Everything you need to know about getting a post-secondary education & why post-secondary education is so important?

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Everything you need to know about getting a post-secondary education 

In this article, we will explore what is meaning of post-secondary education and what are the differences between Secondary and Post-secondary Education? What refers to Postsecondary School? Why is Post-Secondary Education Important? What are the basic Post-Secondary Education Types and Requirements? Know all about Access to post-secondary education: The importance of culture. What is considered a Post-secondary Education?

What is Post secondary education?

Post-secondary education refers to a variety of educational options that people might pursue after graduating from high school. There are several aims for post- secondary education, so people must be selective in their selections to ensure that they enroll in the right programmes to assist them reach their specific objectives. While some people decide to attend vocational schools and often graduate with a certification, others decide to enroll in college to seek a two- or four-year degree. There are several distinct colleges and each has its own specifications and guidelines. Anyone who attends a post-secondary university is a post- secondary student.

This is also known as Tertiary education, the level of post secondary education following successful completion of high school, often known as secondary school. It is a higher-level education, and it includes universities and colleges, also trade technical and professional schools. The Post education student usually receives a certificate, diploma, or university degree.

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What is considered a Post-secondary Education?

What is Post-secondary education usually refers to an education that goes beyond high school, as the postsecondary education meaning comes from its name, i.e., after secondary school.

 Any school that offers certificates for trade, diploma, and college degrees are referred to as a post-secondary school, and many times it can be either be below or above the college degree; it can be the master’s degree, professional degrees, and doctorates.

Any education after high school that is aimed at making the student further to an advanced study or to focus on a specific career.

What is Postsecondary School?

Postsecondary School are those schools that offer a program that is on a more advanced level than the high school. The schools can either be public or it can be private, and the schools are available with a many courses that the student can choose from.

Postsecondary schools require that you must have passed through high school because being a graduate from school is one of the entry requirements. These schools offer courses both at the graduate level and at the undergraduate level. While some of them might be schools that equip the learners technically and vocationally to become fit for the labor market.

It does not matter the certificate the Postsecondary school offers, but the fact you have to pursue it after high school makes it a postsecondary school. Examples of some of these schools are universities, junior or community colleges, colleges & Technical or vocational or trade or career schools.

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Types of post-graduate institutes Colleges

The bachelor's degree programme at the college, which offers the BA, BS, BAFA, and BAS degrees, lasts four years. While some provide two-year course of arts and science degrees, several of these universities also grant graduate degrees, such as Masters. Additionally, the college may focus in certain fields, such as nursing and medicine, or it may provide a   broad   range   of courses. Compared to university classrooms, college classes frequently have fewer students.


The university provides both undergraduate and graduate degrees, and it may even have a college of humanity. It also offers professional and graduate programmes like the law school and the medical school. Additionally, academic and scientific research are given more attention at universities, and there is always higher student enrollment there than at colleges. This is due to the fact that universities provide graduate, undergraduate, and associate degrees. This kind of institution has a wide range of courses and activities, so they are never short on resources. Because most academics are always engaged in research, graduate students occasionally take some classes as teaching assistants for the professors.

Community college 

These are public colleges that provide students with two-year associate degree programmes. They also provide technical and vocational courses to help students be ready for their future professions. A student who is 18 years old or more at the time of acceptance can typically enter the school. Before transferring to a college or university to continue your bachelor's degree programme, you may always attend community colleges to complete a two-year programme. The majority of individuals choose community college because it is frequently less expensive and has a lower admissions requirement than a four-year bachelor's degree.

Vocational schools 

These types of institutions teach students in the technical aspects of certain vocations or crafts. Vocational schools provide job-specific training where specialised skills are valued above academic learning, in contrast to universities that give students intellectual instruction to pursue jobs in certain professional subjects. Even though there are many different kinds of vocational courses accessible, not all vocational schools provide them. A student who successfully completes one of these programmes is awarded a certificate evidencing to their training in the desired skill. Students may also obtain several certifications for various courses if they believe it would benefit them more.

Examples of Technical and Vocational Education are given below

  1. Dental assistants
  2. Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses
  3. Occupational therapy assistants
  4. Nursing assistants
  5. Cosmetologists
  6. Fitness trainers
  7. Chefs
  8. Electricians
  9. Emergency Medical Technician and paramedics
  10. Diagnostic medical sonographers
  11. Automotive service technicians and mechanics
  12. Personal care aides

Types of post-secondary qualifications:

These are of two types. Undergraduate post secondary education and Graduate post-secondary education

Undergraduate level of education: Formal education following high school graduation but before pursuing further study in research areas or professional sectors is referred to as undergraduate postsecondary education. In general, undergraduate education is of two phases: a generalized course requirement set that must be fulfilled, requiring fundamental knowledge in numerous topics, and a specialized programme of study in one or more areas. Undergraduate students have the option of earning diplomas or certificates in place of degrees or as a whole. Two degrees awarded at this level are: The Associate level and The bachelor's degree.

Examples of undergraduate Postsecondary Education are given below

  1.  Associate of Science (AS)
  2.  Associate of Arts (AA)
  3.  Associate of Science in Accounting (AS)
  4.  Associate of Technology (AT)
  5. Bachelor of Science in Business (BSBA)
  6. Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
  7. Associate of Forestry (AF)
  8.  Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN)
  9. Bachelor of Architecture (BArch)
  10. Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT)
  11. Bachelor of Arts (BA)
  12. Bachelor of Administrative Studies
  13. Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
  14. Associate of Engineering (AE)
  15. Associate of Applied Arts (AAA)
  16. International Business Economics (BIBE)
  17. Bachelor of Applied Arts (BAA)
  18. Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BSET)
  19. Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS)
  20. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  21. Bachelor of Technology (BTech)
  22. Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science 

Graduate level of education: The phrase "graduate education" refers to courses that are pursued after receiving a bachelor's degree. It is equivalent to what some other systems refer to as post-graduate or advanced education. There are two types of education available at this level: professional studies that need an undergraduate degree prior to enrollment and studies conducted after receiving a professional degree or a bachelor's degree. Two degrees awarded at this level are: The Master's degree and The doctorate degree.

Examples of graduate Postsecondary Education are given below

  1. Master of Arts – M.A.
  2. Master of Physics – M. Phys
  3. Master of Political Science 
  4. Master of Economics – M. Econ
  5. Masters in International Economics – MIE
  6. Master of Architecture – M. Arch.
  7. Master of Applied Science – MAS.
  8. Master of Advanced Study – M.A.S.
  9. Master of Public Administration – MPA
  10. Master of Professional Studies – MPS 
  11. Master of International Studies – MIS
  12. Doctor of Business Administration – DBA
  13. Masters of Business Administration – MBA
  14. Doctor of Philosophy – Ph.D.

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Surprising benefits of post-secondary education: These are some of the benefits which everyone does not seek apart from common educational benefits on our lifestyle. Must focus duly on them.

Health outcomes: According to research on the relationship between education levels and health outcomes, those with greater levels of education are more likely to be generally healthy and have lower rates of illness and death. According to 2018 report, there are four factors which contribute to health outcomes. They are: Economic factors (30% contribution), Access to health care system, Health habits and Social and psychological factors. The idea is that education improves one's chances of finding employment that will last a long time, raise one's income, enabling one to be financially stable, and then it can be used for maintaining better health. Access to healthcare, on the other hand, was far less important in relation to health outcomes with educational level. Researchers emphasized the relevance of socioeconomic disparities as a result of this. According to experts, those with less education are more likely to smoke and eat badly and less likely to exercise. They are also more likely to smoke. According to social psychology research, those with higher education levels are more likely to have productive social support networks. This enables individuals to effectively manage the everyday stresses and problems that may have an adverse effect on their general health.

Self empowerment: Higher educated people typically report having more control of their life and more empowered than less educated people. According to researchers, people feel less scared by problems and are able to accept well because they have a greater feeling of empowerment and agency. Empowerment brought about by greater education has much affect on women.

Low criminality: According to last 20 years research reports it was found that possessing higher education leads to a safer society. Experts discovered (in 2007) that states with higher educational attainment had violent crime rates that were lower than the national average. States with larger investments in education also had lower rates of violent crime and even experienced a drop in crime as more money was devoted to education.

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