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BSBMGT502 Manage People Performance Assignment

This assessment consists of 18 questions to assess your knowledge of BSBMGT502 Manage people performance.


1. There are three (3) main types of goals used by a manager in the decision-making process.  Identify and discuss the purpose of each goal.

2. List the nine (9) steps recommended for efficient work allocation. Identify the appropriate stakeholder to consult with at each step.

3. Describe the essential communication skills that a manager should demonstrate when training, coaching or providing feedback to staff. List at least five (5) skills.

4. Performance requirements include performance standards, codes of conduct and performance indicators. What are performance standards and how are they assessed? (50-100 words)

5. Provide a definition of a Code of Conduct and describe the main points it should contain. (40-80 words)

6. Provide a definition of performance indicators. (30-60 words)

7. Name three (3) performance indicators, which could be applied to individual employees.

8. Discuss the strategies that you could put in place to minimise the consequences of an unforeseen negative event. Include a discussion of contingency planning. 

9. What is a performance management system? (30-60 words)

10. What are the critical elements that constitute the performance management system? List at least 6 elements.

11. What is the critical industrial legislation that you must adhere to in your state 

12a. Please identify the relevant awards that you would use in a government workplace? List at least 3.

12b. What award would the staff of a Registered Training Organisation be covered under?

13. List five (5) ways of monitoring and evaluating staff performance.

14. Identify four (4) key principles in providing constructive negative feedback in the workplace.

15. When do you need to get advice and/or expertise from specialised human resource services to deal with performance issues? Provide at least 3 situations.

(a) are current and up to date with technology, regulations and operational procedures?

(b) have the necessary skills and knowledge to progress their career options?

List four (4) options for each.

(b) Explain the unlawful dismissal rules and due process (50-100 words)

16. What are the options for staff development that a company can provide to ensure that employees:

(a) are current and up to date with technology, regulations and operational procedures?

(b) have the necessary skills and knowledge to progress their career options?

List four (4) options for each.

17 (a) What is the name of the legislation that addresses termination of employment?

(b) Explain the unlawful dismissal rules and due process (50-100 words)

(c) Who is covered by the unfair dismissal laws?

18. What is the correct process to dismiss an employee when the business has solid grounds for dismal? Give the steps.

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Assessment 1: Knowledge Assessment

1. The three main types of goals used by managers in decision-making can be explained as follows -

Identification of the reasons for low profit rates, which can be attributed to insufficient market research

Boosting the morale of the employees, which could have arisen due to a lack of proper communication between the management and the workers

Reducing the employee turnover, which could have been caused due to a poor pay structure or work policies.

2. The nine steps to successful work allocation are -

i. Definition of the task

ii. Selection of the team

iii. Abilities and training assessment

iv. Explanation of the reasons

v. Stating the required results

vi. Understanding the required resources

vii. Adherence to the deadlines

viii. Providing support and communication

ix. Feedback on the obtained results.

3. A manager should demonstrate the following communication skills (Guffey & Loewy, 2010) -

i. Confidence

ii. Objectivity

iii. Trust and transparency

iv. Motivation

v. Clarity and focus

vi. Flexibility

4. Performance standards can be defined as the expression of the expectations, thresholds and requirements that are approved by the management. These objectives must be met in order to be applicable for appraisal (Cizek, 2012). They can be assessed by developing an evaluation form, identifying the performance measures, setting the guidelines for feedback, and creating procedures for discipline and termination.

5. In the workplace, a code of conduct defines the manner in which the organization's workers must act and function on a regular basis,

while also reflecting the daily operations, company culture and core values, and an overall idea of the ethical dimensions (Erwin, 2011).

6. Performance indicators can be defined as the kind of performance measurement tool that helps evaluate the success of an organization or its specific activities in which it is engaged (Parmenter, 2015).

7. Three performance indicators that can be applied to individual employees are - attention to detail, efficient time management and the tendency to take initiatives.

8. In case of an unforeseen negative event, the following strategies could be utilized to minimize the consequences -

i. The supervisors should take control of managing the negative incident

ii. It is important to maintain practicality and listen to the suggestions of fellow employees

iii. Blaming someone else is never a solution, it is necessary to acknowledge one's own mistakes and take responsibility for it

iv. Lay out a plan that would help the organization be prepared for a similar fallout in the future.

Contingency planning also helps in these cases, as such plans are usually constructed with the purpose of managing an outcome that might not be equal to the intended or desired one. This is an important tool frequently used in risk management to handle scenarios where the results could be catastrophic, although such a situation is highly unlikely (Eriksson & McConnell, 2011). Governments and businesses are equally vested in forming contingency plans to safeguard their organizations.

9. A performance management system is nothing but a systematic approach to measure the performance levels of the employees in an

organization (Kusic, Kephart, Hanson, Kandasamy, & Jiang, 2009). This process helps an enterprise to align itself with their mission

objectives and goals in accordance with the available resources while defining a set of priorities.

10. Following are the critical elements that constitute a performance management system -

i. Planning and setting of expectations

ii. Monitoring the progress

iii. Improvement and development

iv. Rating on a periodic basis

v. Justified rewards and compensation measures

vi. Effective evaluation methods

11. The Fair Work Act is the legislation that an organisation must adhere to when it comes to managing the performance of its employees.

12. a) Some of the relevant awards that can be used in a government workplace are - Children's Services Award, Health Professionals and Support Services Award, and Legal Services Award.

b) A staff of a Registered Training Organisation will be covered under the award of the Australian Training Awards.

13. Five ways to monitor and evaluate staff performance are -

i. Guiding employees to document their own work and progress

ii. Checking in with their progress from time to time

iii. Be open to understanding the nature of employee interactions

iv. Set specific deadlines, which are realistic and attainable

v. Develop a form for evaluation and have guidelines for providing feedback.

14. The key principles to providing constructive negative feedback in the workplace can be outlined as below -

i. It is better to start with the positive aspects, as people tend to be more responsive when they receive encouragement

ii. Generalisation must be avoided, and specifics must be mentioned

iii. The behaviour or actions that can be change should be pointed out, not the ones that the person has no control over

iv. Alternatives can be offered to help the one being criticised understand the situation better.

15. Three situations where it might be necessary to get help from specialised human resource services are -

i. When an employee misuses sick leaves, wastes time by taking too many phone breaks, unplanned leaves, and so on

ii. When the response to the allotted work is either non-existent or very slow

iii. When the quality of work does not meet the required standards.

16. a) An IT strategy can be defined for the employees Workshops to train existing employees must be held Streamlining of the different organisational operations help

The infrastructure of the enterprise must also be upgraded accordingly.

b) Provisions for direct employee training Optimisation of the employee's strengths Use of an e-learning programme to help them procure the necessary skills

Encouraging the workers to share and discuss their areas of expertise.

17. a) When it comes to termination of employment, the Fair Work Ombudsman and the Fair Work Commission have an integral role to play in the workplace.

b) Unlawful dismissal is when an employer terminates the employment of any of its workers for an unlawful reason as listed in Section

772 of the Fair Work Act of 2009, such as temporary absence, racial identity, and so on (Fair Work Commission, 2019).

c) Unfair dismissal laws cover the following workers - State government employees from Tasmania, New South Wales, Queensland, South

Australia and Western Australia, local government employees in New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland, and workers in non

constitutional corporations in Western Australia.

18. The steps to dismiss an employee when there is a solid ground for dismissal are -

i. The violations must be documented

ii. Disciplinary policies and actions must be enforced

iii. Investigation before the termination

iv. An opportunity for the employee to appeal

v. Putting the worker on notice period

vi. Handling the termination with dignity and brevity.

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