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Advanced Metering Infrastructure Assignment


Question: Customer not satisfy before advance metering infrastructure and Customer satisfaction when the advance metering infrastructure come in picture.


Independent market scenario, offering suitable mechanism with which customer can review their real-time consumption off products or services; is an effective way to achieve competitive advantage (Hulsebosch, McClung, Mulvaney, Weeks, Patelski& Frank, 2016). An advanced metering infrastructure is one of such tools that offer the customers is a smart meter to follow their consumption. The metering infrastructure is integrated with communication network and data management system that enables a kind of two-way communication, ‏between the consumers and corresponding utilities (Xu, Chiang, Liu & Tan, 2017).

In the past, this is considered as a problem where reviewing of consumption is a manual procedure. For example, electricity usage, connectivity of services, monitoring voltage consumption were beyond the control of consumers. The existing problems can be described as, absence of quantitative measurement, lack of control, and calibration. As a result of which, there exists no system to send or receive information that can offer the ability to the customers for upgrading or using the firmware in conjunction with their consumption. For example, when the primary source of energy is getting low, the system is unable to maintain the functionality, which is more concern to the customers (Hulsebosch et al., 2016). In other words, this can also be referred to as a system lacking an efficient power management system and lacking synchronization for reliable transmission of data.

On the contrary, the recent technological advances have enabled programmable thermostats, in-home display, and communicating devices that help consumers to render real-time monitoring of usage. Correspondingly, the customers were encouraged to manage the consumption rate, reduce the peak demand, as well as reviews the overhead expenses (cost) associated with consumption. Thus, customers are able to control demand management and did exist a time synchronization true wireless communication between data analysis and billing. Hence, advanced metering infrastructure enables more control for the customers, which in turn has them in obtaining satisfaction.

In UAE, the intelligent metering system has been implanted by Al Mostajed Technologies, in association for Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA). The system periodically reads the water and electricity meters of consumers in emirate and integrate the data with DEWA. Although the implementation is in pilot phase, however, it helps in supporting the foundation of future smart grid. Correspondingly, the consumers can get the information of usage in their billing document. As a result, this trend setting project not only brings transparency for usage and billing, but is also offers the customers to control the consumption on their part. In a nutshell, this enhances the customer relationship management and offers outage support to management. With the success of this pilot project, as reported by AlFaris, Juaidi&Manzano-Agugliaro (2017), Al Mostajed Technologies is also planning to integrate With Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCDA), Digital Media Services (DMS), and Geographic Information System (GIS), to expand the future smart grid provision in UAE.

The advanced metering system helps in framing a smart electricity meter, which brinks effective control for the customers, against their consumption. This can be summarized with the aforementioned features, which are responsible for customer satisfaction.

It brings a time-based pricing mechanism, and the customers are required to pay only for their usage. The net metering system is based on time synchronization procedure, where the reliable transmission of data for analysis and billing are is incurred. In simpler terms, this provides consumption data for consumers in relation to their routine utility. Also, it has the feature of providing notification failure or outrage (Le, Chin, Truong & Nguyen, 2016).

Customer satisfaction is also viable because the communication with other intelligent devices has increased due to synchronization procedure. As a result, remote control operation such as turning on and off it's possible. The customers can limit the load of power consumption for demand and response related purposes. According to the report of Ganguly et al. (2016), the major factor responsible for bringing customer satisfaction weighted the implementation of the advanced metering system is that they can monitor the power quality. This mainly includes reviewing and monitoring of variables such as voltage, current, and phase. ‏Furthermore, the active and reactive power, as well as related power factors, can also be controlled by customers (Ganguly, Poddar, Dutta &Nasipuri, 2016).

Additionally, the advanced metering system also brings in beneficial models such as privacy embedded within the design system, end-to-end security, as well as mechanism to render visibility and transparency for both users as well as providers. The communication network being utilized in this framework are also cost-effective and they can integrate smart devices in accordance with the user preference. These features are thus considered as beneficial prospects that can reduce the cost as well as can facilitate effective system.


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