MazeGame Assignment Help, Implementation of Maze Game in C, C++, C#, Java Programming Languages!

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The assignments of Implementing MazeGame are not quite simple assignments to write, and it's one of the complex assignments that students face during academic curriculum and they cannot crack this assignment without guidance of expert tutor.  The students usually get problem of understanding the concepts of mazeGame. How is prepared a Maze game and what are the concepts behind the implementation of MazeGame.

Are You Looking for Expert Tutor Who can provide you Assignment Help for Implementation of Maze Game in various programming languages like C, C#, C++ and Java?

We at help students to write MazeGame assignments and prepare each assignment work from scratch and provide properly running program of MazeGame. We implement Maze game in various programming languages, like Implementation of MazeGame in C#, Implementation of Maze Game in C++, and Implementation of MazeGame in Java and implement this Maze Game in other programming languages. We have hired tutors in all programming languages and our tutors are fully understood the concepts behind implementation of MazeGame.  We provide well written and quality solutions for Maze Game assignments and provide effective programming solutions which is run or executed perfectly. We prepare each Maze Game assignment from scratch and provide quality reports and running screenshots along with solutions.

Why should you choose us for assignments of implementation of Maze Game using C#, C++ and JAVA...?

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The Way of Working with Maze GAME and the Programming Languages which we cover under MazeGame Assignment Help!

  • Implementation of MazeGame using C Assignment Help
  • Implementation of MazeGame using C++ Assignment Help
  • Implementation of MazeGame using C# Assignment Help
  • Implementation of MazeGame using Java Assignment Help

Work with Maze game is not so simple but we provide accurate assignment solutions as per demand of university guidelines. We make mazeGame solutions as per specifications and project's demand.

The Key Concepts Behind MAZE GAME Implementation in C, C#, JAVA, C++ and other programming languages....

Assignment Brief:- Develop a text based adventure game based on the Dungeons & Dragons role playing system. The game is to be single player only and developed in the Java programming language.

How to Implement MazeGame? The Concepts behind Maze Game and Its Implementation? How to work with Maze GAME Assignment? 

Maze Game Implementation C++, C#, Maze Game Theoretical Aspects and Assignments!

IN Study of Lectures and LAB:- You were provided with some start up code upon which to build your mazegame applicationIn this portion and added code to parse the player's commands and make them available to the rest of the game Parser and ParsedInput, also added code to implement the move command Enabled the player to move from one Location to another.

The code that we ended up with worked but we decided it was "clunky" and inflexible/ Every time we want to add a new command to extend the functionality of the game we need to add more code to the DungeonMaster code which is becoming big and unwieldy Furthermore, the DungeonMaster class is losing cohesion.The DungeonMaster object should be for the overall running of the game It shouldn't be getting bogged down in the nitty-gritty of individual commands.

In next LAB you added code that helped make the application more flexible (and thus more easily modified and extended)

  • Without using the term, you implemented the Command pattern
  • We will now have a general look at the Command pattern
  • Then we will look more closely at how we implemented it in the mazegame
  • If you haven't finished labs 7 and 8 as yet, you need to get them done as soon as possible

The Command Pattern

The Command pattern is a behavioural pattern which means it is mainly concerned with the functionality that the object's display (most design patterns are behavioural) It allows methods to be encapsulated in objects and invoked by a standard means as determined by the interface of the common class.

Context/Problem: -Sometimes it is necessary to issue requests to objects without knowing anything about the operation being requested or the receiver of that request

Solution:- Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterise clients with different requests, queue or log requests and support undoable operations.

After completion of this LAB, you get following outcomes

  • Find various ways to extend your maze game
  • Create small state machine diagrams in Enterprise architect
  • Explain the State Design pattern

Part 1 - Interactive coding

  • Insert Characters into Locations
  • Insert Items into Locations
  • Implement some miscellaneous helper classes In general - stuff to help with assignment 2

Part 2 - State Machine and State Pattern

In particular we will show how the State pattern can be applied to assignment 2

Our Mazegame progress

Game consists of a repeating process of

  • Accepting commands from the Player
  • Acting on those commands
  • Providing a response to the Player about the results of the command

Game starts with the

  • DungeonMaster
  • RunGame method

Implementing Move in the MazeGame - Explore the codebase

Download the "Lab 7" code (this code was discussed in the lecture and has implemented the startup use case).

Unzip the code and open up the solution in Eclipse by performing the following steps.

a.     Open Eclipse

b.    Open the file menu and click import . . .

c.     From the dialog box

                                          i.    Open the "general" tab

                                         ii.    Click "Existing Projects into Workspace"

                                        iii.    Click next

d.    Click "browse" and navigate that holds the lab 7 code

                                          i.    The folder ABOVE the bin and src folders

                                         ii.    Make sure the check box is clicked in the "projects" text box

                                        iii.    Click "finish"

e.     The project should now appear in the "projects explorer" pane on the left of Eclipse

Spend some time exploring the code, change the startup location in the HardCodedData class and run the project to test the results.

Create an Enterprise Architect project called Lab 7 and reverse engineer the code to create class diagrams.

Creating a command parser

Before we can get started on implementing commands and adding further functionality to the Maze Game we need a way of breaking up the user input. Commands have a format of command <argument(s)> i.e.: move west

So what we need to do is break up our user input from a single string into a number of words, and work out which are commands and which are arguments. We can assume that the first word encountered in user input is the command, and what follows are the argument(s). We could even make our command parser a little more user friendly by dropping off commonly used words that are neither commands nor useful arguments. ie: if the user typed "go to the north" we could drop to and the.

Let's start by creating a class to represent our input after it has been parsed into command + arguments. Create a new class in the Control package called ParsedInput and enter the following:

package mazegame.control;

import java.util.ArrayList;

publicclass ParsedInput {

       private String command;


       public ParsedInput() {




       public ParsedInput(String command, ArrayList arguments){




       public String getCommand() {



       publicvoid setCommand(String command) {

              this.command = command;


       publicArrayList getArguments() {



       publicvoid setArguments(ArrayList arguments) {

              this.arguments = arguments;




Now create a new class called Parser in the same package with the following code:

package mazegame.control;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Arrays;

publicclass Parser {

       private ArrayList<String>dropWords;

private ArrayList<String>validCommands;

public Parser(ArrayList<String> validCommands){       

dropWords = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("an","and","the","this", "to"));

this.validCommands = validCommands;


public ParsedInput parse(String rawInput)


        ParsedInput parsedInput = new ParsedInput();

        String lowercaseInput = rawInput.toLowerCase();

        ArrayList<String> stringTokens = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(lowercaseInput.split(" ")));

for (String token : stringTokens)


if (validCommands.contains(token))




elseif (!dropWords.contains(token))



return parsedInput;



So we now have a class which can parse our user input, provided it is given a list of commands when it gets constructed.

Incorporating Command handling in the DungeonMaster class

Now that we have a parser we need to put it to work. But before we do that we need to make a small change to our user interface to accommodate retrieving a command from the player.

Our IMazeClient interface currently has the following two methods declared:

package mazegame.boundary;


publicinterface IMazeClient {

       public String getReply (String question);

       publicvoid playerMessage (String message);


We could probably use GetReply for the purpose of retrieving commands from a player, but the method is really designed to ask players a question. So let's introduce a new method specifically to capture player commands.

package mazegame.boundary;


publicinterface IMazeClient {

       public String getReply (String question);

       publicvoid playerMessage (String message);

       public String getCommand();


We can now adjust our SimpleConsoleClient class accordingly:

package mazegame;


import java.util.Scanner;

import mazegame.boundary.IMazeClient;


publicclass SimpleConsoleClient implements IMazeClient {


       public String getReply (String question) {            

              System.out.println("\n" + question + " ");

              Scanner in = new Scanner (;

              return in.nextLine();



       publicvoid playerMessage (String message) {




       public String getCommand() {

              System.out.print ("\n\n>>>\t");

              returnnew Scanner(;




Now that our client is setup to retrieve commands from the user we can modify DungeonMaster as follows:

package mazegame.control;;

import java.util.ArrayList;



import mazegame.boundary.IMazeClient;

import mazegame.boundary.IMazeData;

import mazegame.entity.Player;


publicclass DungeonMaster {

       private IMazeClient gameClient;

       private IMazeData gameData;

       private Player thePlayer;


       private ArrayList<String>commands;

       private Parser theParser;


       public DungeonMaster(IMazeData gameData, IMazeClient gameClient) {

this.gameData = gameData;

this.gameClient = gameClient;

this.continueGame = true;

commands = new ArrayList<String>();



theParser = new Parser (commands);



publicvoid printWelcome() {




publicvoid setupPlayer() {

         String playerName = gameClient.getReply("What name do you choose to be known by?");

thePlayer = new Player(playerName);

gameClient.playerMessage("Welcome " + playerName + "\n\n");

gameClient.playerMessage("You find yourself looking at ");



// gameClient.getReply("<<Hit Enter to exit>>");



publicvoid runGame() {



while (continueGame) {

       continueGame = processPlayerTurn();




publicboolean processPlayerTurn() {

        ParsedInput userInput = theParser.parse(gameClient.getCommand());

       if (commands.contains(userInput.getCommand())) {

              if (userInput.getCommand().equals("quit"))


              if (userInput.getCommand().equals("move")) {

                     gameClient.playerMessage("You entered the move command");




       gameClient.playerMessage("We don't recognise that command - try again!");




Build your code and run it. You should be able to test it out as follows:

So our game can now interpret commands, but other than quit, it doesn't really do anything. Furthermore, our DungeonMaster class is starting to get very messy and may require refactoring. This will be dealt with next week when we discuss the Command design pattern.

Implementing the Move Player command

Our RAD describes a Move Party User Story:

  • "Move Party - players specify the direction in which they wish their party to move. If an available exit exists in the direction specified, the system updates the player's party location and returns a description of the new location"

At this stage we have decided to leave parties out so we rewrite the user story as:

  • "Move Player - players specify the direction in which they wish to move. If an available exit exists in the direction specified, the system updates the player's location and returns a description of the new location"


Let's implement this user story by first changing the Player class as follows:

package mazegame.entity;

publicclass Player extends Character {

private Location currentLocation;

       public Player() {


       public Player(String name) {

       super (name);


       public Location getCurrentLocation() {



       publicvoid setCurrentLocation(Location currentLocation) {

              this.currentLocation = currentLocation;



Now we amend the SetupPlayer method in DungeonMaster as follows:

     publicvoid setupPlayer() {

         String playerName = gameClient.getReply("What name do you choose to be known by?");

thePlayer = new Player(playerName);


gameClient.playerMessage("Welcome " + playerName + "\n\n");

gameClient.playerMessage("You find yourself looking at ");



// gameClient.getReply("<<Hit Enter to exit>>");



Next we need to change the Location class so we can retrieve an Exit.

package mazegame.entity;

import java.util.HashMap;

publicclass Location {


       private String description;

       private String label;


       public Location () { }


       public Location (String description, String label) {



              exits = newHashMap();


       publicboolean addExit (String exitLabel, Exit theExit) {

              if (exits.containsKey(exitLabel))


              exits.put(exitLabel, theExit);



       public Exit getExit(String exitLabel) {

              return (Exit) exits.get(exitLabel);


       public String getDescription() {



       publicvoid setDescription(String description) {

              this.description = description;


       public String getLabel() {



       publicvoid setLabel(String label) {

              this.label = label;



Now that we have our Location class setup to retrieve an Exit we can amend the DungeonMaster class to accommodate player movement. Amend the ProcessPlayerTurn and implement a new method called processMove in DungeonMaster as follows:

publicboolean processPlayerTurn() {

        ParsedInput userInput = theParser.parse(gameClient.getCommand());

       if (commands.contains(userInput.getCommand())) {

              if (userInput.getCommand().equals("quit"))


              if (userInput.getCommand().equals("move")) {





       gameClient.playerMessage("We don't recognise that command - try again!");



privatevoid processMove(ParsedInput userInput) {

        String exitLabel = (String) userInput.getArguments().get(0);

        Exit desiredExit = thePlayer.getCurrentLocation().getExit(exitLabel);

       if (desiredExit == null) {

              gameClient.playerMessage("There is no exit there . . . try moving somewhere else");




       gameClient.playerMessage("You find yourself looking at ");



Run the game and type "move west" to verify the result. At this point we have implemented player movement but it is very crude. You might like to think about how this might be improved from a usability perspective with some play testing (for example creating a ToString method in Location including both the name of the Location and the Description and then printing that to the user might be better than just the Location description alone). But this is left as a further optional exercise for you.

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