output of an organization. Importance of Employee Motivation for a Restaurant/Hospitality Sector organization

For the hospitality sector organizations or the restaurants, the employee motivation is even more important. Restaurants are the places, where the employees form the face of the organization in terms of the products & the services which are being provided to the customers daily. Highly engaged & motivated employees also provide their best efforts in satisfying the customers, leading to better service and output(Shoraj, 2015). Motivation in the form of freedom of work helps an employee to unleash the creativity & passion which leads to even better customer satisfaction. This leads to developing competitive advantages for the restaurant under consideration in comparison to their peers.


2.3.2. Factors of Employee Motivation

Motivation plays an important role in making an employee understand the importance of work which are being defined through various goals, objectives & aims. Thus, the motivation provides the inherent direction towards success, which indirectly helps in generating satisfaction for the employees. This in turn helps in generating enthusiasm for performing better, leading to building a successful organization.

One of the first factors of motivation could be related to the psychological motivation which comes from the attitude of the company towards their employees & executives. The leaders should be able to help the employees work with no regrets and to realize their potential in the job while aligning them to the greater goals of the organization.

While the above-mentioned factor relates to the psychological motivation for the employees, monetary benefits also act as a great source of motivation for the employees across the world.

Another important thing that motivates the employee to work in a better way, is the trustworthy leadership team for any organization.

Relevancy in terms of uplifting the best talent of the employees is another way by which the employees feel more motivated(Llopis, 2012).

Opportunities for career advancement also play an important role & source of motivation. Hence, if the employees are aware of the conditions, rules & procedures through which career could be advanced, this helps the employees to work with more vigour.

Allowing the employees to work with more freedom towards creating positive & greater impact for the organizations, allows them to realize the accountability & the responsibility of their work, which in turn motivates them to perform better.

2.3.3. Ways of Improving Employee Motivation& Satisfaction

While the previous section has dealt with understanding the ways by which the employees remain motivated & satisfied in their work, this section would deal with the different ways by which employees could be motivated by the managers or the leadership team.

One of the foremost ways by which the managers of an organization could keep the employees motivated is by developing a strong work environment. A strong work environment helps in inspiring the employees to exercise their freedom of work & therefore be more creative & innovative in performing their tasks(Napolitano, 2016).

Secondly, the managers or the leadership team should ensure a proper work-life balance and thereby introduce flexibility in their ways & timings of work. For restaurant this is of extreme importance as tired employees do not make good impression on the customers(Heryati, 2019).

Managers or the senior leaders should take time out for recognizing the best performers at regular intervals, as this helps in finding keep the employees motivated towards their work & dedicated towards their job(Craig, 2017). While recognitions come in different forms, monetary benefits should always be combined with pats or motivational speeches for the employees(Mikkelsen, et al., 2017).

The senior leaders should be more focused towards creating a clearer path of progression for the employees. The employees should be very clear about their path of progression & promotion in an organization which helps them to plan their future career accordingly. A focused plan of progression with occasional discussion with the employees could serve the purpose in this respect(Islam, 2008). Favourable circumstances of the promotions should also be taken into consideration by the employers. This is created through equal opportunity being given to the employees. This would help in developing better relationship & the feedback of the employees would be taken by them more positively(Restaurant.org, 2015). Setting up goals and empowering them to achieve the goals could work wonders in this context.

Learning & development is also an important factor of motivation for most of the employees in any type of organization. Organizations do realize the fact that the world has become very dynamic & that is why they need the skills to survive in this competitive world(Matt, 2013). Hence an organization providing them with more & more opportunities to learn & hone their skills prove to be of greater importance for the employees and this also keeps them more motivated. While learning & development is important, but the employers should also focus on developing an environment for continuous learning & coaching, which will facilitate the development of the employees(Chefify.net, 2018).

Senior leaders or the managers should follow a democratic style of leadership, rather than autocrative style as that creates hindrances in means of communication & direction. The employees also seem to create resistances against the desired changes by the senior management.Participative leadership style is also an important way of engaging the employees in company's decision making and thereby helping the organization to grow.

Effective communication plays an important role in translating the objectives of the organization to the employees(Burrage, 2019).

Empowering the employees is also another important way of motivating the employees at different levels. Empowering the employees mean lesser controls & greater freedom which results in sharing of responsibilities. Empowerment could be done through constant feedback on the shared responsibilities to the employees along with making & sharing plans as per the feedback from the external world or the customers(Mack, 2019).

The employers also need to learn about consistency when to the different disciplinary procedures across all the levels of the company.

2.3.4. Hindrances in employee motivation & satisfaction

There are many hindrances which might affect the employee motivational plans to get hampered at different levels. First, poor selection method of the senior level managers to have a positive impact over the employees. Many cases have been reported by the researchers & the analysts across the secondary sources which refer to the wrong choice of motivation for the employees. The employers must understand that not all the ways of motivating employees fit everyone. Second is the lack of trust arising out of wrong or disjunct communication between the employees & the employer. Third factor could be attributed to the lack of support from the institution itself. Gaps in the perceived power and the lack of effort for engaging & communicating with the employees at the ground levels could result in disparity between the though process of the employees leading to greater misalignment in between the employer & the employees. All this could also be attributed to the lack of initiatives of the employers from their part to invest in their own employees.

2.4. Motivation as a factor of satisfaction for Switzerland employees

The country of Switzerland tops in many charts when it comes to the economic prosperity or the ease of doing business or the employment levels across the countries. A report by Deloitte in which it has surveyed in total of 1000 employees from Switzerland, several insights have come up with respect to the motivational factors of the Switzerland and their employees. It must be understood from the point of the Swiss employees that they are living in an environment, where poverty is bare minimum, with individuals having decent income from any type of job and the types of career opportunities are many, as the unemployment levels are low. For this reason, some of the major factors of motivation for any emerging country's employees would be totally different with that of the Swiss employees. Thus, whatever the researchers have said about their motivational needs & factors across the world, may not be true especially for the employees from the organizations operating in Switzerland. Some of the clear factors of motivation for the Switzerland employees, in order of priority are:

Competent Leadership - This is being considered as the most important factor of motivation for the Swiss employees, as the work-life balance, communication, engagement, constructive feedbacks all play important role in generating satisfaction for the jobs they are involved.

Clear Definition of the varied Responsibilities - Deloitte Report has stated the fact that the employees of Switzerland are not much career oriented, due to the good standard of living among all the classes of the country. But while working in a job in exchange for remuneration, they are more inclined towards getting clear direction from the employer or the senior management. They want their management to set clear goals & objectives with respect to the varied responsibilities they would take in the job(Denk, et al., 2019).


Trust from the clients, Supervisors & co-workers - The employees of Switzerland want the other peers both at the top & the lower level in the value chain to trust them in what they are doing. Thus, they too believe in the concept of shared responsibilities, which is possible under a democratic or participative leadership style.

Job Security & Stability - This is another factor of motivation for the Swiss employees. Due to the fair stability in the economy and steady inflation, they are concerned about their job securities. Although the unemployment levels are low, the employees generally want to prefer to stay at jobs for long. This is one of the boons for the Swiss employers as with little effort they could get better & effective employees who are dedicated and committed to the work they are doing(Denk, et al., 2019).

Seeing Purpose in what they are doing - Despite not being so much career oriented, the Swiss employees wants to have a definite purpose in the work they are pursuing. Thus, setting goals, setting a definite career progression plan and conducting regular feedback reviews for the employees for constructive criticisms is being regarded as good by the employees.

Some of the other minor factors of motivation for the employees of Switzerland to priority are

  • Doing work in line with personal values
  • Remuneration at the job place
  • Clear &defined Goals
  • Scope of broaden the skillsets
  • Working environment promoting flexibility
  • Flexible timing at work
  • Social acceptability at the workplace so that there is no discrimination
  • Complex problems at work
  • Clear career path progression
  • Working with diverse people
  • Being the boss of own
  • Being team lead

2.5. Conclusion - Gaps in the Literature Review

The detailed literature review as being done through the different secondary sources like peer reviewed journals, news articles, websites, blogs etc. have helped in understanding the different factors of motivation for the varied employees across industries as well as for the restaurants sector. Many researchers have referred to different factors ranging from psychological to monetary to leadership effects on the factors of motivation. But when it is being narrowed down to Switzerland or the restaurants in the Switzerland, very few articles are present in the secondary sources which would help understand the factors of motivation for the restaurants in Switzerland. There is almost no article in the internet or the secondary sources which refer to the employee motivation factors in Switzerland, Engelberg in Panaroma Titlis restaurant. The websites have been vocal about the reviews of the various visitors about this restaurant which do reflect some of insights about the restaurant, but hardly there are any information related to the motivational factors of the employees working in that restaurant(Tripadvisor.in, 2019). This report would try to delve deep into the views of the various employee reactions & responses about their satisfaction factors in that restaurant. Thus, the primary research would be performed as a part of the data collection process and the process would be defined through the methodological section further. This would help in finding the insights & information related to the employee satisfaction factors in Titlis restaurant in Engelberg, Switzerland. The insights would help in generate information & gaps related to the various initiatives & work processes of the organization. Thus, specific recommendations could be made for the senior management to improve upon the satisfaction level of the employees, which further would have a positive impact on the efficiency & the productivity of the employees. In the absence of any other specific document about this restaurant, this will act as a rich source of information for the other restaurants in the same sector in Switzerland.

3. Research Methodology

3.1. Introduction

Research methodology section is the guiding section for the whole research under consideration as it helps in providing a structured framework and logical flow for the whole research under consideration. This chapter will start by reiterating the research aims, objectives & the questions which form the basis of the whole research & as derived from the research rationale, introduction and the literature reviews. This would be closely followed by the explanation & the justification of the chosen research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, research strategy, research choice, time horizon and finally followed by the data collection, sampling and analysis methods which would be followed. The chapter would also include a timeline for the research followed by some of the important ethical considerations, challenges faced etc. This will set the context for the next chapter on data collection, analysis and presentation.

3.1.1. Research Methodology Structure

The Onion Research methodology would be used to explain the different elements & the facets of the methodological styles. Just like an onion, the different layers in this methodological approach would help provide a structure or a guideline to the research in terms of choosing the right options for carrying out the research(Saunders, et al., 2007). The different elements of the methodology would be explained in the next sections of this chapter and would help in understanding the logical flow of the choices of the different facets of the research onion methodology.

3.2. Research Aims & Objectives& Questions

The research aims, objectives and questions as derived from the research rationale and as discussed in the introduction section have been again showcased here, for ready reference and alignment with the research context. The literature review and the introduction has also helped in developing the same with a focus towards the end objectives of identifying the motivational factors for the employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND.

3.2.1. Research Aims

The primary aim of this research is to find out the factors of employee motivation for the restaurant TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND. By analysing the responses of the different employees in the restaurant, the research would try to highlight the different factors, sub-factors of employee motivation which seems to affect the working of the people of that restaurant. This will help in analyzing the gaps after comparing the experiences of the employees with that of the literature reviews and thereby suggest recommendations for the restaurant.


3.2.2. Research Objectives

To analyze the factors of motivation for the employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND.

To compare & contrast the responses of the restaurant employees to that of the literature reviews to identify the gaps & issues.

To recommend solutions for the management of the restaurant for further motivating the employees.

3.2.3. Research Questions

What are the factors of motivation for the employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND?

What are the plausible gaps in the ways of motivating employees in that restaurant?

What are the suggested recommendations for bridging the gaps & to create a happy employee base for positive impact towards running organization successfully?

3.3. Research Philosophy

The research philosophy helps in understanding the nature, source & the developmental style of the research under consideration. To be precise, research philosophy helps in portraying the varied beliefs with the help of which the research is being carried out along with exploring the relevant options of collecting, collating & analysing knowledge through the different types of the data points. There are different types of research philosophies like objectivism, constructivism, positivism, realism, pragmatism, interpretivism etc(Khan, 2014). While objectivism is more concerned with the social phenomenon & the effect on the different actors, constructivism puts forward the ideas that the actors are responsible for the observable social phenomenon(Mark, et al., 2013). While realism is very open to change of theories from different aspects. Interpretivism is somewhat subjective to the understanding of the researcher as it helps in understanding the participation of the actors in the social phenomenon(Rafael, 2016). Pragmatism is one of the ideal ways of conducting research as it incorporates various views from various methods. But for the research under consideration, positivism philosophy would be taken. Positivism helps in define the research questions which could tested against the social phenomenon and the observations of the data points. Hence, Positivism approach is most suitable for this research(Williams, 2012).

3.4. Research Approach

The research aims, research philosophies and research limitations help in defining the research approach, which is the starting point of the process of taking the research forward. There are basically two methods of research approach, namely inductive method & deductive method(Long, 2014). In inductive method, is a more bottom up approach with the help of which new theories could be developed. One start with the research questions followed by observations and the analysis which might lead to the formation of new outlook altogether, irrespective of the incumbent theories which are present. But for this research under consideration, the deductive method is the most suitable method of research approach. This method helps in finding the answers or the facets of the research question, with which the whole research has been started altogether. This method helps in confirming the views, understanding as depicted through the research questions. Hence this is the most suitable method for carrying out the research in the restaurant for understanding the motivation factors of the staffs of that restaurant.

3.5. Research Strategy

This is the style which would help you in conducting the actual research There are many styles or strategies though which the research could be carried forward namely, experiment, surveys, case study, action research, ethnography, grounded theory, archival research strategy etc. Archival research strategy helps in analyzing the existing documents which are present with respect to the research topic across a long span of time(NWS, 2015). This type of strategy is used in historical research study or in description analysis. But this research being more inclined towards using primary data points, this strategy is not suitable. Grounded theory approach helps in explaining the specific behaviours with the help of the inductive methods. There is an option of the researcher to collect data points, and therefore make predictions & theories out of the same. As the inductive approach is not being used, so this is not the strategy to be used here(Long, 2014). Ethnography is more inclined towards community research or social studies and hence also not suitable for the research. Case study-based strategy depends a lot on the different types of available case studies for the social phenomenon to be researched(Rafael, 2016). The action-based research strategy helps in solving some specific issues or problems in the society or community or organization. Experimental strategy helps in studying the causal effects. Hence, all the above strategies for the research which is being performed. Hence the most suitable research strategy for this research is the Survey based research strategy. It helps in gathering data points from the participants and thereby analyse the same to come up with different analytical explanations. The deductive research approach mode is very suitable for this type of research strategy, as survey approach is the natural logical flow of the same(Williams, 2012). This research would be aimed at surveying the various executives, employees, managers, waiters, helpers etc. in the restaurant as mentioned earlier to understand their notions or complaints or views or appreciation of the various motivational techniques, factors & drivers present in the restaurant. The data points being analysed further would help in generating useful insights, which in turn would help in answering the research questions derived out of the research objectives(Long, 2014).

3.6. Research Choice

This is one of the most important method, but the choices are moreover determined from the previous layers of the onion research methodology only. This step helps in understanding whether would be quantitative or qualitative or a mix of both. There are different choices in performing the research, namely mono method, mixed method and multi-method(Newman, 2012). In the mono method only one type of data points are being collected and analysed, while in mixed method the collection process could be both qualitative & quantitative and the analysing process could also be quantitative & qualitative in nature, while in the multimethod, data points could be collected across quantitative & qualitative ways, but the point of view of the analysis remains a singular view. For the research under consideration, which has been planned to gather data points through survey, the researchers have planned to collect both type of data points(Jamshed, 2014). First, of all the researchers have performed an extensive literature review with the help of which qualitative information has already been collected. Also, the use of the survey questionnaire would be made in such a way, so that it could help in collecting both type of data points. There would be combination of both closed-ended questions and open-ended questions. The closed ended questions would help in the quantitative analysis of the data points by the help of the various statistical techniques which are being explained in the later sections, while the open-ended responses would help in performing thematic qualitative analysis of the varied views of the participants(Hammarberg, et al., 2016).


3.7. Time Horizon

In order to understand the time horizon for the research, it is also good to understand the timeline of the whole research process. This will also help in understanding the timeline for the data collection, analysis & presentation. The below chart provide the Gantt chart outlook for the research under consideration.

Research Steps













Research Topic Decided

Discussed with Professor & Finalized

Introduction Completed

Feedback from Professor

Literature Review Completed

Feedback from Professor

Research Methodology Section Completed

Feedback from Professor

Data Collection through primary research

Data Analysis

Draft Report Prepared

Feedback from Professor

Report Finalized

Table 1: Research Steps Gantt chart


  • The cells highlighted in green are the completed steps of the dissertation process.
  • WK1, WK2.....represents the weeks. So in total 12 weeks have been estimated.
  • Largest time duration has been allocated to the data collection & analysis stages, as face to face interviews using the survey questionnaire being designed after the research methodology section would take some time, as it concerns the availability of the executive or willingness of the executives to participate etc.
  • Several milestones have been included, as feedback from the professor after every stage would help in avoiding the rework.

3.7.1. Time Horizon for the Data Collection

As depicted through the research timeline, the time horizon for the data collection would be restricted but not limited to 5 weeks. As seen from the table above, if the other steps could be done in advance, the data collection step could be given more time as this require face to face survey interviews with as many interested people of the hotel as possible(UASNS, 2015). However, the research will not involve cross sectional data collection as only 5 weeks would be devoted for the same. Cross-sectional research time horizon is the 2nd last layer of the onion as it helps in understanding the ways of collecting the different data points while explaining the time frame for the data collection. Cross-sectional data points also help in carrying out simultaneous surveys or interviews of the participants by the different researchers. This would further help in collecting more & more data points in the limited time allocated for the data collection process(Hammarberg, et al., 2016).

3.8. Data Collection, Sampling & Analysis

3.8.1. Data Collection & Instrument being used

Data collection process would be carried out for 5 weeks as shown in the research timeline with the help of the instrument of "Questionnaire" as produced in the Excel Sheet. The questions would be prepared on the basis of the research objectives and as per Literature Reviews being. The research objectives, being derived from the research rationale provides a quick guidance for the different gaps in the research topic under consideration(NWS, 2015). Followed by this, the literature review also helps in identifying the specific lacunae in the present literature reviews. All these have helped in developing the questionnaire which would be used for collection of quantitative primary data points by the survey (Face to Face Mode) of the different executives of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND. While, questionnaire could have been used through telephonic mode or online mode, but face to face mode has been chosen in order to get over the participants bias. In many cases participants have been found to lie about their responses in unattended mode, while the face to face mode also bear the risk of researcher leading the answers. But care would be taken by the research to avoid such discrepancy and thereby lead a neutral research(UASNS, 2015). Secondly, the questions are standardized so that there is no biasedness in the questions itself and all the participants would be having the same questions in the same order. This keep a check on the reliability of the questions & the answers on behalf of the researchers.

3.8.2. Data Sampling

The sampling method which would be used for this research is the non-probabilistic sampling method known as the quota-sampling method. This is being done, because all the employees would not be able to participate in the survey, but the research would require inputs from all the levels of executives starting from the waiters at one side to the senior manager on the other(Etikan, et al., 2016). Hence quota sampling method would actually help in generate wide range of views from across the different levels of the organization(Palinkas, et al., 2015). But, as the survey participation would be based on free will, it would be somewhat be difficult to collect information from all levels of organization. But efforts would be given to atleast collect minimum few responses among the sample responses being collected(Setia, 2016). However, this quota sampling method is very cost-effective and this also would be helpful for the researcher to save costs on the ongoing research(Taherdoost, 2016). Respondents

The respondents be from the TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND and it would include employees from the different levels. This would help in collecting data points from a wide range of participants with different responsibilities & position. The researchers would be focused to collect minimum 50 respondents from the different levels of employees in the restaurant. Taking too many data points would be very difficult to handle for the researchers and also taking too less data points would be problematic as nothing inferential statistics could be derived out of the same. Hence the target would be to collect minimum 50 data points by surveying atleast 50 personnel from more than 250 staff present at the hotel. However, the care should be taken to take inputs from at least 10 from each levels of employees, starting from the lowermost levels to the higher levels.

3.8.3. Data Analysis

The collected data points would be collated in the MS-Excel and would be used for further analysis. Different types of statistical techniques would be used namely, mean, median, mode and variance analysis. This would be followed by finding the graphs & the views between the related responses so that the biasedness of the responses could be mitigated from the employees, by asking some similar level questions(Taherdoost, 2016). Reliability & validity checks would also be done so that the data is authenticated for usages. The analysis would be presented in the form of graphs, figures and tables.

3.9. Ethical Considerations

For any research to be completed, there are different types of ethical considerations which are needed to be taken. Some of them could be enumerated as follows. First, the participants should not be exposed to any sort of harm, in the form of physical or mental or psychological. Thus caring for the participant's safety is of utmost importance(Cirt.gcu.edu, 2015). Hence, no data points would be shared with the real name and hence anonymity should be maintained at all points of time. The details of the participants would be kept secret, if at all collected. Assurance regarding the anonymity should also be given to the participants so that they could also respond with free will & choice. Secondly, at no point of time, the participants should be humiliated or forced to give any answer that they are not comfortable in sharing(Bera, 2014). Thus questions should not have any leading pointers. Disrespectful or unacceptable questions & answers should be avoided at all points of time. Thirdly, the research should take care to provide suitable references in the literature review. This would help in providing the due credit to the authors, bloggers, analysts, consultants and academicians whose views and discussions have helped in formulating the basic research context in the first place. Lastly, care should be taken for not allowing the biasedness of the researcher to crop into the research questions or the research responses understanding(Fouka & Mantzorou, 2009). Care should be taken to maintain a neutral view with respect to formulating the questions and with respect to asking the responses from the participants. This would allow a neutral research process. Last, but not the least the data security should be given the utmost priority to prevent the data leakages from the point of stations of the laptops in which the collected data would be recorded & saved(Driscoll & Brizee, 2012). The systems would be under password protection and would also have suitable anti-virus and anti-spam ware protection.

3.10. Challenges Faced in the Research Process - Limitations

The research about the employee satisfaction index to understand the varied motivation factors contain some definite challenges or limitations when it comes to the varied views and angles which are being opted in the research. First, the research sample or the quota proves to be one of the biggest hurdles in the research process itself. As the sample collected would be small in number in comparison to the total number of employees working in the organization, hence, there would be problem to get detailed or exhaustive overview of the views & the understanding of the various employees in the organization itself(Cirt.gcu.edu, 2015). The small sample size always have problems with respect to the statistical inferential solutions. The statistical tests would not be sufficient enough to find the inferential solutions to the data points. Secondly, the participants would not be forced to participate in the research process for giving their views and they are being requested. Hence, free will of the participants might not be strong enough to provide us with enough data points & insights. Thirdly there would be problems of participation bias in the research process. Despite telling the participants repeatedly about the concerns of biasedness, some biasedness is sure to creep in. Lastly, the timeline could be stated as one of the biggest limitations in the process of conducting the research(UASNS, 2015). Mostly the restricted timeline, limits a research in terms of performing more & more literature review and thereby limiting the amount of insights. Also, a restricted timeline also prevents in the collection process of the primary data points. However, the above limitations could be mitigated to some extent, with dedicated & sincere efforts from the side of the researcher to carry out the research in an efficient & effective manner.

3.11. Conclusion

The Research methodology chapter provides an overview of the processes & the steps which would be followed to carry out the designated research for understanding the motivational factors. The Onion research methodology helps in understanding the different layers of the research as present in the layers of an onion. At first, the research aims, objectives and questions are being restated in the beginning of the section. The research philosophy which is to be used is positivism research philosophy as it would help in understanding the motivational factors through the analysis of the collected data points. The research approach is deductive in nature, as this would help in analysing the research questions & the research objectives. The next step is about the research strategy which would be survey based in nature, as questionnaire being developed after this section would help in capturing the data points of the participants belonging to the different levels of the restaurant. The research choice would be mixed method as both quantitative & qualitative data points would be collected to analyse them by both the techniques. An aim of 50 data points to be collected is being kept with a view of using quota sampling method. However, different ethical considerations related to the storage, anonymity of the data points, prevention of the biasedness etc are also being explained. Finally, the chapter would be concluded with research limitation section which speaks about the timeline restriction preventing the collection of more & more data points.


4. Results & Analysis

4.1. Introduction

Results and Analysis chapter is the most important chapter as this chapter helps in finding out the various insights from the data being collected and thereby helps to analyse the information, represent the same with certain graphs and data views and finally generate implications out of the same. The section would first start with the identification of the various variables or the themes which have been discussed in great details in the literature review section. This would be followed by the creation of the research instrument which in this case would be a research questionnaire consisting of the different variables & the themes which have been identified before. The questionnaire is being used to take face to face surveys of the different employees at TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND. The data being collected would be collated, analysed and represented in the detailed findings section. The next section would help in comparing & contrasting the insights to that of the literature review. Finally the implications section would be short review of the insights and information being derived from the findings and the literature review comparison. The chapter would end with a definite conclusion and insights about the varied data points being collected, collated and analysed.

4.2. Identification of variables from Literature Review

The literature review was instrumental enough to identify the various variables which could be grouped into some of the major themes for the purpose of collating & collecting data points across the employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND. The variables being grouped and the rationale behind their selection are as follows:

  • Theme 1 - Demographics- This will actually help in collecting the information about the employee demographics and their current composition, so that any required change in the work composition could be suggested.
  • Theme 2 - Current Status in Organization (Craig, 2017)-This theme will help in understand the current positioning of employees in the organization in relationship to their views and the opinions about their satisfaction.
  • Theme 3 - Team Work (Denk, et al., 2019)- This is another important theme which would help in identifying the satisfaction level of the employees when working in a team. This is important in the sense, it will help in understanding the behaviour & the camaraderie part of the employees in the restaurant.
  • Theme 4 - Organization Structure & operations and Culture (Islam, 2008)- The organization structure, operations & culture helps to capture the insights of the employees related to the incumbent culture and job satisfaction. This like many other factors plays an important role for psychographic job satisfaction of the employees, as it is the work environment which grooms & nurtures an employee to providing his or her best output. Transparency, Meritocracy and innovation factors would be discussed here.
  • Theme 5 - Relationships with others- This theme would cover the relationship factors and the connect between the employees of the restaurant, which too plays an important role for proving the day to day experience and the job satisfaction level. Questions about opinions, trustworthiness etc. would be asked in this theme.
  • Theme 6 - Feedback & work life (Napolitano, 2016)- This theme is focused towards covering some quantitative questions about feedback, work-life balance, training etc. for the employees in the restaurant and would help to evaluate the equal treatment policies or work-life balance policies which could help in instilling better job-satisfaction.

The above 6 themes are the major groups under which the employees from the restaurant in Switzerland would be asked questions. The above 6 themes would help in quantifying the responses of the employees from that restaurant in a structured manner. The above themes with different questions for the variables under each of the theme helps in supporting the exhaustiveness for understanding the employee satisfaction across the organization. Apart from the 6 above themes which would mainly capture the quantitative inputs, two more themes would also be there in the questionnaire to capture the qualitative inputs.

  • Theme 7 - Suggestions about gaps - This is an open-ended theme or question which would help in capturing some of the other inputs & emphasis which the employees might not be able to capture through the 6 themes. However, the responses have been only restricted to bullet points, so that the analysis by the researchers are easy.
  • Theme 8 - Recommendations - This will be the last and another open-ended them to capture the subtle responses about the recommendations. This would actually help in generate insights related to specific recommendations, which could be collated with insights & literature review to develop a strong recommendation for the restaurant.

4.3. Research Instrument (Based on identified variables)

The research which would allow collection of data points from different levels of the restaurant. Thus, the research questions would not only allow collection of data points across the different levels but should have questions which would be meaningful & feasible for all the respondents. The questionnaire would be a mix of both quantitative & qualitative questions, with first 6 themes covering the quantitative data points questions through closed-ended questions to the respondents and the last two themes would focus towards collating & collecting the qualitative data points about gaps & recommendations from the respondents.

Theme 1 - Demographics





Status of Work

Full Time

Part Time


Floor Level Executives (Waiters, Butlers, Janitors)







50 & Above

Years of Experience in this restaurant

Less than 5

6-10 years

10-15 years

Greater than 15 years

Theme 2 - Current Status in Organization

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Do you have clear idea about broad strategic objectives?

I am clear with my roles & responsibilities

I feel much secured & stable in my current role

I feel motivated & satisfied with my current role

I feel high growth opportunity in my current role

Theme 3 - Team Work

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

My team provide enough support & inspiration

I enjoy my role in my team

Theme 4 - Organization Structure & operations and Culture

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Do you perceive information struggle to take better decision?

I am aware of my present status-quo & reporting

I can innovate & fail

I am happy with transparency & communication

Meritocracy prevails over other things

Theme 5 - Relationships with others

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

My seniors encourage me enough to keep me motivated

I do receive significant rewards & recognition

My opinions are valued by seniors & juniors

My seniors/juniors are trustworthy

Theme 6 - Feedback & work life

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I receive feedback on a regular basis

I am being able to provide feedback about seniors & juniors

I have good work-life balance

I receive training daily

I feel equal treatment through fair policy approach

Theme 7 - Suggestions about gaps (Bullet Points)

<Open Ended>

Theme 8 - Recommendations (Bullet Points)

<Open Ended>

Table 2: Research Instrument - Survey Questionnaire


4.4. Detailed Findings & Supportive Evidence (Graphs, Figures, Values)

The questionnaire has been used to collect information from atleast 50 plus participants and after filtering and correcting, 50 data points have been found to be of effective and hence they were being used to generate insights. The questionnaire contains certain themes & variables on which the questions have been asked. Most of the questions are closed-ended with definite options, while there are certain open-ended questions. The first 6 themes contain questions which are closed-ended and the last two themes being open-ended questions, the responses are restricted to bullet points.

4.4.1. Theme 1 - Demographics

Research Project Assignment Figure.jpg

As per the responses which could be seen in the above graph, almost 70% of the employees who have been surveyed here are male while only 30% are their female counterparts.

Research Project Assignment Figure1.jpg

The above figure shows, that almost 90% of the employees of the restaurant are full time workers only and the rest 10% are only part time workers.

Research Project Assignment Figure2.jpg

The graph above shows, that most of the employees who have been surveyed belongs to the category of floor level employees who form the core strength of any hospitality industry organization. This helps in the validity & the credibility of the responses being collected.

Research Project Assignment Figure3.jpg

The age distribution of the employees is just an indicative factor that, the indicates that most of the employees who work in the restaurant ranges from 18 to 50 and that means almost 84% of the employees are in this range from young to mid-age levels. While only 8 employees are from the high age levels and they mainly belong to the managers or coordinators category.

Research Project Assignment Figure4.jpg

The years of experience does not consider the total number of experiences, but rather the number of experiences in this restaurant only. Thus, it is essential to note that the people of this restaurant who have respondent have maximum number of people who have experience of more than 5 years of experience.

4.4.2. Theme 2 - Current Status in Organization

Research Project Assignment Figure5.jpg

The theme 2 of the questionnaire contains 5 questions to help understand the position of the employees in the restaurant. From the theme only it is evident that the employees do not have clear ideas about the broad strategic objectives as almost 46% have stayed neutral to this question while 20% have disagreed to have any idea. Only 26% have agreed to have a generic idea. This is followed by the next question relating to having clear idea about roles. Here also 40% of the employees have indicated a neutral response while 30% have only agreed to have clear roles and responsibilities. However, the employees have indicated a moderate response distribution in the question related to the stability & security. However, when asked about the current role, 46% have showed dissatisfaction and 36% have even strongly disagreed, when it comes to perception of having high growth opportunities in the organization.

4.4.3. Theme 3 - Team Work

Research Project Assignment Figure6.jpg

With respect to team work, almost 52% have either agreed or strongly agreed to the fact that the team in which the employees work do not provide the due support. While only 30% have shown support in the form of agreed and strongly agreed option. This is also verified from the other question of enjoying role in a team. Almost 44% have responded that they do not enjoy their roles as they have indicated through strongly disagree & disagree option. Only 32% have agreed or strongly agreed to the proposition of enjoying the role in the team.

4.4.4. Theme 4 - Organization Structure & operations and culture

Research Project Assignment Figure7.jpg

Almost 40% of the employees have agreed that they receive information of all types from the higher management, while 36% have also reported about their status-quo understanding in the organization. However, when it comes to innovation & failure, people are distributed in their responses. Even 34% of the employees have responded with a neutral approach while 24% have indicated present on non-transparency in the disagreed option, while 16% strongly disagree to the presence of transparency. However, 30% of the employees feel that meritocracy do prevail in the organization.

4.4.5. Theme 5 - Relationships with others

Research Project Assignment Figure8.jpg

When it comes to the relationship with others, the employees have indicated a higher percentage of senior recognition and encouragement in relationship to work. Almost 36% of the employees find their seniors to be encouraging while 48% have responded with positivity towards rewards and recognition and almost 42% have indicated that their opinions are do followed. Even 54% have indicated that their seniors are trustworthy.

4.4.6. Theme 6 - Feedback & work life

Research Project Assignment Figure9.jpg

In terms of feedback to the juniors or to the seniors, the organization fairs well as 54% have indicated regular feedback scenarios in the organization while 46% have agreed or strongly agreed to the ability to provide feedback to all. However, in terms of work-life balance the employees have mixed responses and in terms of training the employees also show dissatisfaction. Almost 50% have indicated that they do not receive training daily, while 46% have indicated unequal treatment and presence of favouritism.

4.4.7. Theme 7 - Suggestions about gaps

This was an open-ended question, which had several responses. Some of the major ones as grouped under some definite categories are:

  • Communication
  • Job-Rotation
  • Training
  • Broadening of Skill sets
  • Freedom to innovate more without penalty
  • Complex challenging situations
  • Social Acceptance

4.4.8. Theme 8 - Recommendations

Some of the recommendations include:

  • Improvement in training system
  • Improving transparency
  • Improving on the work-life balance
  • Increasing the information percolation
  • Improving the ways of handling diversity and equality
  • Developing more stability


4.5. Comparing and contrasting the detailed findings with Literature Review

The different insights which have been drawn from the above graphs & figures are being compared with the literature reviews in this section.

4.5.1. Theme 1 - Demographics

Diversity is one of the most important aspect of attaining job satisfaction as managing the diversity helps in achieve a sense of motivation and thereby helps the employees to cope up with the challenging situations. However, for the data points being collected it is evident that gender diversity is skewed towards the male counterparts. Literature review has also been vocal about the diversity approach as could be seen from the responses itself (Llopis, 2012).

4.5.2. Theme 2 - Current Status in Organization

The TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND is one of the classic restaurants in terms of the quality of food and the services being provided to the various customers in the city. However, while delving upon the current status of the organization, it is evident that the employees in general do not have a clear understanding about the broad strategic objectives of the organization. This translates into having clear roles & objectives. Thus, the employees have indicated of not having perfect clarity about their roles & responsibilities. As indicated by the literature researcher Craig (2017), the employees for any hospitality organization industry do need to have clear ideas about their roles & responsibilities as that helps in understanding the direction in which the company is moving. While the research findings have indicated that they are satisfied in their roles, but many have indicated that they do not have clear idea about the high growth opportunities in the restaurant and that translates to them working without direction. However

4.5.3. Theme 3 - Team Work

Team work is another important aspect of employee motivation & satisfaction in any organization and that is especially true about any organization belonging to the hospitality industry (Denk, et al., 2019). While literature review has indicated the importance of team work, the responses seem to portray the fact that the employees are evenly distributed in their responses to enjoying their roles in the team. While many have indicated satisfaction, many have also indicated their dissatisfaction.

4.5.4. Theme 4 - Organization Structure & operations and culture

As pointed by Islam (2008) organization culture do play an important role for the determining the job satisfaction of the employees and that is even more relevant when it comes to the organizations like TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND (Islam, 2008). For the restaurant under consideration, organization culture is not suitably defined or designed when it comes to the importance of motivating the employees for job satisfaction. While there is information circulation in the organization, but the employees do not have full freedom to innovate & fail, which restricts their ways of operations & prevents showing creativity. As indicated by Heryati (2009), freedom in organizational setting do help an employee to get motivated (Heryati, 2019). One of the best things about the organization is that meritocracy prevails, which is an important factor for employee motivation as pointed by researcher (Llopis, 2012).However, there is a need for transparency in the information percolation policies.

4.5.5. Theme 5 - Relationships with others

In terms of relationship between employees the organization fairs quite well. There is a strong trustworthiness among the employees, while the juniors have indicated that the seniors do play an important role in encouraging them & often provides them with suitable rewards and recognition. This is another important factor of motivation as indicated also by the researchers (Mikkelsen, et al., 2017) and do play an important role for job satisfaction of the employees in a hospitality organization.

4.5.6. Theme 6 - Feedback & work life

Feedback & work-life balance are two important parameters, which are essential for providing motivation for an organization and this is especially true for the hospitality organizations.

4.5.7. Theme 7 - Suggestions about gaps

Training has already been indicated in the closed-ended questions along with the broadening of skill sets. Social acceptance is something new, which was indicated in the literature review but has not been captured through the closed ended questions. Researchers across the literature are also vocal about some of the ideas related to the skills development, career opportunities, social acceptance etc (Matt, 2013).

4.5.8. Theme 8 - Recommendations

Literature reviews have also indicated the job transparency, training system, information percolation & stability of high importance for employee motivation, as also indicated by the employees through open-ended responses (Lashley, 1995).

4.6. Implications from the findings

4.6.1. Theme 1 - Demographics

Diversity is an area of concern which could be derived from the analysis of the gender gaps being present in the respondents. However, the diversity in terms of full time & part time employees is good for the restaurant, because more the full-time employees better will be the responses and better will be the services because of their long-term experience in the restaurant along with the understanding of the needs & demands of the various stakeholders. More number of floor level employees of the restaurant have given answers to the restaurants. This is good from two aspects. First, it is the low-level employees who form the core strength of any restaurant and hence capturing their opinion is of utmost importance, so more the low-level employees have responded, more valid & credible information have been found. Secondly, the ratio of employees for any restaurant is categorized as floor level to mid-level to high-level as high to medium to low and that is only captured in the respondent's demographics. The years of experience question helps to understand the fact that almost 80% of the employees have experience of more than 5 years in the restaurant and that helps in giving quality insights from their responses. This validates the quality of the responses and the insights being derived out of the same.

4.6.2. Theme 2 - Current Status in Organization

Not having a clear idea about the strategic objectives is an area of concern as that mainly leads to the employees not being aware of the company & the manager needs and thereby work in random direction, which they perceive should be the correct strategic objectives. This is being translated in employees not having a clear idea about the roles & the responsibilities. However, the employees feel stable and secure in the organization with the incumbent rules & regulations, but they do not find proper direction to work. There are areas of improvement in the ways of motivating the employees further along with showing them the ways by which they could move higher up the ladder in the restaurant or pursue career opportunities.

4.6.3. Theme 3 - Team Work

Team work is essential for organizations like TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND, as serving the stakeholders is an important way of increasing the customer satisfaction. But this seems to be not in the right position because the employees are evenly distributed in their responses to motivation while working their respective teams.

4.6.4. Theme 4 - Organization Structure & operations and culture

For restaurant under consideration, organization culture and structure seem to be an inherent problem, which has never been rectified by looking into the changing environment. This has resulted in the need for more transparency and the need for circulating better information in the restaurant. Some of the important considerations in this context is the need for more freedom & empowerment in terms of allowing the employee to fail & innovate and thereby show creativity.

4.6.5. Theme 5 - Relationships with others

Trustworthiness, encouragement, valuing opinions and instant rewards are some of the important requirements, where the restaurant fairs well and hence, there is not subtle change requirements for the same.

4.6.6. Theme 6 - Feedback & work life

As indicated by the researcher (Napolitano, 2016), work-life balance helps an employee to relax and rejuvenate after work, but this seems to be less in case of the restaurant under consideration. Work-life balance coupled with training on a regular basis and equal treatment by the staff are some of the mandated requirements which needs to be acted for in order to improve the environment of work in the organization.

4.6.7. Theme 7 - Suggestions about gaps

Broadening of skill sets and increasing social acceptance are two of the most important requirements being derived out of the analysis of the data points collated through the open-ended questions. While broadening of skill sets is also of importance.

4.6.8. Theme 8 - Recommendations

As indicated in other sections, transparency, information percolation training system and stability needs to be taken care of for the employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND.

4.7. Conclusion

This chapter rightly helps in identifying the different insights as generated through the analysis of the collected data points along with understanding the need for some of the immediate or long-term changes in the organization. This chapter gives way to the final chapter which incorporates recommendation for the organization as well as for the future way forward.


5. Conclusions & Recommendations

5.1. Critical Synopsis

The research on success factor in a hospitality organization through employee motivation has been done through primary research by analysing the insights of 50 employees of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND, which is one of the classic restaurants in the city. While organization success is dependent on how motivate & aggressive the employees are, this dissertation has tried to identify the ways by which the employees could be more motivated and encouraged so that the best output could be obtained from them as the employees also remain fully satisfied in their work. Thus, the research questionnaire has been developed with focus towards understanding the underlying factors of motivation & the requirement for changes in the organization which would translate to better job satisfaction translating to better employee motivation & better turnover by the restaurant and thereby be successful in the long run. The literature review helped in understanding the different parameters on which the questionnaire or the research instrument has been developed, which is further being used to collect & collate data points and thereby analyze to generate insights from the same. Some gaps & recommendations are being highlighted & identified which when structured & prioritized in an effective manner would help organization to increase the satisfaction level of the employees translating to success for TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND.

5.1.1. Conclusive Insights & Gaps Identification

The gaps & insights which are evident from the literature review and the insights form the data analysis are being enumerated below.

1. The skewness in the gender composition of the employees which is against the common perception of gender diversity.

2. Apart from the skewness in the gender diversity ratio, the organization also suffers from problems related to unequal treatment of the different individuals who are part of the employee base. Favouritism is another important demotivation which prevents the employees from showing their full potential and thereby resulting in the formation of clusters or groups among the employees for any organization, resulting in stunted growth and not as much success as being perceived by the organization.

3. Lack of career opportunity options for the employees, as the employees find it difficult to go up the ladder in the organization and thereby demotivating them to work towards broader goals.

4. Lack of areas of opportunities to broaden the skills of the employees. This is because of the lack of a structured training system in the organization.

5. There is lack of options for the employees to innovate & fail. There are attached penalties even if the employees have good intent. This prevents employee empowerment and also prevents an environment of creativity and innovation.

6. There is no definite alignment with that of the broader strategic objectives of the organization with that of the daily objectives & goals of the employees at the lower level. This often creates confusion among the employees in terms of understanding their roles & responsibilities clearly.

7. Circulation of information is not transparent and that is why the employees often feel frustrated and become lackadaisical in their approach to work. This create hindrances for the restaurant to achieve success.As highlighted by the literature reviews, information transparency does play an important role in satisfying the employees and to provide them motivation. As pointed by (Llopis, 2012), transparency in the organizational setting &information exchange is an important factor which is translated to better employee motivation

8. There is lack of cohesiveness among the employees, which prevents the synergetic effect for betterment for the restaurants.

5.1.2. Recommendations

The recommendations for the TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND as evident from the gaps of the different literature reviews and insights being drawn from the primary research has helped in forming recommendations. The varied recommendations have been further divided into three parts of short-term, mid-term and long-term ones as that would help the restaurant to act properly by prioritizing the recommendations & investments towards improvement. Short-term Recommendations

  • More number of female employees could be inducted to improve the gender ratio and hence diversity could be achieved for better employee satisfaction.
  • Ratio of full time to part time employees could remain samealong with the policy related to meritocracy, which do play an important role for employee satisfaction. Although, there are signs of favouritism, but overall meritocracy prevails, which is good for employee satisfaction in their jobs.
  • The restaurant is having lots of options in the form of career opportunities, but the employees are not being aware of the same. The restaurant must take steps to clearly inform the employees about their growth plans and the further opportunities.
  • Employees should be given the opportunities to broaden their skills sets through cross-trainings across the department. While job-rotation is a short-term suggestion, while the development of structured training system is a long-term suggestion.


  • In the mid-term, the restaurant TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND should devise ways of employees to become more & more empowered. This could be done through some specific initiatives related to success and failure at the floor level. The employees can fail, but that comes with penalties because failures could prevent the customers from getting satisfied. Hence, the floor managers should be empowered to call for their decision at the floor level only, without concerning the higher authorities for permission. This would further increase the speed of implementation of any innovative objective and remove the burden of failure over the employees. The employees should be encouraged to come up with ideas related to impressing the customers. Thedoubtful ideas could be piloted on a case to case basis, so that customer dissatisfaction could be avoided in case of failure. Areas where customers are not getting affected directly could be identified and innovation could be done in those areas without charging of penalties to the employees to innovate & fail. This would help the employees to innovate & to be creative even if the customers are not affected. Thus, employee empowerment could be achieved through this.
  • Correct strategic objectives to be redefined and aligned with that of the employees and they should be made aware of the same. This could be done through better communication strategies among the employees as that would help in communicating all the information in the correct time & correct place. Only using the floor level communication or mails won't serve the purpose, as that would be a long process of employees logging into the mails and hence getting information.
  • Information translation should be structured, in the form of digital applications, may be through an APP or push notification services, which would allow the employees to keep themselves updated about the different information updates, rules, regulations & policy changes. Thus, the information percolation should be initiated by the higher management & percolated through the organization to the lowermost levels, so that a level of transparency could be achieved. The organization should be able to identify the right channels of information percolation take steps slowly towards embracing a comprehensive approach towards informing employees. Long-term Recommendations

  • Team cohesiveness should be increased through group activities or outbound trips or people are made to work in teams for fun activities. This should be a long team approach as solving this issue quickly would bring in more complications.
  • Training system needs to be improved on a slow and long-term basis. While most of the trainings in a restaurant is on the job trainings but building up the core capabilities across different other skills would help the organization to develop a strong employee base, who have multiple skills to support the organization. This would also facilitate process of job rotation in the organization.

5.2. Recommendations for Further Research -Way Forward

The research is a truly exhaustive account of the different types of problems, issues and gaps which could hinder the success for any hospitality organization. Through a focused study across the different employees & their opinions of TITLIS PANORAMA RESTAURANT, located in ENGELBERG, SWITZERLAND, the factors affecting the success & motivation of the employees in the organization have been identified along with specific problems. Specific recommendations have also been suggested for the restaurant which could help in motivating the employees translating into organization success. Thus, this research provides the basic context for studying the different variables across the hospitality organization in Engelberg in Switzerland. While this research only studies a specific restaurant but sets the platform for carrying out a research on broader terms for the whole city or for the whole of the country. Moreover, this research is only limited to the research for a restaurant and could be further extended for the research for the whole hospitality industry in Switzerland. This research contains insights & information from 50 employees of the targeted restaurants, a larger timeline would have enabled the researcher to collect more & more data points, which could have resulted in more exhaustiveness of the research. Moreover, in the future researchers could continue with this research to include more data points across different restaurants of Switzerland to bring about a common framework and recommendations.


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