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BSBHRM602 Manage Human Resources Strategic Planning

Activity 1A

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to analyse strategic plans to determine human resource strategic direction, objectives and targets.

Why is it important to have a human resource (HR) strategic plan?
HR management can be impacted as an important factor to develop an organization in an effective manner. The strategic plan in HR management may develop the effectiveness of HRM and lead the organization to achieve success. That's why it can be stated that the strategic plan in HR plays an important role (Recardo, 2017).

What information do you need in order to determine the HR strategic plan?
The overview of the organizational objectives may help to recognize the HR plan. Effectiveness of HR manager to achieve the organizational goals may also help to identify the strategic plan of HR.

Why is it important to have clear and specific HR strategic objectives?
It can be stated that, the strategic plan of HR as an effective role to fulfill the organizational goal. This can be impacted as the main objective to fulfill the organizational vision, mission. The specification in HR strategy can involve the HR manager to develop the working value of the organization. Thus the organization can achieve its goal and expand rapidly (Zare, Tahmasebi & Yazdani, 2018).

Give an example of a clear and specific HR strategic objective.
The organizational culture can be impacted as a specific and clear objective of HR strategy. The organizational value may increase by the implementation of this specific objective, this may also help to develop the productivity value as well as the consumer value. Thus the organizational potentiality can develop.


Activity 1B

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to undertake additional environmental analysis to identify emerging practices and trends that may impact on human resource management in the organisation.


Why is it important to undertake additional environmental analysis when developing the HR strategic plan?
The environmental analysis can be impacted as an effective factor to set the HR strategies. This may help to determine the internal and external factors of the organization which may affect the performing quality of the organization. The environmental analysis may also involve the organizational strategy to utilize the opportunities. This also may help to recognize the threats and thus it may help the company to proceed in an effective manner (Momin & Mishra, 2015)

Identify an organisation with which you are familiar. This may be your own organisation or another that you and the group are familiar with. Conduct a short PESTLE analysis, identifying at least five relevant factors in each of the PESTLE categories.
Woolworths, a retail company has an effective role in the retail industry and it can also be notable as it provides the best service in the retail industry. The political factor has an effective role in an organization.
The economic factor can be included as an effective factor in Woolworths as it encourages the organizational position. The economic factors include employment value, production value, consumer value.
It can be considered that consumers play a vital role in increasing the capital of Woolworths. The social context can im[act on the consumer of Woolworths. The influence of social factors may encourage the organizational context of Woolworths.
Technological factor plays a vital role in the organizational context. The technological enhancement may bring management development in Woolworths. The influence of RFID in an organizational context can be included as technological development in Woolworths. It may help to attract consumers and also help to develop it.
The environmental factors can help to determine the effective HR strategies in an organizational framework. The aspect of environmental factors provides a friendly practice with other organization. This may help to reduce threats and other environmental harms.

Legal factor contains the taxation process, employee management, and recruitment criteria. This factor provides specific legislation for Woolworths. The employers, employees of Woolworths have to maintain these legal factors of Woolworths.

Activity 1C

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify future labour needs, skill requirements and options for sourcing labour supply.

Activity What are the key questions you need to consider when assessing the organisation's future labour needs?
What are the organizational trend and its effectiveness in organization staffs?
What are the performing qualities in the employees which may help them to develop the quality of the products?

What are the possible sources of labour supply?
• Recruitment
• Walk-ins
• Labour supply through external sources
•Firms of Executive recruitment

Activity 1D

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to consider new technology and its impact on job roles and job design.

Activity What potential impact could new technology have on job roles and job design?
Technological development can bring a dramatic improvement in business strategy and also helps to grow the business in an effective manner. Involvement of new technology can bring innumerable changes in the organizational social context as well as job design.

Think about a technological change that has taken place in your organisation or sector in the past. From an HR strategic planning point of view, what worked well and what were the lessons learned from this experience? How does this inform your current strategic planning activity?
The technological changes may help to bring vast development in HR strategy. It may help to bring development in employee recruitment, performance enhancement (Pološki-Vokic, 2016).
The effectiveness of employee recruitment and performance enhancement may help to identify the effectiveness of HR strategy.

Activity 1E

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to review recent and potential changes to industrial and legal requirements.


Identify a forthcoming change in employment legislation. What are the implications of this for an organisation?

The disciplinary procedure can be identified as the main feature of employment legislation.
This can help to develop the organizational rules and regulations. This can also bring vast development in the organizational framework. It can help the organization to develop employee activity in an organization (Santora & Bozer, 2015)


Activity 2A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to consult relevant managers about their human resource preferences.


Why is it important to engage managers in discussions about their HR preferences, philosophies, values and policies?
It can be stated that the manager plays a vital role in the organizational context and also employed to develop the organizational context by the effective decision-making process. Therefore the manager has to be present in the discussion based on HR preferences and organizational values, philosophies (Papageorgiou, 2018).

What methods can be used to consult with managers?
Conducting a meeting with the manager can be an effective method to consult with the manager.

Activity 2B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to agree on human resource philosophies, values and policies with relevant managers.


Imagine that you are planning a consultation meeting with a group of managers in your organisation, the purpose of which is to establish their views about the organisation's values and HR philosophy. Create an outline agenda for this meeting.
The meeting process has to be known by each and every member present in the meeting.
• A detailed discussion about the topic
• Discuss the HR strategic plan which may help the organizational members to follow the further requirement of the organization

Activity 2C

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop strategic objectives and targets for human resource services.
Activity What is the purpose of strategic objectives and targets for HR services?
The strategic plan in HR management may develop the effectiveness of HRM and lead the organization to achieve success. That's why it can be stated that the strategic plan in HR plays an important role (Johnson, Bok, Bisbey & Witt, 2017).

Imagine that you are the HR Manager of a small manufacturing organisation which employs 55 employees in a variety of production, warehousing, administration, sales and management roles. The organisation has ambitious plans for expansion, aiming to double its turnover within the next five years. What would be the key HR priorities for this organisation? For one of the priorities, draft a potential strategic objective.

Development in employee recruitment can help the organization to gain effective productivity value and this can be the main priorities of HR to develop the organizational value.

It can help to develop the organizational productivity value.

Activity 2D

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to examine options for the provision of human resource services and analyse costs and benefits.


Why is it important to examine options for the provision of HR services?

HRM or human resource management manages the performance of the organization, development of the organization, wellness, safety, compensation, benefits and many other major factors related to the organization so it can be said that examination of an effective HRM is important (Plimmer 2015).

What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the following options?



External consultant

They can improve the organizational skills by implementing internal competition and taking decision in time

Training cost can be increased and issue of confidentiality and privacy can arise


Costs can be reduced and delivery can be possible within a short time

Sensitive data can be lost and privacy concern can be lost

Internal HR services

Morale and retention can be increased and operations can be continued

Problem of potential animosity can arise as well as stagnation can affect the organization

Internal non-human HR service

Cost of the HRM can be saved

The company can have difficulties in dealing with the employees due to not having a strong HRM

Merging business units

Tax benefits can be maintained and risk factors can be decreased by the implementation of innovative ideas

It can effect on the customer perceptions and scale economy can be disturbed

Activity 2E

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify appropriate technology and systems to support agreed human resource programs and practices.

Activity Give three examples of technology and systems which can be used to support HR programs and practices. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Implementation of improved technology can make a HRM more eligible to fulfill the internal and external requirements of the organization. Social media, cloud technology and big data powers organization can be three examples of technology and systems that support HR programs.

Technology and systems



Social media

Can reduce the time of recruitment process by collecting data about the employees through social media and the cost also can be decreased

Lack of authentic data on the social media can have a negative impact on the organization and privacy concern can also be affected

Cloud technology

Cost effectiveness is an advantage of cloud based HR technology as it helps the organization to save a lot of dollars and security department also get improved

It usually depends on the internet connection so slow internet connection can harm this technology and it needs high cost for running a small business. Privacy concerns also can be an issue of this system.

Big data powers organization

Helps in the management of the large scale of data for the business organisation.

Requires time and money for the management of the large scale of data analysis.

Activity 2F
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to write a strategic human resource plan and obtain senior management support for the plan.

Why is it important to obtain senior management support for the strategic HR plan?

It is important to obtain senior management support for the strategic HR plan as senior management can ensure the alignment related to the vision, moral values and mission of the organization as a strong foundation for strategy implementation. Senior management also have a lot of experience so they can help the leaders to clearly identify the effective and communicative people components of the implemented strategy.

What steps can be taken to enlist senior management support for the strategic HR plan?

A senior management knows how to provide an effective suggestion in the development stages of an organization and he can also join in the building of the research that would help the organization to grow in the market (Aryee et al., 2015).

Activity 2G
Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to develop risk management plans to support the strategic human resource plan.


What factors might pose a risk to the strategic HR plan?

Implementation of a strategic HR plan can face some challenges such as acquisition of talent and management, issues related to the leadership & ethics, compliance & regulatory, compensation & pay and lastly, training, motivation and development of the employees. These factors can be considered as some major risk factors to the strategic HR plan (Shileds et al., 2015).

How can risk to the implementation of the HR plan be minimised?

These risk factors can be minimised through some processes:

Risk factors

How to minimize

acquisition of talent and management

A recruitment program can be built that the organization can recruit right and eligible employees for the right positions

leadership & ethics

The HRM can recruit eligible and experienced leaders to improve the business value and they are also responsible in creating the perfect work environment

 compliance & regulatory

The laws related to local and relevant international labour should be understood in order to maintain and follow the rules and regulations of the organization

compensation & pay

Packages of compensation and benefits should be simple and rewards programs should be organized and dicrimination should be avoided

 motivation and development of the employees

Employees should be provided training that they can perform better and also should be motivated by the leaders of the organization


Activity 3A

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to work with others to see that the plan is implemented.

Activity - Who may be involved in the implementation of the strategic HR plan?
The manager of the HRM, CEO and COO of the organization can be considered as the main responsible persons in the implementation of the strategic plan but in spite of them, everyone is responsible who are related to the organization (Nankervis et al., 2016).

Imagine that your strategic HR plan includes an action for a manager to lead a working party to explore different options for employee benefits. They have volunteered for this as part of their ongoing professional development. You are meeting with them to brief them on their role. Draft an outline agenda for this meeting, highlighting the key items that you would want to discuss with this person.

The main agenda for the meeting is-
"What is the role of the manager for using strategic HR plan for exploring different options of employee benefits?"
In this meeting the key elements of the strategic HR plan would be evaluated, employee benefits, and role of manager would be explained.

Activity 3B

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to monitor and review the plan.


Why is it important to monitor and review the implementation of the strategic HR plan?
Monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the strategic HR plan are important as it can help to assess the work, plans and strategies can be adjusted and it can also help to reduce the risk factors within the organization that can arise. Monitoring can help to identify the most effective impact of the resources and it also provides the important data to guide and motivate the design and process of the implementation of the strategic plan (Chelladurai 2018).

What steps can you take to monitor and review the plan?

Some steps can help to monitor and review the strategic plan such as the agency's current approach would be assessed, the current environment would be reviewed, the business would be consulted with the experts, the workforce issues would be identified and solved. These steps would help the organization to continue the monitoring process in order to develop and grow the business in the competitive market (Bratton 2017).

Activity 3C
Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to adapt plan should circumstances change.

Activity -

What changes in circumstances have you encountered which have affected the implementation of strategic HR plans?
The major changes in the circumstances of the implementation of the HR plans are,
Use of technology: The technology innovation is very effective for the management of the HR plans for the continuation of the works and continuation management.
Global Strategy Development: It is crucial for implying better and effective role completion for the management of the works on the global scale.
Need of Training and Development: The proper training is required for the execution of the works and forming the management of the operations (Cascio 2015).

What action can be taken if circumstances change during the implementation of the plan?

The contingency planning can be used for redefining the change in circumstances during the implementation of the plan for the work completion.

Activity 3D
Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to evaluate and review performance against plan objectives.


Why is it important to evaluate and review performance against the plan objectives?

The plan objectives are the main factors that must be achieved in order to achieve the developed performance development. The evaluation and review of the performance would be done for the effective indication of the works for the attainment of the objectives. The main aspect of aligning the performance with the plan objectives is done for deploying the successful and effective work completion.

What types of data might you review in order to evaluate performance against objectives?
The various data like the expenses, time taken, outcomes, and process results are being evaluated for testing if the performance has met the main objectives of the project. The checklist is a major option that can result in the defining of the information for developing the completion of the works (Noe et al., 2017).


Section A: Skills activity

1. List three factors to consider when reading, reviewing and analysing an organisation's strategic plans.
The three factors to consider when reading, reviewing and analysing an organisation's strategic plans are,
i. Communication
ii. Culture
iii. Engagement
2. List four key ingredients to include when writing any strategic HR plan.
The four key ingredients of strategic HR plan are job analysis, future demand analysis, recruitment plan, and scheduling of employees.
3. In front of a small group of at least three people, demonstrate your ability to communicate the philosophies, values and policies of the organisation effectively.
The communication of the philosophies, values, and policies of the organisation can be done by,
• Being Inclusive with the three members
• Being Transparent in communication
• Recognising what is right and what is wrong by collaborative discussion
• Showing Appropriate professionalism and respect to the group
4. List the four steps involved in a cost/benefit analysis.
The four steps of the cost benefit analysis are,
Step One: Brainstorm Costs and Benefits
Step Two: Assign a Monetary Value to the Costs
Step Three: Assign a Monetary Value to the Benefits
Step Four: Compare Costs and Benefits
5. List three recent/forthcoming changes in legislation that could affect your organisation.
The three recent/forthcoming changes in legislation that could affect the organisation are,
• Changes to the Code of Commercial Companies and Partnerships with relevance to businesses
• Changes within the Penal Fiscal Code
• Cybersecurity would affect the digital platform usage and its efficiency
6. List five questions you should ask when reviewing a strategic plan.
The five main questions that should be considered while reviewing the strategic plan are,
i. Are the issues being considered for the development of the works?
ii. Has the difference in the culture and operation being considered for the evaluation?
iii. Have any backup or provisional plan being considered for the organisation?
iv. Is there any effective communication medium for conveying the changes in the situation?
v. What is the level of engagement of the employees for the strategic plan?

Section B: Knowledge activity

1. Describe what is meant by ‘strategic HR planning'.
Strategic HR planning is developed for aligning the effective and improved continuation of the works for improving the developed for the listing of the works and aligning the continuation of the works. The HR planning is developed for the organising of the works and implying the continuous management of the effective work development. The HR planning would take care of the works for defining the explicit usage of the information.
2. List three political factors which will have a bearing on the legislation and regulation surrounding your business.
The three political factors which will have a bearing on the legislation and regulation are listed below,
• Employment Laws
• Foreign Trade Regulations
• Tax and Economic Policies
3. List five common options for sourcing labour.
• Apprentices or trainees
• Casual employees
• Contractors and sub-contractors
• Employment agency staff
• Permanent or fixed-term employees
4. List three aspects of work that are being affected by new technology.
The three aspects of work that are being affected by new technology are,
• Efficiency and Increased Productivity
• Improved Cost Management
• Increased Collaboration
5. List five potential objectives/targets which a strategic plan is required to address.
The five potential objectives/targets which a strategic plan is required to address are,
a) Mission and Vision of the Company
b) Core Values of the Development
c) Customers and Operations
d) Evaluation of the SWOT factors
e) Measurement and Funding Streams


Section C: Performance activity

1. Short Report
The human resource planning is very effective for the development of the effective and improved work function development. HR planning is developed for aligning the effective and improved continuation of the works for improving the developed for the listing of the works and aligning the continuation of the works. The following report would provide an insight of the HR planning and deploy the effective development of the works.
Human Resource Operations
Strategic Direction: The HR planning is developed for the organising of the works and implying the continuous management of the effective work development. The HR planning would take care of the works for defining the explicit usage of the information. The strategic direction for the HR planning would include the usage of the innovative management of the works.
Objectives: The main objective of the report is to ensure the development of the works for implying the successful and complete work alignment.
Targets: The targets of the operation is deployed for the continuation of the activities and develop the formation of the employee/staff management.
Trends affecting Human Resource Management
The social media trends and factors would result in the alignment of the works for the development of the effective Human resource management planning. The major tools and factors would be developed for enduring the innovative human resource planning for the determining the effective influence of the works.
Relevant Technology Innovation
Improved technology development would be done for the implication of the works for defining the effective alignment and management. The technology innovation would be managed for the continued confidence management is taking care of the works.
Forthcoming Technology
The forthcoming technology innovation would be done for the continuation of the facilities and deploy the continuation of the works. The technology innovation would be done for taking care of the works.
3 most important labour needs
The 3 most important needs include the money, training, and motivation.
3 option for sourcing labours
• Apprentices or trainees
• Casual employees
• Contractors and sub-contractors
The report had provided an insight of the HR planning and deploy the effective development of the works. The development would ensure that the facilities would envelop the capacity development.
2. Strategic Human Resource Planning
The budget for the Human Resource Planning is AUD 60,000.00.
Top 3 Priorities
The 3 priorities of the Human Resource Planning are Staff Satisfaction, Employee Retention, and Work Development.
To ensure the development of the works for implying the successful and complete work alignment using effective Human Resources
The main targets of the works were to develop the alignment of the information integrating the works and retaining the employees for improved development alignment.
Programs and Practices
The main programs would be developed for the successful and effective development of the works for deploying the successful completion of the information. The main practices of defining the works would be done for the ensuring of the works.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Year 0

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5


 $    3,500.00

 $  4,500.00

 $  5,500.00




 $  12,000.00

 $    1,500.00

 $  1,500.00

 $  1,500.00





 $    2,000.00

 $  3,000.00

 $  4,000.00

















Time Frames
The complete timeframe for the completion of the project is 14th July-18th November.

Risk Management
The risk management factors would include the following points,
• Identification of the risk factors
• Defining the statistics of the risk
• Strategic Plan Development
• Mitigation of the risks


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