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Attracting And Retaining A Workforce, Central Queensland University, Australia


Topic: Challenges faced by the healthcare sector in attracting and retaining a workforce

Introduction: The primary purpose of the paper is to analyze the challenges faced by the healthcare center of the nation on attracting and retaining the workforce in the healthcare sector. As per the current trends throughout the competitive environment, the healthcare sector tends to use various strategies and tactics for retaining and attracting the best employees towards their business. Employee retention and attraction have become one of the critical tasks for Human Resource Management (HRM), and if they fail to attract the correct employee, then the business turnover will increase giving rise to the downfall of the firm. The essay will discuss the issues faced by healthcare organizations on attracting employees based on five different themes. The themes are the evolution of HRM, industrial relations, the context of HRM, work design challenges in a global environment, and HR planning. Moreover, in-depth analysis will be drawn that can help the reader to understand the major challenges faced by HRM of the healthcare sector. Furthermore, the analysis will be carried out by a relevant argument based on each theme that has been selected for this topic.

Question: Undertake research of the recent academic literature since 2010.

Identify five (5) academic peer reviewed journal articles relevant to the topic.

Write 500 words on each article.

Answer: Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the members of the organization that carry out specific policies, practices that would structure and shape the nature, performance, and attitude of the employee. In the words ofDomagala&Klich, (2018), HRM practices in healthcare sector plays an important role for promoting positive outcomes for staff, employees, and organizations. The role of HRM in the healthcare sector is to link the values of individual staff members with that of their organizational value which thus helps them to create a positive commitment to the employees by assuring their retention. The HRM practices use both informal and formal management practices and design as well as implement it in such a manner that it can help them to achieve their objectives. By using this business strategy, the HRM successful in attracting employees, but sometimes they face challenges in retaining those employees that are beneficial for the firm. According toSirili, Kiwara, Gasto, Goicolea&Hurtig, (2017), for surviving in the digital world of competition, it is necessary for the HRM of the healthcare sector to choose the top-level employees for their organization. However, this causes a problem for the HRM to attract as well as retain such employees for their healthcare sector.

For the HRM of the healthcare sector, the key challenge faces by them is to measure the perception of employee attitude that must be recognized by HRM to select them for the job role. It is seen that the absence of innovative job design has enabled them to attract the right type of employees for the role. In the opinion ofDarkwa, Newman, Kawkab& Chowdhury, (2015), for measuring the employee perception, it is essential that the HRM practices should provide effective training rather than training opportunity to the employee. If they understand that the HRM will provide job training, then it easier for the management to measures their attitude. Another key challenge is the development of health and safety environment for the staff members of the healthcare sector. Healthcare sector is related to various types of dangerous infections of patients that may affect the employees working in the firm (Shantz, Alfes&Arevshatian, 2016). Therefore, appropriate health and safety policies should be developed by the HRM practices in their healthcare organizations, which thus attract employees for giving their best effort in the firm.


For a healthcare related sector, low employee turnover is advantageous for the firm as it helps them to increase the staff number as well as they can improve their treatment procedures for the patients. Thus for doing so, in current trends, the individual HRM practices examine their relative outcome and thus act in such a manner by which they reduce the employee turnover rate in their healthcare firm. The individual practices provide specific guidelines to the HRM that enhances their practical modes of increasing the level of employee engagement in the healthcare organization (Oppel, Winter &Schreyögg, 2016). Hence in this way, the high turnover challenges faced by the healthcare sector can be reduced in the coming days. Another key challenge faces by the healthcare organization is to provide appropriate training to the employees that may attract them towards their job role. As stated byLasala (2017), in the healthcare sector, training is important for attracting and retaining employee by keeping them up-to-date on new technologies of treatment and advancement in medicine. Thus it is important for the HRM to provide proper training using both primary and secondary care so that they can balance efficiently with the patient treatment as well as even successful in retaining and attracting the employees towards their firm.
By using the Human Capital Theory, the HRM can increase the training option for the employees as per the requirement of every healthcare center. As per this theory, the HRM should invest money on training and development that will provide high benefits to the firm in terms of earnings and development (Oppel, Winter &Schreyögg, 2016). Thus with the help of this theory, this key challenge can reduce, and the HRM of the healthcare sector can easily retain and attract their employees towards the firm. Job satisfaction and work engagement is essential for retaining and attracting staff members. Most of the HRM of the healthcare sector faces issues in enhancing the engagement and satisfaction level of the employees. The HRM practices of healthcare sector do not follow the high-performance work systems (HPWS), and due to this reason, they often failed to retain their employees (Avgar, Eaton, Givan&Litwin, 2016). The issue not only affected the performance of staff members but also affected the overall position of the healthcare organizations. For overcoming this challenge, many authors argue that HRM practices should use three factors such as motivation, ability, and opportunities for the employees.

In order to motivate and encourage the employees of the healthcare sector, the HRM should follow the Maslow Hierarchy of needs theory. By following this theory, they can fulfill the basic need of the employees hierarchically working in the healthcare sector. If the HRM department becomes satisfied in fulfilling their staff member needs, then they can easily retain and attract the employees without facing any issue (Kloutsiniotis&Mihail, 2017). Apart from this, another major challenge of HRM is to develop a good relationship with the employees by which they diminish the various confusion and conflicts among the various group of staff members. Lack of good relationship affected the employees to treat their patients properly as well as they do not give their best on work. For maintaining a good relationship, the HR Manager should develop an appropriate plan that can better work for engaging and attracting the employees and employers both. The HRM should provide norms and values to the working procedure of each employee by hierarchically developing their performance appraisal.

Performance appraisal is a method that will decide the next career steps of the employees. Hence if the HRM demonstrate their appraisal as per each employee performance, then it influences them to give their best and maintain a good relationship with other staff members (Cooke & Bartram, 2015). In other words, after reviewing the article, it is seen that the healthcare organization faces challenges in attracting and identifying the correct candidate for the job role. Thus recruiting and selecting the right staff is also a key issue for the HRM department. In the healthcare sector, not all types of people are employed. The staff member should have skilled and experienced in their relevant field of healthcare firm. Thus for selecting the member for the position, the HRM faces the issue, and they sometimes select an inappropriate member for the job role. Another basic issue is to manage the advertising cost for the available vacancy in their organization (Cosgrave, Hussain & Maple, 2015). Along with this, they face issue in providing the appropriate fees and cost that needs to be paid in the recruitment consultancies and agencies.


Combining all these challenges, it is noted that the HRM of the healthcare sector faces problem in attracting and retaining the specific staff member for the selected position. Hence for reducing these issues, it is essential for the HRM to develop some strategies by which they can choose the perfect person for that job role. Many scholars argue that workforce retention and well-being is also a factor that should be maintained by the HR manager of every healthcare organization. However, most of the HR manager become failed to maintain these features in their healthcare firm, which thus increases the overall turnover rate of the firm(Pourshaban, Basurto-Dávila& Shih, 2015). If the HRM does not improve the service quality of the worker on a periodic basis then to create a problem in retaining these employees, it just reduces their comfort level to work in the firm. Due to such an issue, most of the employees have resigned from their role and thus apply to another healthcare organization that should be beneficial for them. By this approach, the overall performance of the medical center has affected, and due to this reason, it is essential for the HR management to develop proper planning by which they increase the well-being of employees and also retain them in their firm.

For enhancing their employee well-being, the HR management should follow the Neoclassical Theory of Management that helps them to understand the human relations aspects of the people working in the center(Hall, Mills & Lund, 2017). By following this theory, the HR manager can identify the social factors such as employee needs, relationships, and encouragement factor that should be essential for retaining a staff member. Thus with the help of this theory, the management team of various healthcare centers should understand the social needs that can enhance the comfort level of their workers. Hence by following these approaches and theory, the HRM of every healthcare center can enhance the well-being and retain the level of their workers. Apart from this, the healthcare industry is continually facing issue due to the competitive pressure level, regulatory uncertainty, and resource constraints. Due to this issue, the HRM department cannot make a successful strategy for improving the overall quality of care for their patients. The key challenge faces by the HR management of most of the healthcare organizations in the global world is to improve the quality and service of care by their employees(Kroezen et al., 2015). The main reason for failure is that they cannot make appropriate planning and tactics by which they easily attract and retain their workers to improve their working procedure.

As proposed byKroezen et al. (2015), most of the HRM related to healthcare does not provide attractive compensation and appraisal for their worker performance. These approaches demotivate them to work in that organization with their full effort. For this reason, even if the appropriate treatment procedure is present, then the employees do not use it properly as they know that no such compensation will be provided to them for their work. Hence this affected the overall quality of services and care, and for improving it, the HRM management should motivate every employee so that they can give their best for the job role. Besides this, the HR management should arrange proper compensation for the employees by which they become satisfied as well as improve the overall quality of the care and services. Hence, by this approach, not only the HRM department can improve the treatment quality, but it also helps them to retain as well as attract the employees towards their organization. According toKunyk et al., (2016), healthcare organizations face workforce-related issues, and this has increased the shortage of experienced and skilled workers. The HR management provides appropriate effort in selecting the correct employee, but the problem has been created in choosing the correct job analysis for the candidate. Due to this reason, workforce-related challenges occur, and sometimes, the employees are appointed in the wrong section of the healthcare department.

Analysis has shown that for making such a wrong approach, the employee faces challenges in their working procedure, which affected their attraction of working towards the organization. Inappropriate job analysis of the HRM is the major cause of the issue. Job analysis defines the process by which the HR management design the bridge of job role that should attract the right person for that position. In the words ofKunyk et al., (2016), job design plays a vital role in maximizing the performance of employees and also help the HR manager to measure the degree of responsibilities of each worker related to the healthcare center. The HRM should emphasize on designing the appropriate of job analysis so that they can reduce the workforce-related issues occurring in their firm. Job analysis in the healthcare sector is important as it enables the management to select the right candidate for the position, which thus influence them to provide their best for the organization. Hence it is clear for reducing the various workforce-related problem it is necessary that the HRM develop proper job analysis while choosing candidates for the work position. By this way, they can reduce the challenges of attracting and retaining a correct employee for the job position.

Apart from this, another key challenge is that the management failed to provide a correct inflated level of compensation to the employees. It means that when an employee does best for the patient treatment, then it is essential for the manager to give an extra compensation that can encourage them for their work(Liu, Goryakin, Maeda, Bruckner &Scheffler, 2017). However, most of the management of healthcare centers in the nation does not provide the extra incentive to a worker, and hence, they failed in attracting and retaining this type of workforce in their department.In other words, sometimes the management of several healthcare organizations are unable to create a beneficial job design which would lose the significant assets of employees relating to their firm. Improper job design reduces the satisfaction level of employee, and thus, it creates challenges for the management in retaining their workforce. Appropriate job design should be followed by the management so that they can provide mental peace and high psychology to the employees that enhance their satisfaction as well as it increases their attraction in the working procedure (Avgar, Eaton, Givan&Litwin, 2016). Hence it is clear that various challenges have been faced by the management of healthcare centers for attracting and retaining their workforce. Thus to overcome these challenges proper theories and strategies should be used by the superior staff members of healthcare sector so that they can improve the quality of care and services, as well as they, become successful in attracting their employees working in their organizations.


Conclusion: By summarizing the whole essay, the reader could understand the various challenges faced by the healthcare organizations of the world in attracting and retaining their workforce. There are several issues that are discussed based on the five themes related to this topic. The major problems that have been faced by the healthcare sector are attracting top-level employees, health and safety issues, inappropriate performance appraisal, and compensation. All these challenges have created hurdles for the management to retain and attract the employees towards their firm.

Along with this, it is seen that inappropriate job analysis and motivation context have created workforce challenges and affected the quality of care and services in healthcare centers. These issues have generated mainly due to the low attraction of employees towards their workplace. Hence it is seen that overall, the paper has been widely focused on the key challenges related to the retention and attraction of the healthcare sector.

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