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BSBINM601 Manage Knowledge and Information Assignment Help


Executive summary

In this study, an organisation has been chosen in order to analyse one of its major problems. The chosen organisation, Bakedin has been identified to have an issue of lack of motivation among its employees. A risk analysis has been presented through a matrix of likelihood. Two specific theories have been suggested as probable solutions. 


Effective knowledge in organisational management is necessary for ensuring effective collaboration between employees and developing high sales and productivity. High productivity and sales are beneficial for brand success. This study presents managerial roles and knowledge regarding brand management methods. These methods include oral and written communication, numeracy, risk management methods and the use of information system. The prime objectives of this study are to identify and analyse a problem and different ways to resolve them for the sake of Bakedin.

Problem Analysis and Definition

Several problems may arise due to incorporating the change management in the organization. Situational variables effects on the performance of Bakedin as it deal with various factors. The main problem, which suffers the employees of the Bakedin is lack of motivation (Bakedin, 2019). Changes in the behavior of managers and organizational leaders, issues related to job performance are considered as the main cause of the risk issue, which lags behind the motivation of employees. Moreover, increasing job demands, which lead to performance issues of employees and staffs, are causing lack of motivation among them. So, it is highly significant for Bakedin to motivate the employees and maintain a better work culture in the workplace.

The current situational variables associated with Bakedin including high cooperation between managers and employees in the brand and effective leadership management. Effective teamwork is contributed by the good leadership, which leads to high brand value. On the other hand, as opined by Bardach and Patashnik (2015), high cooperation leads to effective teamwork and teamwork, which contributes to high brand performance and sales. Motivation of the employees and staffs gets suffered also due to changes in the organizational operations. The organization can attract a large number of consumers if the organization focuses on the problem areas of employees and staffs by taking proper steps to motivate them. As a result, the performance of the employees also gets improved and an open working environment gets developed (Anderson et al. 2018). Resistance to change often causes a negative mindset of the employee as they are used to with the existing work culture in the organization.


Declining senior management team

A severe issue, which causes by the lack of motivation in Bakedin is related to the lack of leadership. According to Hillson and Murray-Webster (2017), this problem may occur due to hiring new management team and resignation of existing senior management team. Therefore, it is necessary to mitigate the risks related to the overall changes in the leadership. Moreover, a significant failure in the brand awareness and brand values can be contributed by the declination in senior management team. This failure in the brand value leads to decrease the chances of motivating the employees, which directly impacts on their performance level.

Resistance to new changes

The employees in Bakedin  are resistant to the changes of the organization, which leads to conflict of interests. Resistance to new changes by the employees contributes to lack of utilizing the resources properly. On the other hand, the employees are not aware to take proper measures, whenever any problem occurs (Bakedin, 2019). Moreover, the brand performance and sales gets decreased as the employees do not have proper knowledge to deal with new and innovative technologies in Bakedin. A medium consequence is inculcated by this risk.

High working demands

High woking demands causes a negative impact on the mindset of employees in Bakedin. As stated by Bromiley et al. (2015),  Job satisfaction of the employees gets decreased as the demand of high working are increasing day-by-day. An ineffective working conditions is contributed by lack of motivation, which leads to high turnover of employees. As a result, a highest negative consequence is incorporated on the overall business operation and sales and the employees are not intended to perform better.

Probable solution

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation, which categorizes the needs of the employees as basic needs, psychological needs and self-fulfillment needs. As commented by Jonas (2016), an employee would be motivated to aim for the psychological advancement when their basic needs such as food, shelter and economic sustainability are met. Along with the physiological needs, the organisation’s leaders should also consider safety needs such as health and wellbeing of the employees by practicing safety measures and an inclusive work environment need to be adopted. Once these criteria are achieved, the leaders could expect the employees to target for greater motivational aspects such as aiming for accomplishments and creative endeavors. The employees will also be motivated for achieving their full potential after their other needs are satisfied.


Vroom’s expectancy model

The Vroom’s expectancy model suggests that employees are generally motivated when they are rewarded for their performance and responsibilities. As commented by Lloyd and Mertens (2018), if the employees believe that their work will get rewarded, they will follow the expected and accepted performance standards set by the leaders. Based upon the performance of the employees rewards and appraisals are offered to them. As a result, it leads to motivating the employees and they are satisfied with their job. Moreover, a better work culture is associated in the work environment and the overall performance gets improved which contributes to improve in business operation and sales.




Identifying problems and providing solutions are one of the key responsibilities of a manager in an organization. In this report, the problem of lack in motivation among the employees have been analysed within the context of Bakedin. This problem have been analysed using a risk analysis matrix and was provided with probable solutions using a theoretical perspective. It has been evidenced in the study that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be a suitable approach to provide motivation to the employees. Vroom’s expectancy model can also be incorporated within the organisation’s guidelines to enhance motivation. It can be concluded from the above study that motivation among the employees does not only enhance their performance but also contribute in the overall profitability of an organisation.


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