How to Prepare & Study for the SAT and ACT Exams? Know Some Test Preparation Tips for SAT and ACT Takers!

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Here in this, we will read some effective Ways to Prepare for the ACT and SAT Exams, and important Test Preparation Tips for SAT and ACT Takers How to prepare and appear for exams like the SAT and How to prepare and appear for exams like the ACT, also expert has provided some important Study tips for the SAT and ACT. How to help your students or child get ready for the SAT or ACT and What are the best ways to prepare for the SAT and ACT?

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How to prepare SAT, ACT? 

SAT and ACT are two different types of exams. These exams are for the admission of students in any US university. Any college or university demands or require the scores of any one of the test's either SAT or ACT. Students who are deciding to take admissions in any of the US university should always go through these tests carefully and should know everything about it, as it plays a very important role in the admittance of one's. The one who is giving test should be clear that which one test he has to give, because there is no benefit of giving both the tests, the number of only one is counted and also the format of the both the papers is also very different. So, its better that one should not waste their time in the preparation of both exams. You are not only wasting time but also money because you are filling up the fees of test. So, it's better to prepare for one test with full time and dedication, clear it with good score get admission in top US universities. The format of SAT is changed by 2016, so anyone who is taking advice of any of your brother or sister who sat for this exam earlier then no need of this because this test no based on reasoning skills, practical scenario and logics.

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Difference between SAT and ACT both the papers you should know:

Content of paper: The ACT paper includes a proper science section but SAT doesn't include any science portion, it checks critical skills of the students there is no different section for checking scientific knowledge of student. But in ACT they have and they not only contain science questions in that, they are designed in a way so that they can have a look at the analytical skills of the students. 

Geometry: Both the papers include math geometry part in it, so geometry is needed in the paper. The ACT doesn't include any kind of calculator part so there is no need of geometry, but in SAT calculator section is also so student's need to carry calculator for the paper. 

Marks: All the students should be aware of that, for every right answer they are given marks but there is no deduction in marks if there is any incorrect answer means no negative marking present. SAT marks are given between 400-1600 and the ACT marks are given between 1-36, this is the marks format of both the papers. 

Test level: Both the tests have easy section too, in which they check the comprehension skills and the paragraph solving skills. Both the papers have essay portion too but none of the university consider or include the marks of this section in counting. 

Cost: Cost doesn't vary much for both the paper's, there is a slight difference else everything depends on your decision and on your preparation part, whether you are prepared or not.

It is very well known by every student that when we deciding to sit in any type of exams, we all should be prepared for that exam, because if we giving any exams means we all have a motive for that and to achieve that the first step is to clear the competitive round. So, we all should study hard for that and at that time be prepared. So, same for these two papers' also that we should prepare for these two papers' also, now here the ques arrive how we should prepare for the paper.

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Know some Ways to prepare for SAT and ACT Exams

Try to familiar with the paper format: When you have decided that you will give the test than you should kept one thing in mind that you should read the instructions of the paper clearly and will go through the sections coming in paper so that you will come to know which subjects of yours is good or you can do well in and you can choose which paper will benefit you the most SAT or ACT. 

Paper practice: Now that you have decided that you are giving the test and also known to you that which test are you giving then you should more and more practice for that because as we all know that practice makes the man perfect so why not to apply in this right? So, search for the sections of that paper and accordingly prepare for that subject from where you can and after that try to solve some previous year paper with timers and then check the answers of that test. This approach will help you a lot in your exam preparation. 

Hire tutor: If you find it difficult to study on your own then you might be able to take help of the tutor, by joining any kind of classes your facing problems in. Now a day's everywhere the tutor is available, even you can take online classes too. The only help is that they will try to make that concept clear to you and you will be more focused while studying when you are under any tutor, but only if you afford it because it can be quite expensive. You can find some of assignment help sites which are offering exam preparation help as well in these standard exams, hire tutor from them. 

Vocabulary: This point is very important not only on the test basis but also in your real world as when you are preparing for the test then side by side you should also start reading some books or articles which you love the most, it will help you in increasing your vocabulary. As when you will go to any university or you are told to read anu type of passage then you will not find any type of difficulty reading that. This will also boost up your confidence level. 

Presence of mind: You should prepare or practice enough so that at the time of paper you will not find any type of difficulty. As we know that the both papers include math's too means formulas are also present so to remind all the formulas, we have to practice hard and sharpen our memory, this will help us in our exam time.

So, this is some knowledge about SAT and ACT. There are some ways how you can prepare for the exams and some more important things that you should be aware of these papers'.

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