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Analysis Paper on Women and Harassment Assignment Help

a) Explain how the example demonstrates sexual harassment. Include the source where the sexual harassment was found in your report.

b) Who is affected by the example of sexual harassment? Is there a specific age group? Are other groups affected as well?

c) Conduct a small focus group of friends or family to solicit their reactions to this example of sexual harassment. Consider asking different age groups. Then, discuss the message portrayed by the example you have chosen.

d) Discuss how sexual harassment could affect women's health. Make sure to address the specific type of sexual harassment that you're exploring in your paper.

e) How should regulations be applied to this example of sexual harassment? Consider a company's policies (you may use where you work, if applicable), municipal laws, and/or state laws. Offer some suggestions of how the issue could be resolved.

f) Using any tool at your disposal, respond to this example of sexual harassment and why you are concerned that it is occurring. For example, you can create a blog post or magazine article that may include photos within text; write a letter to the editor, a responsible agency, company, or person explaining the current recommended standards for appropriate treatment of women; or write a recommendation for community resources in a letter written to a community representative. Do not write that you are doing this as an assignment, as it detracts from the sound of your intent. Your blog post, magazine article, or letter should be 250 to 550 words (1 to
2 pages) in length.

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a) Explain how the example demonstrates sexual harassment. Include the source where the sexual harassment was found in your report.

Sexual harassment has been on rise in U.S military. As per reports, sexual assault in military has increased by 38% from 2016 to 2018. Females in the age group of 17 to 24 years are a subject to sexual assault the most. As per the results of survey, there have been about 20500 cases of sexual assault in 2018 as compared to 14900 cases in 2016. A retired officer of U.S. Air Force McSally disclosed that an officer at a higher position raped her. The incident made her feel weak, ashamed and confused (, 2019). It is required that proper steps are taken in order to address the issue of sexual harassment in U.S military divisions. Every woman working in every division of U.S. military like Air Force, Army or Navy has been a subject to sexual harassment at least once in their lifetime.

Her peer in Marine Corporation raped Lily, who joined U.S. Navy after 9/11 and served the USA from 2008 to 2012. She did not report the attack and was not able to believe the incident. Danique was another woman in U.S. Navy who served nation from 2002 to 2005 and was raped by two of her superiors over several months. Her professional as well as personal life was threatened and the both Lily and Danique could not come out of pain for several years (, 2019). The survey that was conducted in 2018 stated that the rate of sexual assault in case of women has been 6% since 2006, which has been the highest. In U.S. Air Force, the rate of sexual assault was 4%, while in U.S. Navy the rate was 11%. Men caused most of the sexual assaults. Along with sexual harassment, women are also a subject to gender discrimination due to which one out of every four women felt that the climate of work is unhealthy. The Marine Corps are required to investigate the efforts they take for the prevention of sexual assaults. The criminal behaviours needs to be investigated thoroughly so that women can work free from sexual harassment and the offenders must be severely punished (, 2018). The other point that must be noted is that in U.S. Navy not only women but also men have been a subject to sexual harassment in Navy ships, as per reports of RAND Corporation.

b) Who is affected by the example of sexual harassment? Is there a specific age group? Are other groups affected as well?

The example of sexual harassment that takes place in U.S. Navy has been considered as reported by RAND Corporation along with the case of McSally the retired Air Force officer who was raped by a superior. The situation needs to be addressed on an immediate basis as 2 out of every 3 women in U.S. military are a subject to sexual assault. Young women are a subject to sexual harassment at a greater rate especially in the age group of 17 to 24 years. However, there are odds or exceptional cases as well in which women belonging to other groups are also sexually harassed (, 2019). In case of U.S. Navy, even males have been sexually harassed when they are aboard in Navy ships. The incidents of sexual assault and harassment have to be controlled as soon as possible so that people who are guarding the nation do not become the victim of insecurity and helplessness.

It is of utmost importance to make sure that the people who are the strength of the most powerful nation of the world are protected from such odds. The rate of sexual harassment cases are increasing at a very fast pace and has become burning issue since the rate increased by 38% from 2016 to 2018. The reports state that 6% of military women and 1% of military men have been a subject to sexual assault (, 2019). In case of women, incidents of groping as well as penetration has increased that are quite alarming for the situation to be controlled. Offence of such kind should not be tolerated at any cost.

c) Conduct a small focus group of friends or family to solicit their reactions to this example of sexual harassment. Consider asking different age groups. Then, discuss the message portrayed by the example you have chosen.

Not many women have come forward to tell their story of rape or sexual harassment in U.S. military however, the case of Sen. Martha McSally the first women pilot to take off in war created a ruckus when she told her story (, 2019). The response that was obtained on discussing about the rape cases of McSally, Danque, and Lily along with the statistics of sexual harassments in U.S. Military have been discussed below:

- Friends- It is a matter of shame that people the citizens of the United States of America look upon in any case have such dark secrets. It is required that a separate council is set-up in the U.S. Military so that the issues and matters of sexual assaults and harassment can be investigated. The council must be free from corruption and politics so that the militants who are a subject to unwanted touch or penetration can report it to the council and the punishments must be very strict. The accused must get no chance to escape once they are proved guilty.

- Parents and relatives- Sexual assaults and harassments have been the burning issues all over the world for a long time. However, such issues even in military groups are a matter of real shame that has to be addressed on an urgent basis by the government of the USA. Unless, proper steps are taken and a body is formed for the vigilance of such activities in every division of U.S. Military, proper and effective results cannot be expected.

- Grandparents- In order to address the issues of sexual assault and harassment, the militants must be counselled and trained effectively. Unless the mindset of people is changed, change cannot be brought in the military groups or the society. It is required that women stand up and come forwards for their rights and justice. Even, men who are being sexually harassed must speak and demand justice. To deal with the issue, every person has to speak and take a step forward.

d) Discuss how sexual harassment could affect women's health. Make sure to address the specific type of sexual harassment that you're exploring in your paper.

The effect of sexually harassment on women can last for years. Women who are sexually harassed often suffer from high blood pressure, while women who have been a subject to sexual assault suffer from mental problems like depression and anxiety. However, women of both groups who have been sexually assaulted or harassed suffer from insomnia. In case of rapes, women may have bruises, tears, and cuts in their genitals like anus or vagina (, 2019). The emotions that women have who have been raped are upsetting and full of remorse. Women who have been raped often suffer from insomnia, as they cannot come out of the trauma. Risks of HIV and pregnancy increase in cases of rape thereby, making the lives of raped women more difficult.

In several cases of rapes, it has been found that victims develop PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder). In such cases, the victims constantly have those flashbacks and upsetting thoughts thereby interfering with the involvement of women in social activities (, 2019). In case, if women are infected through sexual penetration diseases like HIV AIDS can affect them that are fatal. Rape even results in bleeding from genitals of women. Victims of rape are a subject of physical as well as mental trauma that has long lasting effect on women breaking the confidence of women completely.

e)How should regulations be applied to this example of sexual harassment? Consider a company's policies (you may use where you work, if applicable), municipal laws, and/or state laws. Offer some suggestions of how the issue could be resolved.

In order to deal with the issues of sexual harassment and assault an application called LiveSafe has been developed so that such incidents in U.S. Navy can be reported and complaints can be made (, 2016). However, apart from that it is required that a body is established to look after incidents of sexual harassment and assault in U.S. Navy. Policies and regulations must be very strict with respect to the punishment of the offenders so that other people can learn from it and do not indulge in these activities. It is of utmost importance that the bodies operate without any political interference so that the victims can be given justice.

f) Using any tool at your disposal, respond to this example of sexual harassment and why you are concerned that it is occurring. For example, you can create a blog post or magazine article that may include photos within text; write a letter to the editor, a responsible agency, company, or person explaining the current recommended standards for appropriate treatment of women; or write a recommendation for community resources in a letter written to a community representative. Do not write that you are doing this as an assignment, as it detracts from the sound of your intent. Your blog post, magazine article, or letter should be 250 to 550 words (1 to 2 pages) in length.

Blog Post

The rate of sexual harassments and assaults in U.S. Military has been increasing with every passing year. The reports signify males along with females are sexually harassed and assaulted in ships aboard. It is shameful that people who are responsible for the safety of superpower the United States of America are insecure themselves. As per survey, the rate of unwanted sexual contacts in U.S. Military has increased by 38% from 2016 to 2018. Two out of every three women become a subject to sexual harassment and assault in the U.S. Military. The situation is becoming worse day by day that has to be addressed immediately. Men mostly commit the sexual crimes. The incidents of Lily and Danque who have confessed that they have been raped while they were serving in U.S. Navy, have not been able to forget that disdainful incident yet.

In order to deal with the issue, the U.S. Navy has invested approximately $150,000 so that an application named LiveSafe can be developed and the victims without fear can report incidents of sexual harassments and assaults. The application was developed in order to prevent the occurrence of incidents of sexual harassment and assault. However, the application has not proved to be very favourable therefore it is required that the government of the United States of America takes further steps to deal with these issues. Only developing application would be of no help as only 9% of offenders were charged for sexual crime and only 20% offenders were put on trial. It is recommended that the USA government takes several other steps to deal with these issues.

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