B628 Organisations and People - Leadership aspects important in an organisational context!

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This study provides information about the leadership aspects important in an organisational context. It also deliberates an explanation of whether or not leaders are made or born with the support of a range of leadership theories. Additionally, it further emphasises the requirement of leadership skills and a variety of ways to develop the same. Correspondingly, certain recommendations have also been included regarding generating leadership skills effectively.

Leadership plays a significant role in inspiring the people of the organisation. It is considered to be one of the important aspects of an organisation to acquire efficient leaders to ensure business practices are carried out effectually. This essay emphasises on whether or not a leader is made or born. This is explained with the support of different theoretical frameworks of leadership. Also, the study explores the ways in which leadership skills can be developed.

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A Leader Born Or Made? 

Leaders are considered to be significantly important for taking effective decisions for their subordinates, thereby achieving the business objectives of the organisation. According to Boermaet al. (2017), leaders are the central determinants of an organisation and responsible for enhancing its performance. Alternatively, Gentryet al. (2012) contradicted that leaders develop a substantial sense of identity and provide the subordinates with directions for accomplishing the established goals. Also, the leaders are regarded as accountable for communicating different aspects adequately so that employees are able to undertake business operations efficiently. In reference to the aforementioned point, several authors commented that it is the presence of traits and skills that make an individual a leader. During the nineteenth century, the majority of the research scholars believed that leaders acquire the right skills since they are born (Eydman, 2019). Further, it is investigated that there is a lack of research on this subject which resulted in poor leadership practices. In this regard, it can be highlighted that leadership behaviours can be learnt by the individuals and implement the same in their working practices. This can further be explained with the assistance of different theories and models of leadership.

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The Great Man Theory of leadership, which is also known as Traits theory provides an overview of the skills possessed by great leaders. It encompasses the factthat leaders are born and not made. In the opinion of Swaroop and Prasad(2013), great leaders have achieved their targets without any learning and training. For example, the goal of building the Great Wall of China is achieved because of great and talented leaders (Haraida and Blass, 2019). This signifies that leaders are born. On the other hand, it is believed that leaders might possess some of the skills since their birth whereas some might be required to be learnt from their seniors. Coupling to this, Afrianty(2020) commented that leadership is considered as a procedure where individuals perform different roles and functions concerning the situation. These behavioural skills are required to be learnt through different sources like training or seminars or workshops. Therefore, contradicting to this theory, it might be stated that leaders are not born, they are made.

Based on Style theory of leadership, leaders can be of two types, task-oriented and people-oriented. Marklein(2017) stated that task-oriented leaders are concerned with the accomplishment of the activities undertaken for achieving business objectives. However, Adamset al. (2018) highlighted that people-oriented leaders are mainly focused on developing an exclusive relationship with their colleagues. These leaders majorly understand the problems associated with their people and take measures for mitigating the same so that they are able to accomplish the targets. Both styles of leaderships are considered beneficial with respect to specific situations. It is the situation that makes leaders decide for the best style that can be adopted for carrying out leadership practices to achieve business goals (Cimenski, 2018). Depending on the aforementioned point, it can be stated that leaders are not born rather they need to learn about the tactics to be utilised for handling a variety of situations within the organisation. In contrary, style theory is not considered to be beneficial for attaining effective business outcomes. Thus, contingency leadership theories can be adopted by the leaders to implement effectual leadership roles during a specific situation.

Contingency leadership theory emphasises on approaches adopted by leaders relating to specific situations. In the views of Vidalet al. (2017), it is the contingency theory that enables leaders to decide on their respective styles depending on the organisational situation. This theory also drives the motivating power of other individuals by influencing them through different leadership strategies. As an instance, a leader might appreciate the performance of their subordinates for encouraging them to put more efforts into gaining adequate business outcome (Mitchell, 2016). Learning from the theory, it can be mentioned that leaders need to learn about different methods with which they can tackle a variety of organisational situations. Therefore, it can be stated that contingency theory can help the leaders in adopting effective strategies contributing to the progress of the organisation.

Analysing different leadership theories, it has been understood that leadership roles are carried out with proper knowledge and understanding of the leadership responsibilities within a specific organisational context. It is learnt that leaders are required to attain knowledge about different skills and competencies for fulfilling the objectives of the organisation (Mango, 2018). For instance, leaders need to direct the subordinates for achieving their personal and professional goalsto ensure organisational objectives are accomplished.On the other hand, it is analysed that if the leaders are unable to tackle organisational operations, then it would be difficult to accomplish the targets (Tavares et al., 2018).  It is further learnt from a variety of literary sources that leaders are also required to identify the strengths and inadequacies of their team members so that they can delegate suitable tasks concerning their areas of expertise. Besides, Dreheret al. (2019) commented that if leaders are born then other individuals might not have learnt management or leadership courses for acquiring a leading position in an organisation. In this respect, it can be argued that individuals become leaders through the procedure of learning, teaching and observation (Kovach, 2018).  Additionally, it is also acknowledged that leadership skills are to be learnt through perception, experiences and different training activities. It is further considered to be a development lifetime learning activity. Therefore, it can be established that leaders are made through a variety of teaching methods and are not born.

This study concludes that leadership role is one of the most significant aspects of an organisation for increasing its productivity. It also deduced that leaders are made by providing them learning session for developing their leadership skills and competencies. Further, it inferred that through training sessions, seminars and workshops, leaders are able to enhance their existing skills and knowledge. Additionally, knowledge transfer sessions are regarded to be helpful in escalating the characteristic features of leaders and making them the best example for the organisation and their followers.

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